Elias Monges
{K:6238} 11/26/2008
gracias Malules...es una foto scaneada ,le elimine a gente que estaba en el mar...
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/26/2008
Wow! Fantástico Elias! Me encanta, no solo por la captura del momento, que es perfecta, sino por toda la composición y el color que produce regocijo. un abrazo, Malules
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 11/25/2007
you right John about the grainy and scanned image..I erase few persons next to this jumper and the final work was not like I wish., so anyway....traying to work with PS..I improving my skills to make better pics.....you are in my friend list ,too...will be in touch....my best.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 11/25/2007
Hello Elias! Thanks for Your kind comments! I like Your portfolio! You have a creative eye for photography! This is a super action photo with excellent timing! Capturing the peak action!It's a bit grainy but I see You shot with ektachrome. I suppose You scanned this image? Well done! I will add You as a 'Friend' Look forward to viewing more of Your photography! Take care My Friend! My Best.................John
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 9/10/2007
tank you MAry.....you always very kind.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 9/10/2007
Great action shot. MAry
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/17/2007
thank you....Carmen
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/17/2007
than you Nilanjan......your work is excellente..you have so many grat shots...my best
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 8/16/2007
:) great shot... excellent composition...
Carmen Fuchs
{K:6967} 8/16/2007
Great action shot. =)
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/14/2007
gracias Antonio...
António Inocêncio
{K:615} 8/14/2007
Excelente encuadramiento con ese movimiento, mi gusta mucho.
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/13/2007
thank you Ahmed ...will be in touch
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 8/12/2007
Nice action shot...perfectly timed!! And a beautiful sea and beach! Regards, Ahmed
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/8/2007
muchas gracias Pancho..estaremos en contacto.
Pancho Cornejos
{K:120} 8/8/2007
Buenisima captura. el encuadre y la composición están perfectas, el juego de los tercios está muy bien empleado.
me gustó mucho esta imagen.
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/5/2007
muchas gracias mi estimado Gustavo
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/5/2007
WOW!, cuanta vitalidad y dinamismo...!, excelente!
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/4/2007
thank you very much for your comments and to add me to your friends....my best.
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/4/2007
my comment mean...this picture was taken when I was shoting to the other side of the beach..and when I felt the sand for the jump..I turn around and take the shot....my best
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/4/2007
than you Reza
reza jalali
{K:619} 8/4/2007
oo...this pic is so good.
reza jalali
{K:619} 8/4/2007
hi.i can't understand your comment
Edlira Voges
{K:6410} 8/4/2007
wow it is a great moment that you have captured here, & i think the dynamic of the movement it is impressive, the technicalities can be over looked in situation like this, Congrats for the quick eye & "trigger" finger. regards E.Voges
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/1/2007
Alicia..gracias por verla y criticarla...Elias Monges
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 8/1/2007
Thank you Michalis....you right about the sharpnes..it is a problem to me when I scan a picture,then for the grade of film...about the tripod ..this shot was taken in a second..I was shoting to another side,when this kid jump in front of me..doing this.....my best...Elias Monges
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 8/1/2007
Very impressive shot. Good tight composition. It seems to me that it is not very sharp. At least the background could be better with the use of a tripod. Regards, Michalis
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 8/1/2007
Dinamismo y color... una genial captura!