Critique By:
Gurmeet Sapal (K:691)
5/20/2007 9:03:27 AM
Vow what good images. All of them. Great work. Very inspiring.
Gurmeet Sapal
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Martin . (K:24957)
5/20/2007 1:43:08 AM
Fantastic work my friend,
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
5/17/2007 6:33:10 PM
Thank you so much John!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
j esford (K:13518)
5/17/2007 3:56:33 PM
This has got to be an award winning photo! Beautiful shot, great light, great skin tones -john
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
5/17/2007 2:56:22 PM
Heck no! I appreciate any critic or comments or edits on my photos. I really want to get better, and having someone with a different eye and perspective look at my pictures, helps me improve.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Maddi Jones (K:-672)
5/17/2007 2:14:28 PM
Hope you didn't mind me playing with your photo - I really should have asked first..
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
5/17/2007 2:08:23 PM
I like it! Alot more rich in color. The rust on the roof and car really pop in your version!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Maddi Jones (K:-672)
5/17/2007 9:01:07 AM
I am not a fan of selective colouring, however, it works great with this photo!!! Nice job!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Maddi Jones (K:-672)
5/17/2007 9:00:28 AM
What a very touching photo. Love the expression on the Moms face, and the little angel looking straight at her Mommy's eyes. Very beautiful capture!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Maddi Jones (K:-672)
5/17/2007 8:58:38 AM
This is nice!!! I wonder what you think of my conversion?
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Maddi Jones (K:-672)
5/17/2007 8:55:48 AM
Oh this is a funny and cute shot!!! I have laughed for 5 minutes looking at this one!!!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Tolga Ferhatoglu (K:853)
5/15/2007 7:37:11 AM
love it, congrats. tolga
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Andries Kleynhans (K:666)
5/13/2007 2:58:48 PM
What a wonderful portrait. Just so cute. I love the little feet. I also like the soft focus effect on this photo, it gives it a dreamy look. Wel done.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Raisa Vorotnikova (K:1934)
4/18/2007 9:30:32 PM
verry gud
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/17/2007 7:10:56 PM
Thank you so much for your comments Iman. I very much appreciate it.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Iman Fouad (K:12295)
4/17/2007 3:53:47 PM
Amazing shot,exellent composition,door texture and children expression,well taken 7+++++ Iman
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/14/2007 2:15:21 PM
Jaina, I was thinking the same thing. The eyes to me, look too soft, blurry. But I really like the way the softening makes the skin look so smooth. Thank you for your comments. :)
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/14/2007 12:32:27 AM
How absolutely precious! I really like the lighting in this shot, and the expression on her face is very intriguing, it makes me wonder what was going through her mind when you took the shot. I like the softening, it seems to make it glow a little. My own humble opinion would be to watch the amount of softening around the face though, as it can make it seem a little blurry. But for this image, I think it works. Great work!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/13/2007 9:16:17 PM
What about something like this? It I go too dark with it? I went in and adjusting the highlight/midtone/shadow.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/13/2007 9:10:34 PM
I thought the same thing, really grainy looking. I think (from what I remember) I had my ISO set a little higher at around 400 because it was getting so dark outside - that's what contributed to the noise. When I get some time, Im going to mess around with it using your suggestions. Thanks again for commenting.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/13/2007 9:07:35 PM
Thanks Mel! I always appreciate your imput.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Melanie Reynolds (K:9096)
4/12/2007 8:23:04 PM
Rach, another great idea, just little techincal issues. Push that point and shoot to it's limits and learn as much as you can with the manual modes before you get your SLR. Believe me, once you get it, it's gonna be a whole new ball game learning the functions and the lenses!
This shot is also a bit "noisy" what might help with both the silhouette and the noise is to do a little editing. Go into PS, open this pic, duplicate the background layer and change it to an overlay layer, then add a guassian blur. Adjust the opacity until it looks good to you. This will darken the silhouette just a tad and also soften some of the noise!
Glad to see you shooting lots!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Melanie Reynolds (K:9096)
4/12/2007 8:19:24 PM
I really like this idea/concept, especially wiht the light from behind. Maybe you can try it again with someone feeding Teagan so you can get a good clean shot. I think it's worth trying to reshoot. Very well composed!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Melanie Reynolds (K:9096)
4/12/2007 8:18:17 PM
I like this shot, good emotion and profiles.. but it's a little too grey... I think it would be better with richer B&W tones :)
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Melanie Reynolds (K:9096)
4/12/2007 8:17:08 PM
Very nice! I love how the trees fram the sunset. Nicely composed, my friend :)
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/10/2007 12:54:04 AM
Thank you so much for your comments.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/10/2007 12:53:00 AM
Thank you so much for your comments Srna! Much appreciated.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Rae Pulver (K:1134)
4/10/2007 12:51:39 AM
Gary thank you so much for your comments. I never really noticed the boy's shirt, but now that you mentioned it, I notice the collar. Maybe I need to change my computer monitor settings, I still dont see the expression in the face. As far as the shutter speed, I used a 400 ISO and with my little piece of poo (putting it nicely) point and shoot camera, it's the highest ISO I can go. Thanks again for your comments.
P.S. - saving up for an SLR, just wish I had one now!!! :)
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Prince-De'Vshon Day (K:397)
4/9/2007 10:57:54 PM
Very beautiful photo. I like how you shot the sprawling branches of the two trees creating a halo around the sun.
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Srna Stankovic (K:172232)
4/9/2007 5:39:06 PM
It is brilliant Rae !!! It has to be blurry ... blurry adds a lot in this emotive capture :) I adore your baby's expression, so unforgatable !!! 7 +++ Hugs Srna
Photo By: Rae Pulver