Critique By:
Niklas Levin (K:16)
3/14/2005 7:30:03 PM
godt billede :-)
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Khalid Shahin (K:1091)
3/13/2005 2:42:00 AM
Torben: This is a winning shot, excellent composition. Honestly, it should go o the cover page because of two reasons. One, because it's well composed and secondly, because it's done by 20D. Bravo
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Fadel Abdullah (K:133)
3/12/2005 11:04:56 PM
what a nice portrait...also u got a very good composition like the BG...the old wall and chairs
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Kosti 7even (K:6328)
3/12/2005 10:47:23 PM
strong composition; gradation from blue to light sepia is excellent; I like this a lot
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Jeanette Hägglund (K:59855)
3/12/2005 10:36:56 PM
I like the old chairs with lot of patina after a long time use.... a nice shot.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Kevin Collier (K:19076)
3/10/2005 11:36:24 PM
very nice, indeed - the muted colors seem to set the scene for this lonely image - K
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
sonny saenz (K:2423)
3/10/2005 11:12:48 PM
Great over all shot.Perfect use of light and dark .Enjoyed this very much..
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Gennaro Guarino (K:12372)
3/10/2005 10:44:47 PM
In this photo there is a story, the story of an enormous desolation
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Eric Bumgarner (K:1229)
3/10/2005 6:16:21 AM
idk if thats good or bad but i feel the chair... great capture.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Anna Mortensson (K:353)
3/9/2005 7:25:22 PM
Not bad funny! Anna.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza) (K:4725)
3/9/2005 7:23:15 PM
very fine regards ehdae
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Michael J. Wagner (K:5896)
3/9/2005 7:21:53 PM
Very funny lol, I hope summer is not that way!
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Jaap Poot (K:7926)
3/7/2005 8:50:06 PM
can not understand why no one rated or commented ,it is a great picture ,nice desolate feel
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Guido Fulgenzi (K:6076)
3/6/2005 8:12:50 AM
Great lighting and contrast and nice composition too!
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
3/6/2005 2:18:54 AM
Impressive. Love the dark teals and slivers of white. Congrats Torben!
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Chris Hunter (K:25634)
3/6/2005 12:15:22 AM
Very dramatic lighting and composition,
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Kat Apps (K:1139)
3/5/2005 11:55:08 PM
WOw... this is a very interesting landscape. I like the effects and colours
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Kosti 7even (K:6328)
3/4/2005 12:12:05 AM
great shadow captur; definetely more interesting.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
D (K:655)
2/26/2005 10:49:36 PM
Great shot.I like composition and colors. Congrats. Regards.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
RC. Dany (K:64104)
2/26/2005 10:19:19 PM
Excellent work.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Torben Steen A (K:46)
2/26/2005 10:07:38 PM
Hello Kelly Munce -
Thank you for your posetive comment to my picture ?Traces of life III? shown on UseFilm a few days ago. Well, it?s a raw-file converted with the software following the D20. I think it was shot in 400 iso. But I think the most important work was done after the shooting. I do a lot of ?painting? on my pictures to finish the choosen ones ? strenghtening/weakening colours, light and sharpness separately using the tools sponge, dodge, burn, sharpen and blur. Right now I use PS El 2. Send you here a rezized JPG which has not been worked on so that you can compare. I?ve had my 20D for about three weeks now and first I was at bit disapointed over my pictures until I realized that I had to work much on them ? think that?s a part of the concept with any digital dslr
b.w. Torben Steen A
PS. When I wrote the above I had not yet seen any your photos. Now I have browsed them and are really impressed - beautiful pictures. I doubt very much that there's anything for you to learn from me.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
david george (K:481)
2/26/2005 12:06:30 AM
lovely shot.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Kelly (K:20268)
2/25/2005 11:30:04 PM
this is great... what settings did you have it on? i have just got the 20D and trying to play with all settings to see the result, i really like the look of this one... cheers kel
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Ian Crean (K:14866)
2/25/2005 5:46:17 PM
I like this a lot Torben. The bright colours provide an echo of times when life might have ben happy in this kitchen. The decay provides a counterpoint and who can know what goes on in a family kitchen! Plenty to look at and absorb and a good crisp exposure. Ian
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Barry Wakelin (K:7838)
2/25/2005 4:47:50 PM
Very nice composition and I love the light. Great contrast between the brightly painted door and the general decay.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
ugur cetin (K:5895)
2/25/2005 4:46:37 PM
nice shot.. congrats..
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Beverley Lu Latter (K:513)
2/23/2005 4:34:57 AM
Wow! This is a very emotional image! Well captured!
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Tim Long (K:9228)
2/23/2005 3:27:31 AM
Great composition, color, clarity, light, and emotional texture. Well done, Torben!
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Ian Crean (K:14866)
2/22/2005 11:16:04 PM
Oh man, I like this a lot. There's so much to look at, absorb. Although I'm sure this is just as you found it, it has an air of everything being carefully and artistically placed. Something very wrong with UF viewers tonight that there are so few comments so far.
Photo By: Torben Steen A
Critique By:
Viktor Pravdica (K:4907)
2/22/2005 10:02:08 PM
Photo By: Torben Steen A