Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 11:47:02 PM
G'day Onie! Me and Spidey are great mates, even after that embarrassing moment last night :) I'll try to be on my best behaviour from now on so that Doyle will build me an ensuite too.
Please say Hi to the gang for me, I miss you guys!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 11:39:12 PM
Hello there Jessie! Thanks for swinging by :) It's a little cold here in Auckland at the moment, so I'm really glad I won't need to "go" outside ;) Today Rina is taking me to a place called One Tree Hill. I can't wait. More photos tonight. Take care and say Hi to Lillie for me!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 11:26:47 PM
I made it Doyle! I made it! It's been awesome so far and Spidey has been teaching me how to say some things in Maori. My favourite so far is Ahora - it means love :)
E aroha koe Doyle!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 9:05:31 PM
Hello Robin! After I promised to never walk straight into a bathroom without knocking first, Spidey and I had a heart-to-heart. He really wants to be a star again, but he's not sure about the others because of some scandal at an after party...? I didn't understand very much of what he was saying, especially the word he uses before saying Buzz and Wonder Woman. Oh and Pooh is on holidays at a resort called "Rehab". I hope I get to go there someday. Sounds cool. Maybe Doyle knows someone around those parts???
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 7:34:17 AM
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2007 7:33:40 AM
:) :) :) :)
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/12/2007 12:45:21 AM
wOOt! You'll be here just in time for some Rugby World Cup fever. Can't wait!
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 3:11:42 AM
*gasp* Circus Punks? Alive? Oh boy, they've really done a number on you, haven't they? Bloody foreigners.
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:58:47 AM
hehehe... You should have flashed it, paparazzi style!!! lmao! Hey Gene, hope you managed to steer clear of the 300 pound gangster named Cecil (there's always one in every cell).
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:54:50 AM
Oooops... missed this one! No wonder I was thinking you got ripped off! Phew, thank goodness you got the honey then. It's all good.
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:52:46 AM
I'm all for bringing the troops home, whirled peas and honey for all... but um, Gene? I draw the line at fuzzy green bowling pins from outer space, ok? Yeah, I know, I'm a terrible bigot. Can't help it. They smell funny.
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:45:08 AM
Gene, are you the luckiest bear on the planet, or what? Picking up some good skills too. Which you may find will come in handy for your NZ trip, since I'm useless at crafty things, hehehe...
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:41:15 AM
HELLO! ello llo lo o... Where the heck is everyone?
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:40:14 AM
wOOt! Honey salsaaaaaahhh... So, ummm... did that big tent fit in your backpack? Man, I'm getting Gayle to make me one of those too ;P
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:36:18 AM
There's that bokeh magic again, clever girl, great photograph. Gene, no Jane for you either?? No honey, no Jane... wait... or did Gayle come swinging through the vines with you....?
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:30:31 AM
No honey? RIPPED OFF!!! Gayle is a big tease, isn't she Gene? ;P
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/8/2007 2:27:29 AM
Good on ya Gene! Getting out there to check the lay of the land. Wonderful. Hope you didn't wear yourself out though! Sorry I've taken so long to come see. Will catch up now...
*runs off to view next instalment*
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/6/2007 6:38:49 AM
Ummm... how'd you make the cub do that??? lmao @ Rivvie! She absolutely makes this shot (no offence Gene). Gayle, I think you're my soulmate. We have so much in common, it's spooky. Double shot lattes all the way baybay!
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/5/2007 8:35:40 AM
Gene! She put you in spandex??!!! My eyes! They burn!!! roflmbo!
Great bokeh Gayle, a fun shot indeed. MORE! MORE! MORE!
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/5/2007 7:28:49 AM
BAHAhahahahahhhh... Boy oh boy, this bear gets more corrupted with each trip! <-- heehee, I made a punny!
You're a naughty girl Miss Gayle. Gene, now don't you get too used to these treats, I don't want to have to put you in rehab when you get to me! Be good!
Can't wait to see what else you guys got up to :)
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/9/2007 10:48:58 PM
Ohhhh... this is raw. The expression becomes all the more gripping when everything else fades away. Nothing but this child staring directly into your soul... You did good Doyle, real good.
Yeah, every now and then I say something useful eh? ;P But it's easy when the images are already great to begin with. You don't really need my suggestions, but I'm flattered you took some on board *blush*
Ok, so when can I expect the cheque?
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/6/2007 11:14:06 PM
Pouts make for a more interesting mood at times. This is brilliant. I'd have cropped a bit closer, eliminating bg distractions and made this a little more grungy to go with that look of hers.
Here's what I mean (attached): I adjusted Curves as the skin tones looked a smidge pastey and blended using overlay mode at 50% layer opacity. Selected background (5px feather) and added extra lens blur for more dof and finally added a vignette - radial gradient 150%/softlight blend mode, 50% layer opacity.
Hope you don't mind me playing around. It's just an idea :)
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/6/2007 10:26:04 PM
Thanks for the great critique AJ! To answer your question: I actually didn't adjust the colour at all, BUT, I did make a Curves adjustment which I guess made it a tad more vibrant. It is in fact an orange sunflower. We get red ones here too. I believe a dye is added at some point during growth.
As for the detail, I've lost much of the surface texture due to resize for web compression unfortunately. But the original size makes an impressive print. I've sent a digital copy to Gayle for keepsies as well.
You make a great point about crop. I should have composed better in camera. As is, I can get a decent 8x12, but as you say, if I crop a little from the left, it would likely be better.
Thanks again. I appreciate your time!
Cheers, Rina.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/6/2007 9:57:51 PM
Luv ya Ray.
xxx missing you...
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/2/2007 8:58:25 PM
[tap tap tap] Hello? [clears throat] ahem... Is this thing on?? ... Ok, testing, wha, tiu...:
Now, in our defense, Mr Rina and I, We do just fine On Jim Beam and Wine.
We could drink all you suckers Right under the table. Even that Plastic Girl, If she were able.
Yeah, we'd take yooz all on, And make you shiver with dread, That you dared to challenge Ol' Droopy Eyes and Giggly Head.
But back to your romance with Miss "I have no extremities", I was saddened to hear You could not manage disabilities.
She had so much going, No nagging, no pleas. Better than the alternative, A sheep with fleas???
[enter Dolly] http://www.usefilm.com/image/1335455.html
However, since you've been offered A most wonderful Heart, I suggest you take the opportunity To make a fresh start.
Afterall, much better than plastic or sheep, Is an imaginary cyber relationship!
Ummm... that's atrocious, I know, but I'm still drunk from last week... apparently :P
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
8/1/2007 11:27:13 PM
No words can describe!
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
7/30/2007 8:38:42 PM
Teaser :-P
Photo By: Art McCaffrey
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
7/27/2007 7:54:08 AM
I'm here moments only, I'm sad to say, It's Friday night drinkies, So I must away!
I'll be sure to raise A friendly glass or two, Or maybe a dozen, Before I'm through...
Have a great end of week/week end guys!
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
7/27/2007 6:39:20 AM
Woah! sockittomesockittomesockittomesockittomesockittome Woah! Go Beks (just a little bit...)
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
7/27/2007 6:18:10 AM
Baby, baby! I'm aware of where you goin' Each time you leave a com, I watch the count getting higher, Knowing double digits you desire. But this time before you type again, Leaving me with no defense, (think it over) after all, it's true. (think it over) this needs more than me and you.
Stop! we need more than one, Do do this properly. Stop! we need more than one, To write some poetry. Think it over... Think it over...
Photo By: Dave Arnold