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Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
9/7/2006 3:16:28 AM


A "Classic" no less. Postcard perfect, indeed. That's the 'ol Trace I know and love...

My "Hat" is off to you on this 1 my friend...

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
9/7/2006 3:12:08 AM


Works for me. I trust you're having a great vacation?

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Roger Skinner  (K:81846) Donor  
9/7/2006 1:24:27 AM

great shot finally someone else who doesnt believ you have to show the chef on fire to get a great shot ..nice inclusions in the background tooo and I think the vignetting works well
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Branimir Fagarazzi  (K:38367)  
9/6/2006 11:17:43 PM

Excellent shot
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Yazeed Al Ghuraibi  (K:4588)  
9/6/2006 7:53:04 PM

Great macro shot !

love it Tracey !


        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)  
9/6/2006 1:54:41 PM

Beautiful shot , Great composition & DOF , well taken .

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Alessandro Capelli  (K:34805)  
9/6/2006 1:09:31 PM

Great macro..I have a similar Daisies shot..take a look if you want!
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Anunay Nayak  (K:2807)  
9/6/2006 12:46:46 PM

very good composition.
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Roger Skinner  (K:81846) Donor  
9/3/2006 10:32:43 PM

great viewpoint.. reckon I would just drag the levels down a tad just to saturate it a bit more
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Joe Johnson  (K:8529) Donor  
9/3/2006 9:36:48 PM

I do think it's potentially effective. I might suggest further to PC correct the sides, dodge the track and facade, and smooth out the 'effect' line. But otherwise, I think the idea of burning to the left of the tracks and in the background is a good idea.
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
9/3/2006 12:21:16 PM

Good capture of the bird in flight. Good details on the bird. The sky color is superb.
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)  
9/3/2006 11:25:24 AM

nice angle & colors , well taken Tracey .

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Giulio Rotelli  (K:28441)  
9/3/2006 9:33:36 AM

Surely the coloured version has a major attractive from the view point.
If I can i gonna give you some suggests that my "photo" master Paolo Pagnini give me when i start shot landscape like this:
first the orizon line, that must be perfectly right, i know that sometime too much details can distract you from this and so you can make it right with PS.
second there's too much details and nothing that could be the ONE we must look: if there was a gull, a lonely boat or similar it would be perfect; but if there is nothing, the best is to give us the most possible panoramic view you can.
third the spaces: here the shot is divided by the boat's line in two part, sky and see. You must decide what's the most important between and move the "boat's line" upper or downer.
I hope you take those suggests on the right way, i'm not a professionist, but in past i did similar mystake, and so...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
9/2/2006 10:23:29 AM

appreciate your comment Joe, I did not crop this unfortunatley I didn't get it all in and maybe the burnt areas were a bit too much But I do appreciate you commenting Tracey...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
9/2/2006 10:21:12 AM

Thanks Rob...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
9/2/2006 10:20:12 AM

Hello Fabrice and thankyou for your comment I do agree about the lines they are distracting I didn't notice them until I put this on UF but decided not to delete it I di not crop this just didn't get it all in, I thank you for commenting it was appreciated regards Tracey..
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
9/2/2006 10:13:22 AM

Thanks for your kind words Megan...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Megan Irwin  (K:1666)  
9/2/2006 10:04:18 AM

I like this version better. It's more classic and has more character. Both are great images though, well done.
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Joe Johnson  (K:8529) Donor  
8/31/2006 8:42:39 AM

Some 'Wright Morris" catch-em-while-you-can photos? except his were mostly straight-on.

I think the effect you added is distracting, though. It suggests that you might have cropped instead, or at least burned the areas now burnt.
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
8/30/2006 10:47:07 PM

hello a funny idea.. and reaklitation!
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
8/30/2006 10:26:16 PM


Don't forget to take your camera,

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: G G  (K:61359) Donor  
8/30/2006 9:05:43 PM

The photo you captured is nice Tracey, and the perspective great. It seems that the sky with some clouds that one can distinguish in the background of the left part is suitable for such pov. I think that this shot would be better in B&W (perhaps classical, but for historic and old railway station, this is good). The effect you added on your picture could be great but I find that the two white lines that one can see attract too much the eyes and finally, the glance is lost.
Anyway this is nice capture..
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
8/30/2006 12:35:16 PM

hey marty thanks he wanted my hamburger but there was no way i was sharing this is how i took it the only thing was the eye color i changed, you take care i'm off to a resort for 5 days to fish and sunbake cheers trace ....
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
8/30/2006 12:32:21 PM

thanks Giulio appreciate your comment..
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
8/30/2006 12:30:55 PM

thankyou very much...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
8/28/2006 11:28:36 PM


Wonderful choice regarding the DOF, Sharpness, B&W, tones and textures...

My hat is off to you my friend,

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Giulio Rotelli  (K:28441)  
8/27/2006 4:35:23 PM

so interesting work! The vivid yellow eye jump off and the skin's details are perfect...
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)  
8/27/2006 11:04:38 AM

Nice details & cropping , well taken .

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
8/24/2006 12:09:55 AM


Ok, I lied and you caught me...

        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

Critique By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)  
8/23/2006 11:47:14 PM

Yeah sure Marty...thanks
        Photo By: Tracey Main  (K:7290)

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