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Brown Sugar
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Image Title:  Brown Sugar
Favorites: 6 
 By: Joćo F * Photography  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Joćo F * Photography  Joćo F * Photography {Karma:41945}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model RB67
Categories Abstracts
Film Format Film 6x7cm
Portfolio Lens Sekor C 90mm f/3.8
Uploaded 8/1/2006 Film / Memory Type kodak
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1178 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/6.8
Critiques 142 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  S.vicente
Country - Portugal   Portugal
About So sorry my friends but i don“t have any time to replay and input comments in your great photos.
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Joćo F *


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There are 142 Comments in 1 Pages
Amir Fakoor   {K:317} 9/22/2010
Good Work Dear!



Michalis P.S. Michalis P.S.   {K:10136} 9/22/2010
Excellent shot. Very nice3 patterns, light and tones.
Well done!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 11/19/2009
Õbrigado J.Chaves.Abraēo!


joćo  chaves   {K:4140} 11/16/2009
lindo trabalho sepia.. Um Abraēo


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/28/2009
Thank you again mine it's very good to know about you.


derin deniz derin deniz   {K:3544} 9/24/2009
original work.congrats...mine


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Sorry i have input two comments at the same time dear Jose !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Tank you my dear friend Jose !!~


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Tank you my dear friend Jose !!~


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/10/2006
fantastico portafolio.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
It“s a great pleasure dear Pradnya;) !!


Pradnya D Pradnya D   {K:3875} 10/10/2006
Thank you :)


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Dear Pradnya you have an beautifull portofolio and your images make feel like i comment...LOL, it“s a pleasure your kindness to me...,;)
A hug


Pradnya D Pradnya D   {K:3875} 10/10/2006
Ohh..Thank you, dear Jo..
U don't know how it feels like after receiving so many wonderful comments at the same time specially from the photographer like u..:))
he he....It feels good .. he he he :) thanks for all ur comments..I really appreciate u visiting my profile and commenting !
With best wishes


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Pradnya tank you...;) you so kindness my dear !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Michele Carlsen you are so kidness my dear friend, tank you for your nice words here it“s realy good to ear from you... great to continous to photgraph my self!!
A kiss for you


Pradnya D Pradnya D   {K:3875} 10/10/2006
Its a amazing shot.. so different.. loved the brown (Sepia) tones..
Beautiful execution of a brilliant idea!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 10/10/2006
This one is soo eye catching so beautiful , the tones, textures, color and crop.... Very beautiful !!!! 124 comments yes this would be very hard to respond to all comments !!! You're a popular man jo as your images are so well done, and so unique!!! Great blend of BG into the leaves !

An Admirer, Michele~


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Bin tan k you my dear friend i am happy for you like it ;);) !!


Bin Jarsh Bin Jarsh   {K:674} 10/10/2006
excellent shot and tone my friend

like the lighting effects of it too


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Justin tank you ;) !!


justin ames   {K:1860} 10/10/2006
excellent. j.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/10/2006
Tank you Tai.!!


Tai Dao   {K:416} 10/10/2006
really nice pic.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/7/2006
Hooshang N. tank you for your kind of words on this work i realy apreciate your great support on me !!
All of the best my friend;)


Hooshang Nahrvar   {K:1939} 10/7/2006
Hi Mr joao
the image is wonderful,and has a good cadre.hooshang


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/6/2006
Vanessa tank you my dear !!
have a nice week end


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/6/2006
Carlos Hauck obrigado um abraēo


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 10/6/2006
Wonderful image joao..the rich brown colours and lighting just beautiful .nessa


Carlos Hauck   {K:1035} 10/6/2006
Gosto da composiēćo e da luz.
Belo trabalho.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/23/2006
;) tank you Tony Q i realy apreciate your comment here !!
have a nice day


Tony Quinlan Tony Quinlan   {K:2094} 9/23/2006
This is a superb photo.
Well done.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/19/2006
Erland tank you for your great suppoort on me !!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 9/19/2006
Ane another good picture from you


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/17/2006
Bea tank you , i am very happy for you like it my friend !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/17/2006
Grįcias amigo Kike !!


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 9/16/2006
stunning !!


kike Calvo kike Calvo   {K:11291} 9/16/2006
Esta me encanta. Es buenķsima!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/15/2006
Tank you my dear Leora i am glading for you like it !!
all of the best


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 9/15/2006
Beautifully lit with dramatic impact.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/10/2006
Randy i am very happy for you like this composition because for me is a special one!!


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 9/10/2006
This just strikes me as a very pleasing to look at image, with the rich tones and lines creating movement, and the dark shadows throughout. Well done



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/8/2006
Dino my dear friend i am very happy for you like htis photo tank you for your support on me !!


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 9/7/2006
A very superb floral abstract, in all axcellent...fav!!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/6/2006
Tank you i am happy for you like it dear mimoza!!


mimoza veliu mimoza veliu   {K:481} 9/6/2006
wow wow my favorite.wonderful


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/6/2006
Vadim tank you for your kindness my friend !!


Vadim Melamedov   {K:1466} 9/6/2006
Love your minimalism and adstracts J... Very interesting eye on you. Thank you;)


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/5/2006
Kevin tank you for the comment my friend !!


Kevin H Kevin H   {K:22502} 9/5/2006
Excellent use of low lighting to really give this flower a silouhette feel to it wihtout losing details. Keep up the good work.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/4/2006
Tank you Yashar for your great supoport my friend !!


Yashar M. G.   {K:601} 9/4/2006
Outstanding perception and terrific composing!
Marvelous! my favorite


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/4/2006
Tank you Benedetto !!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 9/4/2006
Great photo!!!
Many compliments


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/4/2006
Tank you Larissa !!


Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 9/4/2006
Great pattern, nice tone, excellent abstract!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/2/2006
Dave Arnold tank you a lot for your kind of words in this photograph i am glading for you lioke it my dear friend .Have a nice week end!!


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 9/2/2006
Excellent composition, color and light, Jo. I hope you have framed this one for your wall. Great floral and abstract. I don't see anything you could do to make this better. Nothing at all.

Best wishes,


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/2/2006
Tank you for your kind of words here dear friend Robert i am happy for you like it !!
All the best my dear friend


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 9/2/2006
Fastinating brown tones, the lines and view are effective.
Lovely unique work my friend! Nicely done! :) 7+++

Best wishes dear Jo!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/2/2006
Grįcias Tony !!


Tony Smallman   {K:23858} 9/2/2006
Lovely light and tone.Very good!
Cheers, Tony


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/1/2006
Ralf my friend tank you for your kind of words here !!
Have a nice week end


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/1/2006
Tank you so much dear friend Dubravko !!
have a nice week end


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/1/2006
Obrigado Luis !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/1/2006
Theresa more one time tank you for your great support and for your kindness i realy apreciate my dear !!
have a nice week end


Ralf Denguth Ralf Denguth   {K:3353} 8/31/2006
Great tones, superb composition and tones! Very well done my dear friend Joao! Cheers, Ralf


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 8/28/2006
amazing stil life, my friend!


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 8/26/2006
Excelente imagem. Uns tons magnificos.


Theresa Rankin Theresa Rankin   {K:938} 8/25/2006
A stunning piece..clean and crisp and as always that signature abstract quality! Excellent, Joao..
Kind regards,


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/18/2006
alicia muchas grįcias por tus palabras sinpįcticas!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/18/2006
joggie tank you for your kind of words!!
a hug


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 8/17/2006
qué bonitos colores, texturas, formas y muy bien iluminada!!!


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 8/17/2006
Excellent graphic - great creativity. I like it very much Joao!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Ivonne tank you my dear for your kindness here i realy apreciate
take care


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Jose muito obrigado caro amigo
um abraēo


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Obrigado amiga Ana fico muito feliz por gostares !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Maxime tank you for you great kind of words here i am glading for you like it sorry my dealy !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you dear Roberto i realy apreciate your kind of words !!


Ivonne * Ivonne *   {K:8711} 8/15/2006
Excellent composition and light... Bravo ! Regards, Ivonne


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Claudia Perilli tank you for the comment !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Christian tank you my dear friend !!
sorry my dealy


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you so much for your great comment here my dear friend Avi !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Yes Clevelant tank you for you preocupation.., i am very buisy at momment sorry about the delay and tank you a lot for your kind of words here on my photo i realy apreciate my friend !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Maurizio tank you my dear friend foir your kindness !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you dear friend Painsama i am glad for you like it and so sorry for my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Branimir tank you a lot for the comment sorry my dealy !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Obrigado Filipe um abraēo


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Rui muito obrigado tenho andado num pé só....;) !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Hi Elisa
i am so glad for you like it it“s an honor for me!!
great you understand me;)
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you dear Moe sorry the dealy !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Violetta tank you a lot for your kindness here i really apreciate my dear sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you Nessa i realy apreciate your kindness here and again sorry my delay !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Giuliano tank you a lot for your kind of words here i realy apreciate my friend.This is a very litle sepia work on PS sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Carlos C tank you my dear friende !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Enrico tank you a lot for your kind of words here i realy apreciate it sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you jeanette sorry the delay my dear !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Osvaldo tank you a lot dear friend i realy apreciate your kind of words here, sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Hind tank you a lot sorry about my delay !!
all the best;) !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Mary Slade tank you my dear friend i am gladin for you like it sorry my delay !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you my dear friend Paolo i am glading you like it sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Grįcia tanto cara amici Simone me escusa lo silencio !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Muchas grįcias Ruthdrioja por tus palabras agradables...;) !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Tank you dear Petal for your kind of words on my work again sorry my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Fatemeh tank you for your kindness my dear and sorry my delay !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Kes my dear friend tank you for your comment and sorry about my delay !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Deniz tank you a lot for your comment here sorry about my delay !!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Wow i realy apreciate my dear friend Doyle and so sorry my delay !!
a hug


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/15/2006
Doyle tank you my dear friend i am glad for oyu like it !!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/15/2006
great details. fantastica. 7


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 8/14/2006
gosto deta . muito boa:))


m , m ,   {K:15872} 8/13/2006
It is an astonishing nature-abstract. Furthermore i have to confess without you ideal perspective and the harmony stuck between lighting and silhouette; the picture could not be so implausible.
Best regards: Maxime


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/11/2006
stunning burn...



Claudia Perilli Claudia Perilli   {K:31090} 8/10/2006
A very beautiful shot! Great composition and colors.



Christian Leporati   {K:894} 8/9/2006
Joćo, this is stunning.
I love the tones that recals in some way fire.

Wonderful image.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 8/7/2006
Ahahaha !!... Brilliant macro !!.. wonderful grainy effect and brownish color shades.. great work, dear Jo !!

all the very best,


Cleveland Smith Cleveland Smith   {K:7006} 8/7/2006
Joao, I was wondering what had happened to you. Love this image and the coloring that you have captured, one little nit, I would have liked to see the leaf in the upper right just a tad darker, as to my eye is seems to be a little blown. My opinions, my friend.


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 8/7/2006
Very good patterns and tones. No problem if you do not have time, we will wait for you...


painsama     {K:4902} 8/7/2006
Very nice color conversion. It has the mood that it should have. Very nice composition too.


Branimir Fagarazzi Branimir Fagarazzi   {K:38367} 8/6/2006
Excellent work


filipe franco filipe franco   {K:731} 8/5/2006
Joćo, nćo percebo mesmo nada en termos técnicos, no entanto em relaēćo ao enquadramento, cor/contrįste e ao que nćo se conssegue explicar... os meus parabéns


Rui Marques   {K:767} 8/4/2006
Caro Joćo, grande foto! Adoro a tonalidade, mesmo mto boa. Tem andado de férias? Nunca mais "postou" nada... Abraēo! :)


NN  NN     {K:26787} 8/4/2006
Hi Joćo! Love the composition; so simple, effective and elegant!

I understand you perfectly, take care :)


Moe Rabie Moe Rabie   {K:4390} 8/4/2006
wow, great tones. very interesting colours.., well done.


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 8/3/2006
Excellent idea and interesting effect. Warm regards.Viola.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 8/3/2006
Beautiful joao the rich brown colour and tones .lovely capture..nessa


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 8/3/2006
What a great light and toning!
Is it the original version or with some work in PS?




Carlos Carpinteiro Carlos Carpinteiro   {K:1563} 8/2/2006
Bem vindo, tį excepcional.......abraēos.Carpinteiro


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 8/2/2006
Great image and good ligth.

I like it.


enrico (ventrix)


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 8/2/2006
wow - so cool!



osvaldo rima   {K:6862} 8/2/2006
Yes, good work, Joao...
See you


Hind S. Al-Hashimy Hind S. Al-Hashimy   {K:2851} 8/2/2006
Interesting photo.. all the best )


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 8/2/2006
Love it- strength and gentleness to me Joao. Warm and beautiful.


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 8/2/2006
so creative pattern from nature miss your image and composition :)


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 8/2/2006
Bella. Splendidi colori. Complimenti


r u t h   d  r io r u t h  d r io   {K:4339} 8/2/2006
Excelente, Joao. una imagen muy bonita y sugerente. No te preocupes por tu falta de tiempo para comentar, estamos todos un poco liados. un abrazo


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 8/2/2006
Fantastic natural abstract!!! Wonderful tones, love the square crop and the way the image 'fades away', excellent composition and fabulous toning... well done!!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 8/2/2006
great tone! i like the way it's got dissolved in the background!
happy to see you and your stunning works again!
good luck!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 8/2/2006
Hi Joćo,

Excellent shot! I like the lines and contrasts.


deniz cesmeci   {K:5726} 8/2/2006
nice effect
best regards my friend


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 8/1/2006
PS . . . I have to nominate this one for an award!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 8/1/2006
Wow JT. Stunning! No critique . . . nothing else to add! I Love it!

Doyle I <~~~~~




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