Photograph By Radovan Magdalenic
Radovan M.
Photograph By Ann  Van Breemen
Ann  .
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Jan S.
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Ayan M.
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Barbara S.
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a. S.
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Critiques From Jessi Tilly


Critique By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)  
11/11/2005 2:59:33 PM

VERY GOOD. I applaud you. You're the FIRST to ever figure that out.
"Is that sand?" "That has to just be white sand!"

^^ I'm very proud of you

P.S. Thank you so much for all of your compliments!!!
        Photo By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)

Critique By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)  
11/8/2005 9:39:08 PM

heh... Thats all natural blush. I supose it would look more cold if I took that way from her cheeks ( probably in her eyes too) but It would dull down the entire thing and I didn't want to do that.
Thank you very much for the input though and noticing the effort taken to show detail
        Photo By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)

Critique By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)  
11/8/2005 9:34:35 PM

Wow. Thank you so much for those works.
lol, and no, I didn't have to pay her.
I have an autumn version of another girl that I will post soon.
Hopefully someday I'll be able to complete the other two seasons.
        Photo By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)

Critique By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)  
11/2/2005 5:24:21 PM

Thank you very much for the compliments, Ann! And yes, It was show in Indiana, in my backyard even.
        Photo By: Jessi Tilly  (K:16)


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