Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
4/24/2006 4:33:02 AM
If you're interested, here's my flickr.com gallery. Seems like I spend most of my time there.
pretty much same stuff
Photo By: dd dd
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
4/20/2006 7:06:05 PM
Was trying out different types of lighting. Added another speedlight to the setup.
Photo By: dd dd
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
4/19/2006 1:46:56 AM
Nice. This summer I am hoping to find some pasture with cows and/or sheep for some images. I like the composition and the implied lines (fence and hilltop).
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
4/19/2006 1:41:31 AM
Thank you for your positive support! 
Yeah, I'm kinda new to this online photo gallery thing. I have discovered that I need to comment on others in order to get more viewers. I haven't been at usefilm.com much lately. I have also been using flickr (user name = syn_s_thesia). I have a few more posted there. I am working on new stuff and hopefully will have more to show soon.
Thanks again
Photo By: dd dd
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
3/31/2006 11:04:59 PM
Thank you for your support. This is one of those images that I was unhappy with (like alot of my stuff ) at first. I slept on it then looked again and liked it a little better. Adjusted levels and white balance.
I really really try to get the image straight out of the camera, but with digital, there seems to be a need fix a few things.
I guess just fixing the numbers (levels, white balance) isn't to bad of a thing.
Photo By: dd dd
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
12/31/2005 9:26:28 AM
Thx for your support.
Photo By: dd dd
Critique By:
dd dd (K:74)
12/30/2005 9:49:58 AM
I forgot to resize the image before posting ((.
Photo By: dd dd