Critique By:
Hakan M (K:2145)
5/17/2005 10:22:47 AM
Muthis bir kare Mehmet Bey! Kompozisyon cok hos ve etkileyici... Ellerinize saglik...
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Kate F (K:304)
5/14/2005 9:02:12 PM
Great angle & reflection. Good job at making an eye-catching picture from something ordinary.
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Onur Özbakan (K:16763)
5/13/2005 11:59:41 AM
ozellikle karanlik arka plan uzerine dusen damlalardaki pariltiyi cok begendim eline saglik Mehmet..
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Andrea Harris (K:2496)
4/29/2005 5:52:28 PM
I think cropping part of the left curtain would add some symmetry and make the center more of the focus. The left side is so "thick" it distracts me. I like the thought behind this and the colors play an intriguing role - the spring green and coral really compliment each other and are brought in from the tree itself as well.
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Hasan BALARISI (K:2023)
4/24/2005 1:19:27 PM
Duygusal ve sevecen bir kompozisyon , Tebrikler...
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
andree lerat (K:17476)
3/22/2005 11:31:40 PM
Nice to see the shot blown up. Amazing how the camera sees the color of light, so unlike what the eye sees. Great composition.
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
April . (K:4832)
3/22/2005 9:30:16 PM
gercekten güzel bi aci, ton da süper olmus, eline saglik
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Andrea Harris (K:2496)
3/22/2005 9:22:02 PM
Great perspective! Appears to be a difficult scene to photograph as well.
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
David Mongeau-Petitpas (K:2068)
3/4/2005 8:03:24 PM
very cool picture. love the exposition. for me it makes the picture. really cool tones. good job. keep on. mongo
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Mehmet Mermutlu (K:148)
1/24/2005 10:59:50 AM
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Ipek ALPAYDIN (K:4753)
1/23/2005 1:05:57 PM
Cok guzel bir calisma olmus. Ellerine saglik.
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Mehmet Mermutlu (K:148)
1/16/2005 8:54:08 AM
thanks alot Dominique...
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu
Critique By:
Dominique Cherry (K:183)
1/15/2005 11:56:50 PM
Beautiful Mehmet - love the lighting, colours are fantastic too. Well done
Photo By: Mehmet Mermutlu