Peter Margetic
{K:2084} 10/17/2006
This is so so beautiful, well done.
Regards Peter.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/26/2006
spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marian
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 9/26/2006
Sorry Michael - following is my response to a quaetion by Petal Wijnen about the previous dune upload. "Hi Petal - thanks for the wonderful comment. Yes this is not so easy: It is an open mini-helicopter, you sit in the backseat (in tandem), the average speed is about 150km/hour and one have to shelter oneselve against the wind by hiding behind the back of the pilot. The wind is so strong that you have to hold onto the camera very well to prevent it from flying through the air (lost a few lensecaps in the process). I used the 50mm Nikkor for max lens opening but opted for ISO 200 on the D70 for best results/lowest noise. The light was very low and deteriorated from 1/1,500sec when we lifted to about 1/100sec when the sun set - all within about 20 minutes. One unforgettable experience"
Regards Joggie
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 9/26/2006
Woooooooow. Excellent shot. 7/7 congrats Romy
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 9/25/2006
It was "Mad Max"
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 9/25/2006
Great shot, reminds me of Nat Geo work. My only gripe is that you really shouldn't post great shots and put "Gyrocopter" in the description without a full story.
{K:6612} 9/25/2006
A painting! Very beautiful.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 9/25/2006
Beautiful mars landscape Joggie! Excellent capture! Roberto.
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 9/24/2006
This is an amazing photo its captured perfect well done and love the tones Tracey..
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 9/23/2006
Joggie another wonderfull composition my friend !! regards joão
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 9/23/2006
Beautiful job, Joggie, portraying this unique scenery! I always enjoy the perspective created by gradation - and now in red tones! Eb
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 9/23/2006
This is wonderful- the colours and the perspective stunning.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/23/2006
nice colored dunes Joggie, great capture.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 9/23/2006
Hi Joggie, very nicely done, love the way the layering of the angles leads the viewer through the image, good depth with very nice light and mood. Beautiful capture of the dunes, nice warm colors...well done...Linda
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 9/23/2006
Thanks Dave - Sossusvlei is characterised by the highly oxidised, deep red dunes formed with fine grained sand. This area had its best rainy season in 60 years, 4 months prior to my visit there. The dunes were covered with grass (some only partly, the smaller ones fully)hich was all but dried out when we arrived. This is a very scarce occurence and we were lucky to experience the sight of red and yellow contrast between the dunes and the dead grass. What you see here is different shades of grass, some with light yellow/white plumes, others dark yellow with a green tinge etc. The grass in the shadow also has a different hue against those in the sun while the angle of the sun to the dune has an added influence in the tones. A real spectacle I can assure you which is difficult to bring to life on a two dimensional CCD of 23 x 15 mm! Regards. Joggie
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 9/23/2006
What an amazing sight to stand before ..lovely layers and colour in the mountains..7/7..nessa
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 9/23/2006
Fabulous colours, Joggie. Awesome countryside. Cheers, Ann.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 9/23/2006
More brilliant colors, Joggie...beautiful!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 9/22/2006
Wow, Joggie, that has fabulous color. Are there actually different colors of sand/soil like that there? When you say "gyrocopter", I picture you flying around like that old coot on Waterworld (or maybe it was one of the Mad Max movies, I can't remember, LOL)
Best wishes, Dave
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 9/22/2006
oh what amazing colors it's a dream with open eyes! great use of this strong light another stunning work!
Özgür Ersin
{K:321} 9/22/2006
Great dunes, very good photograph!
Aliihsan Pinçe
{K:5485} 9/22/2006
great landscape , excellent colors, best regards Aliihsan
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/22/2006
Wonderful colors on this one. I like the way the hills fade into the distance.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 9/22/2006
Wow Joggie, fabulous shot!! Ravishing reds, excellent composition... well captured!! Heel mooi, zowel het landschap als de foto... ;-D