saad alqasem
{K:1202} 5/19/2007
Nour El Refai :) :)
thanks nour :)
Note deserve appreciation Thank you :)
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 4/26/2007
Dear Saad, You have a wonderful portfolio. Thanks for sharing those awesome images and some day I wish to visit your country. Best wishes. Yamil
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/24/2007
James Cook :) :) :)
Thank you, my dear, indeed mesmerizing and beautiful country deserves visit Thank you for your generosity here ;) ;)
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/24/2007
chris d :) :) :)
Thank you are really beautiful country and i vested again for the cameras because they deserve These forces see you there :) :) ;) ;) ;)
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 4/15/2007
Not much criticism with this one, it looks perfect. Simple yet beautiful, not much more you can ask from a picture. Colours are great, composition excellent, sky looks super. Well done Saad.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 4/7/2007
great composition, very nice color of the sea. real paradise.
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/7/2007
Michalis Stama
togiannisThank you dear Thank you Yes, there are overloading of Alon very simple :) :) :)
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/7/2007
Thank you, my dear, it really is nice that the country will make the camera, but if I go not go about your family because they Take your time of many of the cameras already there in the line of the horizon Milan simple and Ibdoli These forces that resulted from the same rough as the rest of the line of sight straight Thank you to respond here dear :) :)
j esford
{K:13518} 4/5/2007
Outstanding color, very well framed, composed, seen and photographed. Nice contrast of skies with mountain range and sea. Beautiful natural light capture. Superb clarity of focus on the vessel. Great job, award material I think. -john
Mohamed Hussien
{K:8371} 4/5/2007
Very well composed seascape! Lovely vision and dramatic sky.
Best regards
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 4/5/2007
magnificent the cloud formation are incridible wonderful colors maybe the horizon is tilted alittle bit, but its OK Well done
James Cook
{K:38068} 4/5/2007
That looks pretty peaceful. My friend is in Viet Nam surfing right now. I'm looking forward to seeing the photographs he brings back.
chris d
{K:3046} 4/5/2007
Beautiful scene. Well captured... Had a trip there last year, and it is as beautiful as you have captured it. Well done.I have a couple in my portfolio....
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 4/5/2007
Excellent shot. Very good composition. Very nice vibrant colours but a bit unreal. How did you get this result with respect to colours; did you use filter or editing in photoshop? Well done, Michalis
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/5/2007
John Pitman :) :)
Amnesty Dear Thank you for the generous comment here Thank you :) :)
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/5/2007
Roberto Baez Duarte ;) :) ;) thanks for comment :) :) :) :)
I hope that it has acquired the photo the composition good Thank you ;) ;)
Brent Mills
{K:758} 4/5/2007
Beautiful! How do I get there?? The only thing I would adjust at all is that the horizon seems to tilt very slightly to the right. Maybe liquify? Beautiful image though
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/5/2007
Amnesty dear, and I hope that the picture has won the admiration of a certificate of pride here Thank you, Thank you
John Pitman
{K:8473} 4/5/2007
Very nice. Great colours
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/5/2007
Anne Knes
:) :)
Thank you for your support here, and you react light Thank you :) :)
Roberto Baez Duarte
{K:5317} 4/5/2007
nice view- great color a composition
{K:826} 4/5/2007
So this is what Paradise looks like. So gorgous. God Bless
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 4/5/2007
Excellent !!!!!!!!!!!
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/5/2007
Kasia Koltunska
:) :)
Thank you very much for your reply here, and I need your support in order to develop Thank you from getting to this remark :) :)
Kasia Koltunska
{K:5825} 4/5/2007
Fantastic shot! Love the contrasts and colors - the crisp clouds, the deep blue of the mountains and the dark of the boat. The horizon, however, seems to be a bit crooked.