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Mechanized Floral Collector I.
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Image Title:  Mechanized Floral Collector I.
Favorites: 0 
 By: Robert Kocs  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Robert Kocs  Robert Kocs {Karma:89085}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model FujiFinepix S5500
Categories Street
Film Format
Portfolio Portrait, Street, Cityscape
Lens Fujinon Lens
Uploaded 8/5/2006 Film / Memory Type Olympus 256MB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 480 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 29 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Budapest
State - 
Country - Hungary   Hungary
About This is a new one from my new series.
I sat a park and this machine appear from
a trees. I thought took some shot from it.
I think so this is a not everyday situations
in a park. So funny, so humorous event...

I hope you like & enjoy it, my friends!
Let me see, what do you think about it!?

All comments are welcome & much appreciated!

Have a nice week end!

Color ISO 64
Shutter 1/420
Aperture 3.10
Hand held

Postprocess: add frame.
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There are 29 Comments in 1 Pages
Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/8/2006're right dear Nessa! Thank you for your great comment! :)

Have a nice day dear


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 8/8/2006
Great capture ..there must be an easier way to dig a garden ..lovely colours ..detail and sharpness.nessa


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/7/2006
Thank you so much for your kindly comment. Much appreciated.

Have a nice day dear Galal


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 8/7/2006
Great shot Robert , full of motion & Beauty .



Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Thank you for your great comment my friend! Really much appreciated.

Have a nice evening dear Ray!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 8/6/2006
As far as I can remember my dear friend my wife has, so far, not got one of these large gardening tools in the shed, I am sure I would have noticed:):) Well done my dear friend, a good capture of this interesting spectacle in a park. Beautiful colours and excellent details. My very best wishes to you dear Robert.....Ray


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Dear Tracey, thank you for your great comment, I am so glad you like it. Much appreciated.

Have a nice day dear my friend


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
...dehogyis csak vicceltem, de azért köszi a lelkesedést és a látogatást. :)

Szép napot Kati!


Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 8/6/2006
Hello Robert and what a beautiful park I to would love to be sitting there ope this guy didn't ruin those beautiful flowers.
I also think this would have been funny coming out of the trees, take care Tracey..


Katalin Boskovné Horváth   {K:258} 8/6/2006
De ugye ez nem komoly????? :))) Ilyen park is van?
Sok puszi!


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 8/6/2006
Thank you for those kind words Robert.


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Oh my friend, I sadly read to your words that you will not be renewing your subscription. I've enjoyed your works and admired your world. Thank you so much for your great comments and supports. You are a great photographer, take it up! Take care!

Have a nice day dear Danny


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I do appreciate it.

Best wishes dear Riny


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 8/6/2006
Good humerous photograph Robrt.
RobertMy subscription is Due tomorrow and I will not be renewing. Time to move on as I just do not have the time to comment. I have enjoyed your photographs and suport over the years and I hope you wil continue to show thw world your beautiful city by way of your excellent photographs.
Take Care
regards Danny.


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 8/6/2006
So many compliments.,all the best dear Robert..riny


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Grazie cosě tanto per il vostro commento bello. Molto ha apprezzato.

Ciao caro Simone


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 8/6/2006
Bella foto dal soggetto inusuale. Complimenti.


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Yes, but to be continue and you'll can see the more
captures. Thanks a lot for your visit and kindly words my friend!

Best wishes dear Ameed


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Dear my friend, thank you for your kindly words and support. Really much appreciate it.

Best wishes dear Rashed


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
I was a strange situation, unbeliveable case. Thank you for your great comment and support my friend!

All my best wishes dear Phil


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Gracias por tu comentario encantador estimado mi amigo! Aprecio para tu ayuda y amabilidad.

Recuerdos estimado Alicia


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Szevassz Bálint, örülök, hogy tetszik eme képem. A sztori a következő volt: A Medivel ültümk a Margit-szigeten az egyik padon amikoris megjelent ez a "batár". Mivel fotózni mentümk kéznél volt a kamera és készült egy sorozat belőle.
Köszi szépen a látogatást és a támogatást. Igazán elmehetnénk már egyet fotózni!!!

Szia és szép napot barátom!


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/6/2006
Thank you for your kindly comment my friend. I do appreciate it.

Ciao dear Paolo


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 8/6/2006
Hi Robert, this looks kind of scary as if he is damaging the flowers, nice capture from a good angle, very well done,


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 8/6/2006
My friend you always come something different and something very interesting to view and to enjoy.

This is a wonderful image with this large machine intertaining it self in this lovely landscape , great composition here and very great sharpness and colors.

Wishing you all of the best my friend


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 8/6/2006
A great shot, Robert! Is this how they do the gardening over there? LOL Well captured!




Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 8/6/2006
Wow!!! qué contraste!!! Esa máquina y el verde natural... ese intenso verde... fabuloso...precioso detalle de esa guarda colorida, ese cantero lleno de flores... fabuloso!!!


Jánosi Bálint Jánosi Bálint   {K:2818} 8/5/2006
Áááááá! Nem mondták a bácsinak, hogy nem ezzel kell gyomlálni? ;)

Hihetetlen, hoyg mennyire természet ellenes ez a markoló. Ezen a képen remekül látszik. Pedig nekünk mennyire természetes. :)

Már egy kicsit fáradt vagyok, ezért nem biztos, hogy volt értelme annaki, amit az előbb írtam. :)

Szép estét.


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 8/5/2006
so unusual capture it seems to destroy poor flowers,,but probably not ;)
bravo Robert you are always ready to shot!
have a nice WE




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