Critique By:
Ralf Denguth (K:3353)
4/19/2006 9:19:56 PM
Great work with DOF and the tones are perfect! Well done Nicole! Cheers, Ralf
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Doyle D. Chastain (K:101119)
4/19/2006 9:18:23 PM
Nicely done Nicole . . . the composition looks great with the whispy white diagonal and the trees nicely framing the peak. Well done.
Regards, Doyle I <-----
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
4/17/2006 4:08:37 AM
Nicely done. I don't care for much digital enhancement, but shots like this make me reconsider.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Tyler Robbins (K:904)
4/15/2006 5:38:31 AM
very cool.... time to makes slides of this one and enter some exhibitions with the concept, put together a solid set of ten and they would serve you well.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Nicole Marcisz (K:10268)
4/14/2006 9:59:08 PM
well this is interesting. neat shot(s), I wish that one tree wasn't in the background behind the arc of the snowboarder. cheers, nicole
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Trish McCoy (K:15897)
4/14/2006 4:07:34 AM
very cool image. nice work. I think this is perfect.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Roberto Baez Duarte (K:5317)
4/13/2006 6:50:01 PM
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Dave Stacey (K:150877)
4/12/2006 5:41:38 AM
Very well done, Nicole! Great action sequence! Dave.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Fabiola Barrientos (K:8169)
4/12/2006 3:07:30 AM
Excellent detail!! Good work.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Steve Aronoff (K:18393)
4/10/2006 7:11:16 PM
Oops! forgot my concept.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Steve Aronoff (K:18393)
4/10/2006 7:07:07 PM
Isn't the Palace of Fine Arts just a stunning building?! Terrific perspective, Nicole. I like the clarity and tones. There are some aspects of the composition that I would do differently, if it were my photo, which I realize it's not. I'm a little bothered by how closely the top is cropped to one of the figure's heads, the lamp and foliage on the right, and the amount of bright white space on the lower left. I would be tempted to crop it as below, giving emphasis to the three figures and the arc of the building. But your composition is fine, too. Steve
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Nicole Marcisz (K:10268)
4/7/2006 9:24:38 PM
Nicole, you have some beautiful textures in the center calla, which is your main point of interest, in my opinion. Be careful with photoshop filters. Don't let the filter be the art. What I would suggest here is a tight crop on that one calla or even the two, everything else in the shot becomes distracting to the focus point.
cheers, nicole
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Nicole Marcisz (K:10268)
4/7/2006 9:21:09 PM
I think the concept works. Definately would work best larger so you can see the details. In this small image I can't really see what is going on in the bottom part of the scene. My question would be as a view to find out the relation of the bottom image to the top. I like large peiced together scenes, so I can image each frame as an 8x10 on a wall. good luck, cheers, nicole
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
4/2/2006 5:31:11 PM
Hi Nicole, Like I commented earlier, for me, it's a definite double YES. The concept definitely works, and I'd definitely would pursue this further. A pity the photo is a bit small to fully appreciate, as I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eye. Very creative approach, and definitely one to remember! Very creative!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Ciprian Ilie (K:13571)
4/2/2006 1:42:22 PM
Looks like a fantastic labour of love, very well calculated and put together. The size here doesn't do it justice.
Regards, Ciprian
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Berna Bodur (K:212)
3/26/2006 10:08:41 PM
The olives are missing...
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
sanjeev jain (K:8763)
3/25/2006 5:45:48 AM
excellent colours on the lake beautiuful framing....
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Todd Wedgworth (K:3433)
3/25/2006 5:09:43 AM
i dont think the lighting works well in this shot.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Pam Heisler (K:4032)
3/25/2006 2:04:06 AM
I like this, beautiful colors and I love your choice of composition..
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Partha Pal (K:11619)
3/25/2006 1:29:24 AM
Terrific capture of the atmosphere.Very good mountainscape.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Partha Pal (K:11619)
3/25/2006 1:27:47 AM
Wonderful capture of the beauty of nature. I found a littlt bit lack of sharpness in it. Overall it is very good.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Alicia Popp (K:87532)
3/25/2006 1:06:21 AM
Prefioso detalle foral... muy buen manejo de la luz. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Alicia Popp (K:87532)
3/25/2006 1:04:58 AM
Preciosa composición, destacable contraste de colores!. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Alicia Popp (K:87532)
3/25/2006 1:01:35 AM
Estupenda composición, muy linda!. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Alicia Popp (K:87532)
3/25/2006 1:00:03 AM
Estupenda composición... fabulosos colores y detalles!. Felicitaciones!!!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Katy Simmons Assi (K:3009)
3/25/2006 12:52:18 AM
It's all about the snow! Beautiful capture Nicole, well done. Katy
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
3/25/2006 12:52:15 AM
Imponente paisaje. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
3/25/2006 12:51:42 AM
Bellos contrastes y colores. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/25/2006 12:51:07 AM
This is beautiful. Great choice to go vertical. I might be tempted to crop the top part off.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Luan Rexha (K:622)
3/22/2006 8:28:04 AM
nice capture I like it Well done
Photo By: N.R. Miller