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Green grating
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Image Title:  Green grating
Favorites: 4 
 By: Giuseppe Guadagno  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Giuseppe Guadagno  Giuseppe Guadagno {Karma:34002}
Project #44 Shadows Camera Model D2X
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Natural abstract
The fancy of the flowers
Lens Nikon  MF 105mm f/2.8 Micro
Uploaded 11/7/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital RAW
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1565 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 46 Rating
/ 12 Ratings
Location City -  Rimini
State -  RIMINI
Country - Italy   Italy
About Leaves of palm interlaced.
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There are 46 Comments in 1 Pages
Francesco Crimella   {K:722} 10/6/2007
molto molto interessante. ottimo scatto! 7+


Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 10/5/2007
Giuseppe, your awarded image is on the home page today! Just wished to say thanks for your message to us! Of course, I immediately took a look!And...I liked what I saw, as always!
Friendliest regards from our house to yours,


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 1/16/2007
Sure, I will be very glad.



Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 1/16/2007
Fantastic crop !!!!!... you took a very simple image, and created an abstract work of art !!!!

Simply superb, Giuseppe !!

Can we be friends ??

best wishes,


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/17/2006
Fantastic shot, into my favs !!


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 11/23/2006
The differing greens are so vibrant, full of life, and look grand agaisnt the dark background. You use of the light and shadows is wonderful. Super. Congratulations on DID.


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 11/19/2006
Congratulations on the award!! This picture is FANTASTIC!!!!!!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/16/2006
This is what I mean when I say that it is not only capturing "some nice natural scene", but rather *composing* a photo that has something special, like for example the complex and still recognizable patterns of light and shadow here!

What a photo! 7+




Andrew  Parisi   {K:1945} 11/15/2006
This is a terrific capture. I tried something like this with palm leaves. I wasn't nearly as successful as you. Very nice.


Maurizio Ubaldini Maurizio Ubaldini   {K:1350} 11/14/2006
Bellissimo il gioco di luci ed ombre, un DOD veramenta meritato, complimenti...
Ciao Giuseppe



Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 11/13/2006
Good seeing this, Giuseppe! Congratulations on the award. Great pattern! It actually makes a composition because the pattern converge from two directions, towards the bottom and the bottom left. The intersection creates a subject focal point approximately in the bottom third and left.


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 11/13/2006

Well done my friend for this well deserved award. Wonderful natural patterning and great interplay between light and shadow. Composure and crop are both excellent.....Great work Giuseppe....Cheers....Ray:)


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 11/12/2006
Hi Guiseppe, are collecting awards as I see :)
Well deserved..I like this abstract green painting...clear and fresh.


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 11/12/2006
Brava Elisa! A good photographic eye can't miss colour matching!!
Grazie. Ciao Elisa.



Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 11/12/2006
Thanks James, I am specially glad that you like this picture. I had a very pleasant journey in your photographic world. It seems very far from mine but probably less then it appars because I am fashinated by your images. Poetry can be everywhere, not only in a dawn on the sea. I will come back for finishing my visit of your gallery.



Meldijana Omerbegovic   {K:4079} 11/12/2006
Hello Giuseppe,
Beautiful green and the shades...Congratulations!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 11/12/2006
congratulations dear Dear Giuseppe!!! well deserved award!!!!!


James Cook James Cook   {K:38068} 11/11/2006
Excellent use of color and shadow. Congratulations on the award.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 11/11/2006
ellalà.. che bello anche il DOD,.. davvero una notevole luce e composizione in questo abstract!
ciao e buon week end



Fern    {K:2509} 11/11/2006
a wonderful woven image.............very nice textural study
fern benson


Yoshiyuki Tanaka Yoshiyuki Tanaka   {K:13580} 11/11/2006
Wonderfully presented natural pattern! Great crop and use of light!Congratulations for the award!


Bill Voizin Bill Voizin   {K:78} 11/11/2006
Wonderful natural abstract Giuseppe! and congratulations on the well deserved award. Best regards--Bill Voizin


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 11/11/2006
Exceptional image Dear Giuseppe!!!

Hearty Congratulations on this well deserved award my friend!

Best Wishes,


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 11/11/2006
Perfect image! Congratulations! :)


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/11/2006
Ciao ... great to see you on the home page, Giuseppe! Awesome play of light and shadows and a very nice composition/pattern created here ... beautiful green "rays" crossing each other. Fits perfectly with the green DoD label; complimenti!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174169} 11/11/2006
Oh Giuseppe, congratulations, dear!:)


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 11/10/2006
Incredibile ed efficacissimo gioco di ombre e luci, award strameritato!!


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 11/10/2006
Brilliant graphic Giuseppe. Wonderful colour and carefully composed. I took a few of these myself but none like this! Great work my friend and congratulations!


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 11/10/2006
Andrzej, sometimes it happens that a comment is better than the picture! I really appreciate your analysis and I feel glad to read that you like the photo so much.
Thanks Andrzej.
Take care.



Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 11/10/2006
complimenti x l'award! :)


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 11/9/2006
well seen and great contrast...beautiful composition and nice game with light and shadow!!!
fine work!



Martina Riolo Martina Riolo   {K:7048} 11/8/2006
che occhio! grande gioco di linee, di luci ed ombre!! :-)


Chris Boivin Chris Boivin   {K:9030} 11/8/2006
Very well seen Giuseppe, Excellent pattern in the leaves and lighting.
All the best,


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 11/8/2006
Dall'anteprima non capivo proprio cosa potesse essere..un grande astratto naturale! Bellissimi i giochi di luci e ombre su queste foglie di poteva stare bene anche nei project 'Lines' e 'Patterns in nature'..
Ottimo lavoro!
Ciao, Ale


emiliano chionaky   {K:3135} 11/8/2006
ciao giuseppe
questa immagine buca lo schermo! bellissima la composizione con l'intreccio delle foglie e i relativi giochi di luci ed ombre. mi piace molto il risultato della trama, quasi fosse una scacchiera naturale!


Dania Loulah Dania Loulah   {K:1545} 11/8/2006
great eye, beautiful details..very unique vivid green pattern!


Pradnya D Pradnya D   {K:3875} 11/8/2006
beautiful colors with gr8 pattern
very nice!


Tara May   {K:98} 11/8/2006
Wow, I like yours too Giuseppe! Very nice.


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 11/8/2006
Llevan tu sello, tu identidad, tu creatividad, el encanto que le pones y toda tu sensibiledad!


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 11/8/2006
Giuseppe, one would say there is no eye stop point on this picture and everything leads out of the frame but this is great geometry play with impressing rhythm. It's great inspiring picture for me filled with great flow with and great textural content.
It's abstract almost but structural composition for sure, great art piece, Cheers, NJ


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174169} 11/8/2006
A wonderful natural abstract, dear Giuseppe!:)


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 11/8/2006
Great eye. Love the lines and the vivid shade of green. The shadows are very stong and bring on another great piece of the photo. Well balanced, and stimulating.


Zefram Zef Zefram Zef   {K:1443} 11/8/2006
wow, Giuseppe ... grand immagine ... un'orgia di composizione eccellente, tessiture e colori.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 11/7/2006
F a n t a s t i c pattern you capture here and with such nice colour



Stefan Fischli Stefan Fischli   {K:927} 11/7/2006
perfect! congrats. stefan


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 11/7/2006
che meraviglia una trama astratta di ombre luci e natura. eccellente




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