Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/28/2006 10:24:08 PM
No croping please ! It spoils the whole "frame-idea" I like about this photo. Now it's flat and boring. - sorry Tom ;), that's my opinion
Photo By: Violetta Tarnowska
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/27/2006 9:41:05 PM
Nie najlepszy kat? A gdzie tam ! Moim zdaniem bardzo przywoity. Scena utworzyla cos na ksztalt ramki, tancerki elegancko wypelnily kadr takze tworzac fajna linie. Nie ma sie do czego przyczepic :) Gratuluje uzdolnionych cor :)
Photo By: Violetta Tarnowska
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/27/2006 9:23:09 PM
It's digitally manipulated right ? I like it :) Resembles a painting. Nice colors, all truly "Subtle" :)
Good job ! Pozdrawiam
Photo By: Violetta Tarnowska
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/27/2006 8:59:43 PM
It's very dynamic, however a bit too blury for me. My eye is searching for a "sharp point", some kind of center, focus of the photo, if you know what mean. Congratulations for managing to get so close to the monkey. The composition itself is also interesting.
Greetings !
Photo By: Robert Waddingham
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/25/2006 6:18:46 PM
Very interesting composition, nice multiple lines. I like the play of light, reflexions, shadows and the diversity of light's intensity.
Beautiful shot  congrats
Photo By: Radmila Gorjanovic
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/17/2006 9:00:36 AM
This is one of my favorite in your gallery. Wonderful colors (especially the deep blue),pleasant softness. Definitely excites imagination!  Congrats!
Photo By: James Cook
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/16/2006 10:17:33 PM
Really nice So soft, beautiful colors !
Photo By: nima masoumi
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/16/2006 9:58:58 PM
Great!!! Wonderful colors, composition,light, focusing....actually everything about it is great ) but above all the shot itself is amazing ! Surely one of my favorites ! Congrats!
Photo By: Alexandre DUBOSC
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/15/2006 10:44:04 PM
Thank you Ahmed
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/15/2006 10:43:42 PM
Thank you for your comment Benedetto
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/13/2006 10:21:39 PM
Brawo Super ujecie, chociaz troszke szkoda ze taki wlasnie wizerunek Polski sie w swiecie upowszechnia... Jeszcze apropo samego zdjecia - swietne kolory. "Sprane" - to okreslenie mi jakos po glowie lazi  Gratuluje
Photo By: Pawel Rubaj
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/13/2006 10:13:07 PM
Wonderful composition and very nice colors! There's something about this photo that makes it look as if you used the Fisheye (the left part of it mainly). It's also intriguing then  Great job. Gratuluje
Photo By: Jacek M.
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/13/2006 10:01:23 PM
Absolutely wonderful !Beautiful composition,gorgeous, soft light and excellent focusing!
Really amazing ! Congrats
P.S. Did I mention the colors ? Fantastic! Magical almost
Photo By: Maurizio Massetti
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/13/2006 8:53:26 PM
This one I'll make one of my favorites Actually I'm speechless Simple and gorgeous! Great contrast thanks to the dark green background and wonderful light making the bubbles look even more ethereal or even unearthly. Congratulations!
Photo By: Larry Fosse
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/13/2006 8:40:35 PM
It seems that sunsets as a subject of a photo are such a cliché, however your photo proves it's not always true. A great caputre! Incredible clouds and an intresting play of light.
Photo By: Orazio Minnella
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
8/12/2006 9:57:06 PM
Incredible! Great DOF and contrast. The composition is a masterpiece considering the fact that it's extremely difficult to capture a dragonfly. Wonderful job! Greetings
Photo By: Roberto Okamura
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/14/2006 8:16:47 AM
Tarek, more contrast ? No way! This photo is absolutely brilliant! I love its softness and subtle light. Wonderful climate resembling The Secret Garden. Good job Agnieszka  Gratuluje
Photo By: Agnieszka Borkowska
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/14/2006 7:59:05 AM
Thank you Igor
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:47:48 AM
A simple one The key to success is often the colors. It's the same here. Apart from that I like the composition a lot!
Photo By: Igor Sivjakov
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:44:11 AM
An intresting photo indeed. If only the daisy in the front did not merge with the one in the back . Great contrast
Photo By: Igor Sivjakov
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:40:58 AM
Great idea & perfect realization. Certainly an exceptional photo of this kind (zooming while exposing technique). It's great you managed to achieve the pitch-black background!
with regards Ewa
Photo By: Igor Sivjakov
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:26:23 AM
Amazing colors It looks a bit like a plant from another planet Great dof. Did you make any correcion of exposition ? or maybe any digital manipulation ?
Photo By: Justyna Wnuk
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:19:39 AM
I fully agree with Josep, I do not particularly like the focusing.
On the other hand the idea and light are SUPERB !
Photo By: Alicia Popp
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 11:07:38 AM
Wonderful colors! I also like the softness of the photo. Makes me think of lazy days of summer
Photo By: Alicia Popp
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 10:54:08 AM
Dziekuje Justyna
I was just wondering... don't you think the pic is too bright? In any part maybe? I've made a correction of exposition while taking it to have this nice effect of dazzling white petals,however I'am not sure about the ... well... central part of the flower. The yellow one What do you all think ?
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 10:53:57 AM
Dziekuje Justyna
I was just wondering... don't you think the pic is too bright? In any part maybe? I've made a correction of exposition while taking it to have this nice effect of dazzling white petals,however I'am not sure about the ... well... central part of the flower. The yellow one What do you think ?
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
7/12/2006 10:34:52 AM
Thank you Alicia. Greetings
Photo By: Ewa
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
12/30/2005 4:07:09 PM
Is this how paradise looks like or what ? I love those sweet, soft colors in the upper part. Dark green brings in some anxiety and livens up hte pic. In my humble opinion it's GREAT
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
12/30/2005 3:47:14 PM
Quite a while since I last had a chance to be here (sometimes I hate my studies . I can see your portfolio has enriched with a lot of realy great photos This one I like particularly for the idea. Plus the contrast between your wife's top and the color of the mosaic. If only the top was yellow she would realy look like the sun :P
Pozdrawiam (Greetings) Ewa
Photo By: Igor Sivjakov
Critique By:
Ewa (K:214)
9/22/2005 3:07:57 PM
Wow... he really is tall He definitely doesn't need to jump to put a ball into the basket ;PP You're quite a detective, Igor ;P Greetings Ewa
Photo By: Igor Sivjakov