Don Loseke
{K:32503} 2/28/2003
Karen, you are a master of the flowers. They are lovely. I would not change this at all. Well done.
Jenny Brown
{K:2859} 2/17/2003
More contrast could help this a bit; a darker green behind it, somewhat more 'glowing' lighting. It may take some experimentation to make that work tho.
Kerri Turgeon
{K:208} 2/17/2003
I like the photo exactly as it is. I immediately thought of Weston. The little curl in the foreground works very nicely with the curve of the stems. It would also be nice in black and white. Beautiful!
Alisa Mudge
{K:12511} 2/13/2004
I think the color combination works well. I'm thinking that if you bought some fishing line and hung the flowers that it would give them some character instead of them laying flat. What draws me to this is the stems and twist to the shape. I had fun playing with this photo, but went a little crop crazy. Hope you don't mind. AM

{K:16195} 2/13/2003
Eleganly done.Very nice colours and light.
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 2/12/2003
Technically good composition, and technically good lighting. But overall it looks dead, flat.