Sujan Shrestha
{K:107} 3/14/2008
Hi! Anando, Good to hear from you after so long. How's life going. I've been a fool to joke with Joydev and was fired. Ha ha, anyway had fun.
anandaroop ghosh
{K:1787} 3/12/2008
Hi Sujan, very very nice. How have you been? It's been a long time.
Kanishka Dasgupta
{K:2026} 11/21/2007
Good work!
Sujan Shrestha
{K:107} 1/5/2006
Thanks Rashed!
Sujan Shrestha
{K:107} 1/4/2006
Thanks a lot for the comment.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/4/2006
very beautiful with the different layers and the fog effect ,great composition,very best regards.
Tore Kleiv
{K:93} 1/4/2006
I`m a dreamer thanx fore the journey.
nice shot.
B.w Tore
Marco Donatiello
{K:12147} 1/4/2006
Un bellissimo panoramam invernale, con tonalità frede che ben si addicono a questa stupenda stagione!