nddk nddk
{K:23} 6/26/2006
Jeanette thanks.so ı like yours too.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 6/26/2006
Nice mood
nddk nddk
{K:23} 6/26/2006
tesekkürler, ı try. ı met your photos just now. nice to meet you pan.
pan g.
{K:16899} 6/26/2006
So beautifully composed... excellent work.
nddk nddk
{K:23} 6/26/2006
thanks for your comment peter.you read good this photo
Peter Nettleton
{K:245} 6/26/2006
This shot is quite good... the angle is almost perfect
A shame about the overexposure near the top it tends to distract from the rest of the photo
In general quite excellent
nddk nddk
{K:23} 6/26/2006
yorumun için teşekkürler.
ardarda ardarda
{K:424} 6/26/2006
Selam Alper güzel Fotograf, siyah beyaz yakışmış fotografa, siüetler daha belirgin olabilirdi, iyi çalışmalar...
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 6/26/2006
very impresive image and with very great perspective and tone, all of the best my friend