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Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/17/2008 4:54:10 AM

Hi Larry! Kamusta?
I like this image, the composition is good. I think one thing you'll need to look at is the ISO setting on your camera. You were shooting at ISO 800 which gives you the high shutter speed and noise in the clouds.
        Photo By: larry concepcion  (K:474)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/11/2008 1:54:36 AM

Unique composition that works! Breaking the rules can give you keepers such as this!
        Photo By: Agata D.  (K:19)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/11/2008 1:52:01 AM

Hi Jason,
First thing, I like your gallery! Excellent landscapes and portraits.
Allow me to critique. The processing of this image is one of the best I've seen. I think this is HDR? The detail under the bridge was nicely retained despite being several stops darker than the rest of the image. I think composition wise, the only thing my eyes tend to look for is a subject on the right side. It seems that the eye is only drawn to the left side of the image where the bridge is and goes towards the buildings. Maybe including the sunrise on the right would have made it more complete? My 2 cents.
        Photo By: Jason Mckeown  (K:22200)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/10/2008 5:07:59 AM

Excellent! I like the curving lines and the detail of the whiskers! Well seen!
        Photo By: Mehul Chimthankar  (K:18655)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/10/2008 5:04:31 AM

I like it! Simple composition. Love the red wall that peeks slightly on the right.
        Photo By: Mehul Chimthankar  (K:18655)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/10/2008 5:02:27 AM

This image caught my eye - i think this is a classic example of seeing art in our surroundings. This is difficult to do since you get so caught up with living that you just fail to see art around you. Very well seen. Love the composition. On the technical side (sorry, this is the engr in me), lens distortion kinda shows up on the left side of the photo - i'd probably do a tighter crop on the plants.
        Photo By: Mehul Chimthankar  (K:18655)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/6/2008 3:45:26 PM

Hope everything's well on your side of the State :-)
Yeah, macros are hit or miss, best to shoot f11, but sometimes you want an OOF background. Nice colors - save the bee! save the planet!
        Photo By: Dale T  (K:77)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/6/2008 3:29:45 PM

This is what I call a nice shot! Looking at your image just make me reminisce - the texture of the payment, the cracked cement, peeled paint and slippers. And playing in the mid-day sun. Nothing better than going for a lay-up, slippers flying off and crashing back down to earth. Been there, felt that :-)
        Photo By: 1301307 60  (K:44058)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/6/2008 3:24:14 PM

I see this image and it just takes me back home. Just love it, good timing and placement of the subject.
I'm back working for my old company so my travels are more frequent (was back home in April and July). Hope to hook up with you next time, I'll send you a note.
        Photo By: 1301307 60  (K:44058)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/6/2008 5:08:40 AM

Love the abstract image! Very well seen. The yellow sand against the blue sky and white clouds make a pleasing image. Nice play on colors.
        Photo By: Haitham AlJaziri  (K:139)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/4/2008 4:25:29 PM

Hey Dave!
Excellent macro shot! Perfectly sharp image with a nice soft background!
Glad to be back.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/4/2008 3:41:57 AM

Hi Robbie!
Good to see you again and glad to be back. As always - you're the master of IR. The sky in you image gives me the shivers - i can see two eyes and a mouth (smiling) - do you see it?
I see your portfolio is still rich with great avian images.
I've only been out a few times, but I think there has been a shortage of birds to shoot around our area...
Take care!
        Photo By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/4/2008 3:34:40 AM

Hi Avi,
Hope everything is well with you! Your little princess has grown! She has piercing black eyes. I think our daughters are about the same age.
2007 was a tough year for me. Anyway, I'm glad to get back into photography.
Take Care!
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
9/4/2008 3:29:58 AM

Hi Vee,
This is a great first attempt at night shooting! Remember, keep the camera still when you trip the shutter - either use a very sturdy tripod or hang a camera bag to reduce the vibration. Keeping ISO low can also help reduce the noise.
You may want to experiment with f11 or upto f16.
Keep it up!
        Photo By: MariVee Punsalan  (K:91) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/4/2007 3:16:57 AM

Hi Robert,
One of the tricks here is to get him with sidelighting. On this image, the light is behind him so you don't get the catch light in eyes and the light on the head. Sometimes it's not possible to get a good position. But with your combo - a prime + TC, you need all the light you can get. You'll have to find a way to catch them with good light - it's going to make or break the image. Good luck!

Great pose, but you need better lighting.
        Photo By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/4/2007 3:12:33 AM

You're getting to be very creative Alicia! I like this perspective. That spider on the petal adds an intereting subject to this unique POV.
        Photo By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/4/2007 3:11:05 AM

Hi Yamil,
Hope the wife is doing well. I like the red eyes of this grebe. I haven't seen him myself, but I'll be sure to snap one. Let's sched a shoot with Marcus on time, heard you're interested in doing a night shoot in SF.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/2/2007 1:49:42 AM

I love the colored version Shirley. The saturated finish from the film really makes this forest come alive. This image just shows the wide dynamic range of film, the detail on the dark areas of still shows and with very good exposure on the foreground.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/2/2007 1:45:13 AM

LOL! Yup, that turn of the head sure pleads his innocence. Very good shot as always.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/2/2007 1:43:55 AM

Excellent Kabayan! I can imagine them elbowing each other for a chance to get their images taken. Perfect crop and POV. Next time I go home, I sure would like to meet up with you and go on a shoot.
        Photo By: 1301307 60  (K:44058)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
4/2/2007 1:39:33 AM

Hi Christine,
That's a funny name for a dog - in our native language, it means "pest". Very good dog portrait, he smiled at just the right time!
        Photo By: C.A.  Mikulice  (K:13300)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/12/2007 2:08:05 AM

Congrats on the award Roby, I had missed this image. Definitely a good story-telling collage of images. You kept to one subject with different backgrounds. Very good and definitely a lesson in keeping photo collages related to each other.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/12/2007 2:05:38 AM

Hi Ale,
Very good series here. The full panoramic image is better (but still too small), but I'm sure it was spectacular experience! Well done!
        Photo By: Alessandro Capelli  (K:34805)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/12/2007 2:02:44 AM

Wonderful colors on this image Dave! You captured it with perfect lighting, sky being bright with the lights on the bridge on - really makes the structure "pop" out from the image.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/12/2007 1:59:56 AM

Definitely like very much. The reflections on the eyes and the almost high key light on the skin really bring out your model's beauty. Composition wise, I like collar bones included on portaits so that's my only nitpick.
Didn't realize you actually had a studio for portait photography - excellent images!
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/11/2007 4:42:09 PM

Hi Kevin,
Threes, thirds, threesomes :-) are one of those rules in photography we all read about. So this one catches the eye. Looking at these three pears however, it does have some other interesting things going for it - like the shapes and positioning (how they all go about their own way) and shape of their stems (?) and texture/color of the skin.

If anything, a little more contrast would help give this image life and I would have included the shadow to the left and less space on the right. My 2 cents.
        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/11/2007 4:00:19 PM

Composition wise, this is a very good capture of the flowing lines on this field, the S and C curves draw the viewers eyes around the photo. The parallel diagonal lines on the top and bottom frame the lines. However my eyes are looking for an anchor or a point of interest... Like a cow :-)
        Photo By: giovanni guido marchi  (K:27040)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/11/2007 3:55:54 PM

Tony, definitely a well composed image, catching just the bulb and it's stem. Isolating it with minimum DOF make it stronger. Classic flower photo.
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/7/2007 6:29:42 AM

Congrats on the award! Well deserved and a very good example of minimal dof. Very Creative perspective on a fork!
        Photo By: Barbara Socor  (K:13559) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
3/7/2007 6:26:52 AM

Isn't this an excellent image:
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

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