txules .
{K:62768} 5/8/2007
Oh my God this is quirky yet amazing, love it...txules
Noemi Jurado
{K:8849} 4/20/2007
I don't know what to say, but feel I must something. Art or cruelty?
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 4/18/2007
Brilliant, simply brilliant. Regards, Gary
James Cook
{K:38068} 4/18/2007
Very nutritious. Here is my doll-head shot (shot as found):
I have to say though, orange is a bad wine choice for baby soup.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/18/2007
"Waiter, waiter! There's a baby in my soup!" "Shhh!... everyone else will want one!"
Matt Pals
{K:1722} 4/17/2007
Haha, ummm... I dont exactly how to interpret this but its a well composed picture. looks like a thick soup.