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Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:55:46 AM

Hey M.A. excellent pouncing image! You sure caught him at the right time!
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:52:47 AM

Looks like he got your attention as well. The kids are just awed by him. Very good storytelling image.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:49:57 AM

Ooh, wonderful macro Alicia! It's slowly warming up and hopefully more bugs come our way. Very good image.
        Photo By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:48:51 AM

Congrats on the award Shirley! Well done as always. I noticed you shoot these on film, are these all from your collection and just processed on PS? You must have been doing a lot of shooting :-)
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:45:03 AM

Hi Hesham! Hope you have/had a nice day as well. Agree with your comments!
Looks like your hand was shaking with anticipation on this very special day :-)
        Photo By: Hesham Abouzekry  (K:15927)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:39:07 AM

Congratulations on the award (well deserved!) and the great news about your daughter! You better start looking for a stork to shoot.
PS. My wife reminded me of our trip to Reno this weekend - since it's a long weekend. I'm sorry I can't join you on Saturday. But I'm definitely up for shooting sometime.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/15/2007 3:35:34 AM

Hi Dave - looks like you're on a roadshow. I like the colors of the yellow and rust. The two headlights and the smaller light make for a very good "threes" composition.
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/14/2007 4:26:43 AM

Hi Hussain,
This is such a great capture! I love his pose. The bokeh is just perfect. Wonderful image!!!
        Photo By: Hussain Nasir  (K:710)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/14/2007 4:25:01 AM

Thanks Phil. How could I have missed it - the eyes are window to the soul - very important... I don't have MSN, but do have YM - my id is jmontenejo. I'll have to catch up with you.
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/14/2007 3:46:44 AM

Hi Phil!
How are you!?! Hope all is well.
I have to agree with you, the brighter eye does help and somehow brings out a catchlight (I didn't have my strobe with me)!!! Thanks for the tip. I was planning on making a print and your tip certainly came at a perfect time. I was wondering what was lacking on this image and you just solved it for me!
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 9:52:50 PM

What a story. Definitely not for the faint of heart - tailing a police car. Very good image Dave.
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 6:14:20 PM

Hi Ed,
High ISO certainly helped freeze the action.

I just noticed your shutter speed was at 1/4000 sec and the aperture was f8, yet you had blown out the white on his head. Typically happens when ISO is too high.
I saw your explanation, happens all the time to me as well if I've been doing indoor shooting and forget to "reset". Marcus' tip on this is to too shoot only at 400 ISO, I'm learning this also, trying to recover a noisy bird photo with Noise Ninja somehow removes the details from the feathers. I guess for birds, it's doesn't work too well. But as they say, practice makes perfect. Are these Eagles common at your location?
        Photo By: Edward Ghoti  (K:5514) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 3:25:28 PM

Congrats on the award paul. Really well thoughout out composition! Well done!
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 3:59:45 AM

Lol, I guess he wasn't expecting to be the subject here. Very well seen and taken. Well composed, which is difficult in these situations since you never know who's going to walk in the frame or leave....
        Photo By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 3:56:32 AM

Well what do you expect this guy should do? He's telling you to leave him alone. Very good timing here. I have to agree, they're becoming my favorites, if only I can take as good an image....
That small photo you have must have been taken by a real pro.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 3:52:24 AM

Awesome shot Edward! I can imaging how hard it is to keep the exposure here - the white head is easily blown. Looks like you caught him in really bright light and high iso.
        Photo By: Edward Ghoti  (K:5514) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/10/2007 3:33:52 AM

LOL!!! You really crack me up!!! I've got my stick, so no danger of slipping and if I do then I still have that brick to hang on to and protect me...

        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 5:24:21 PM

Hey Yamil - hopefully the weather is good by then. I'd like to do some macro shots. I'll try to make it there on Sat. 3pm.
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 4:06:09 AM

Wonderful image of this duck Alicia! Simple composition, but very effective. Definitely has it's charm!
        Photo By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 4:03:25 AM

Hi Rob, very good street photo. I like how you framed them on this image
        Photo By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 3:59:17 AM

Very nice Jim! I like the saturated colors and the reflections on the water. Looks like a very good workshop!
        Photo By: Jim Budrakey  (K:24393) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 3:57:04 AM

Hi David,
Excellent high key portrait of your cat. Very good use of available lighting.
        Photo By: David Rodriguez  (K:11965)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 3:48:09 AM

This would make a nice image for Feb 14! I like how you arranged it, small nitpick on the lighting, i think you can improve it.
        Photo By: Larissa Nazarova  (K:12118)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/9/2007 3:44:35 AM

Wow, this is an extreme macro shot. Really sharp! Moving slightly to the left would have given a perfect view of that crownlike part of this magnolia and framed by the petals.
        Photo By: Bob Slachta  (K:7)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 6:00:43 AM

very creative cropping here! yes, this makes for a very good bookmark!
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 5:59:16 AM

Excellent capture PEter! I can see how you'll need to do a shutter priority here. Dragon flies would be good in-flight subjects as well.
Was the camera handheld?
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 5:54:52 AM

Hi, sorry for the really delayed response. I just used the camera's metering system and we were not pulled over - will definitely not do it again. Thanks for the message.
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 5:50:22 AM

This is a very good image. The composition works well. Typically, bisecting an image with either a horizon or placing the subject on the center would be termed "against" photographic rules, but somehow this image breaks the rules and just works.
        Photo By: Swapna Chatterjee  (K:695)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 5:43:21 AM

Dave, our condolence to your father's passing.
...I hope the severe weather over there eases up... Very good winter scene.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/7/2007 5:37:36 AM

You're enjoying photography too much Chris. You've definitely moved on from nature and macro to bigger and better subjects (no pun intended).

I've not done any portrait photography myself, but I can say the lighting is very good, as I'm sure these were well set-up, it looks very natural. Well done.
        Photo By: Chris Boivin  (K:9030)

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