Walter Tatulinski
{K:147} 10/3/2011
Barbara Socor
{K:13559} 9/26/2011
So very well conceived and executed....A beautiful image, Walter.
Steve Marshall
{K:645} 1/5/2009
Wow, what a stunner. Can't think of a single thing that would make it better! Well done.
Walter Tatulinski
{K:147} 1/5/2009
Aloha Doug! Hey man, thanks for the comment; I would never have known that this had been selected as POD if you did not comment on it. Happy New Year to you too! Regards.
神 風
{K:10665} 1/4/2009
Aloha Walter,
This image is 'PHOTO OF THE DAY' at UseFilm.com ... Congratulations and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
~Sunset Man~
P.S. I hope you are doing very well ...
Jim Greenfield
{K:5172} 9/17/2007
gorgeous shot by the way.
Jim Greenfield
{K:5172} 9/17/2007
Where was this?
{K:4486} 9/17/2007
There are so many wonderful things about this photograph. I would just say thank you for sharing this moment with everyone.
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 9/17/2007
Gran composición Walter, se merece el premio; bravo!.M.
Cesare Marchini
{K:-39} 8/27/2007
The violet shade are wonderful and the saturation is perfect. I love this shot!
{K:15913} 8/16/2007
Absolutely excellent work Walter! Congratulations! 7++
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/30/2007
helo a superior shot! EXCELENT roby
best congrats.. 7+
Oscar E. Flores H.
{K:7850} 7/30/2007
Colores hermosos. Buena composición. Merecido premio. felicitaciones
{K:70138} 7/30/2007
The stems holding the spread-out leaves, that are semi-transparent underwater, are also visible !!!.. This is truly a majestic photo !!!
Congrats, Walter !!
cheers ! Avi
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 7/30/2007
Incredibly beautiful, Walter! A Favorite...Congratulations!:)7+++++
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 7/29/2007
Excellent work - Congratulations Walter! Regards - Joggie
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/29/2007
Superb tone & color; nicely saturated and a wonderful as well as pleasing image. Congratulations on the POD. --Jan
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/29/2007
so very wonderful ambient mood, too
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 7/23/2007
Hi Walter,
Wondeful water lily, well done
Congrats on the award 7++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Walter Tatulinski
{K:147} 7/23/2007
Just a short note to say THANK YOU to the staff for selecting this as Photo of the Day! Best regards...WJTatulinski
Matt Pals
{K:1722} 7/20/2007
Fantastic color! I like how we can see the stems... its like they're leashes.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/20/2007
WOW!, es una foto muy hermosa, los colores son fantásticos y la composición excelente. Bravo!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/20/2007
Very lovely and quite tranquil/:)