RC. Dany
{K:64104} 7/15/2006
A Tarwacki
{K:488} 7/14/2006
następnym razem posiedzę dłużej przy balansie kontrastu i jasności, tak aby wszyscy byli zadowoleni, ale póki co ważne że modelka jest zadowolona :P :)
Magdalena T.
{K:66} 7/14/2006
zgadzam sie...troche za duzo szarosci..ale poza tym bardzo fajna fotka
A Tarwacki
{K:488} 7/14/2006
Jacob, thank You for comment. Original photo was made as colour, so I changed little a contrast and brightness. I can agree with You, that now maybe it's to gray :)
Jacob French
{K:6315} 7/13/2006
There's a lot I love about this photo. The way the freckles stand out and the curls in the hair.
That said, I think the image could use a little bump in contrast...it's too gray for my personal taste.
Great pose and I like your use of negative space on the right of the photo.
Well done, J
 Adjusted Tones |
Mani Mobini
{K:1073} 7/13/2006
beautiful innocent potrait