film is by-far the cheapest material in a shoot, should i have been frame-stingy, i would have miss this candid capture. the traditionist would probarbly say this isnt a good composition. i rather say that the framing created spontaniety because of the lack of eye-contact makes the flower-girl appear unaware of the camera's presence.
hey thanks! i agree the recropped picture improves the impact of the picture. i am still trying to get used to PS. I more of a "MS-picture it" user, the complicated PS interface puts me off sometimes. I'm trying to get the hang of it!
I agree with not being afraid of shooting too many pictures! I just have to remember not to run out at key moments! This is a lovely shot. If you had crop it a little tighter to eliminate some of the leg on the right and the arm on the left I think the traditionalist would not have much to criticize with your composition. Excellent choice to use black and white. It eliminates distracting background colors and helps to focus on the moment.
I hope you don't mind - I cropped the image and blurred some of the background for a comparison. Let me know what you think.
Nice work, Steve! Well-seen, well-composed, and perfectly categorized. A Decisive Moment indeed! One could wish there were no disembodied leg in the upper-right corner but, as so often happens, reality intrudes. I'd be tempted to burn it in PS, at least a little.