Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 4/29/2007
Amazing, David...another Favorite for me...
Tara May
{K:98} 10/31/2006
Now I know the story it's even better. Such emotion you captured in a lifeless object.
david henderson
{K:16659} 10/31/2006
...told Roger she was from kenya, guess it's not that important. cheers, david.
david henderson
{K:16659} 10/31/2006
Hi Tara, 'famished' is about a lady in africa, ethiopia, she is without her family, she probably has aids and she is certainly very hungry.......thank you for your comment, it is appreciated, the pic was taken in harris park!! cheers, david.
Tara May
{K:98} 10/31/2006
David, I have been quietly admiring your work for some time. However I had to comment on this poor fellow. He looks ever so thirsty. What a wonderful eye you have.
david henderson
{K:16659} 8/20/2006
...that would be very kind Roger, thank you (email address as under)....'famished' is about a lady in Kenya, she is a mother, she has Aids and she is hungry...on the television yesterday was a great big guy cooking up a huge meal, lots of ingredients, an abundance of everything....just struck me that something is wrong here.....thanks for your comment. cheers, david. david-henderson@bigpond.com
david henderson
{K:16659} 8/20/2006
Fabrice, thank you so much for your comment on 'famished'.....this piece of fraid rope is suspended by two other strands, I agree with you, I would have preferred a different composition but to crop this other than the way I have it is to lose the ladies head....so, I was stck with it....I may go back to the scene, use ps to remove the other strands and do as you suggest....thanks again, cheers, david.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 8/20/2006
not sure what you are on about here david but a nice gnarly old bit of stuff... did you want me to email an entry form to the 2006 Muswellbrook Photographic Award??
{K:61359} 8/19/2006
It's really difficult to succeed in expressing what I fell when I look at your photo. First, I was attract due to the shape that one can guess in the thumbnails, sort of person.. in the large scale, one can find it too. I like the details, the tones and contrast that you ahve nicely managed, the good choice of DOF... but something is missing for me. Perhaps the way you cropped it on the upper part, it's too close of the rope knot. Anyway, this is a nice work. Congrats