jude .
{K:14625} 6/5/2006
Marian, this is a beautiful geometric abstract...gorgeous hues, lovely composition. Very nicely done.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/26/2006
magnificent. very creative.
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 5/26/2006
Love it! It reminds me a little bit of Roby's flags. Nikko
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 5/25/2006
Très beau cadrage pour cette composition très graphique aux couleurs primaires; très bien balancé. drilan
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 5/25/2006
A great image- so striking and warm. The line corner to corner and the frame colour matching the corner shape- all of a piece.
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 5/24/2006
Nice lines and shadows Great photograph Nigel
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/24/2006
Nice geometry and compo as well as colours!!! Jeanette
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/24/2006
an abstract a perfect diagonal in a square frame!!! nicely roby
a big hug
{K:7888} 5/24/2006
Very nice fötografía.
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 5/24/2006
Excellent minimal composition. Great abstract and colors in this one. Many regards Marian.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 5/23/2006
Fantastic abstract!!! Super crop, love the light/shadow divide in the diagonal, great colors, excellent composition... very well spotted and captured!!
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 5/23/2006
Wow Marian!! This is extraordinarily well done! I love it!
Regards, Doyle I <~-~-~-~
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 5/23/2006
There is a wonderful play of lines and subtle tones here - this is a great one!
{K:10535} 5/23/2006
interesting abstract, here, Marian
regards ç isma
nhat nguyen
{K:460} 5/23/2006
Super composition ! I have to learn it
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 5/22/2006
the diagonal is totally cute, the horizontal is beautiful, the colors are sweet, the image is great :-)
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 5/22/2006
...absolutely nice simplicity!!! Great photograph, well presented abstract composition my friend! BRAVOOO! Great work, nice one!
Best wishes dear Marian! robert
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 5/22/2006
Very strong geometric image, Marian. It's superb! Congratulations!
Cesare Baggiani
{K:1509} 5/22/2006
Great. I think that this photo is superb. Regards Cesare
Alejandro Gómez
{K:4270} 5/22/2006
Great composition. I like it very much.
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 5/22/2006
Wow, Marian...great shot here! My best regards..ciao!
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 5/22/2006
SUPERB abstract Marian!! Congrats!! Leo