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Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:17:36 AM

OMG, I love the lip on this one! So shiney and very leather like! You are truely amazing Mel!
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:12:26 AM

What a happy moment you have captured between these two!
        Photo By: Andries Kleynhans  (K:666)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:10:42 AM

Aren't sleeping baby pictures just the BEST??? What a beautiful little one you have here. So peaceful and innocent! Such a precious moment.
        Photo By: Gordon Granger  (K:257)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/26/2007 1:45:39 PM

What a neat shot! You got both of them with their feet in the air. I like it Stace! It's good to see the boys again, they are growing up so fast.
        Photo By: Stace Walker  (K:4175) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/17/2007 7:14:31 PM

Stunning shot! Fabulous detail. Marreck is such a handsome little guy!
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/17/2007 7:10:56 PM

Thank you so much for your comments Iman. I very much appreciate it.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/14/2007 2:15:21 PM

Jaina, I was thinking the same thing. The eyes to me, look too soft, blurry. But I really like the way the softening makes the skin look so smooth. Thank you for your comments. :)
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 9:21:56 PM

Such a dreamy shot with the reflection. Not sure what I could recommend to make the shot better. I think it's pretty darn good already. I think the finger marked window might detract a little from the image, but then I also think it adds character to the shot. Window just dont stay clean with kids in the house! :)
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 9:16:17 PM

What about something like this? It I go too dark with it? I went in and adjusting the highlight/midtone/shadow.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 9:10:34 PM

I thought the same thing, really grainy looking. I think (from what I remember) I had my ISO set a little higher at around 400 because it was getting so dark outside - that's what contributed to the noise. When I get some time, Im going to mess around with it using your suggestions. Thanks again for commenting.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 9:07:35 PM

Thanks Mel! I always appreciate your imput.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 8:43:01 PM

What a beautiful picture. I love the colors, very intimate.
        Photo By: Diego Broggi  (K:203)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/10/2007 1:50:51 AM

Nice colors and sillhouette of the palms.
        Photo By: Prince-De'Vshon Day  (K:397)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/10/2007 12:54:04 AM

Thank you so much for your comments.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/10/2007 12:53:00 AM

Thank you so much for your comments Srna! Much appreciated.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/10/2007 12:51:39 AM

Gary thank you so much for your comments. I never really noticed the boy's shirt, but now that you mentioned it, I notice the collar. Maybe I need to change my computer monitor settings, I still dont see the expression in the face. As far as the shutter speed, I used a 400 ISO and with my little piece of poo (putting it nicely) point and shoot camera, it's the highest ISO I can go. Thanks again for your comments.

P.S. - saving up for an SLR, just wish I had one now!!! :)
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
3/26/2007 3:40:59 AM

I think this is a wonderful shot. The lighting is soft and I love the detail you captured in the little girl's dress. If I may make a suggestion, be mindful of your background. The dark object in the background pulls my eye away from the attention of the little girl.
        Photo By: Adnan Küçüksağır  (K:60)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
3/26/2007 3:33:07 AM

Interesting shot and beautiful burst of color with the flowers. Just curious, with the moon on the front of the door, is that an out-house? :)
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
3/26/2007 3:31:24 AM

Aren't kids the best? I make my children do the same when Im testing out different angles and such! She is very beautiful! And I love the back lighting.
        Photo By: Christopher Jamison  (K:1230)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
3/26/2007 3:29:46 AM

Awh, send some our way! I hardly see any here in Austin. :( I just waiting patiently with camera in hand and kids in tow for some bluebonnet pictures.
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
3/5/2007 2:01:46 PM

Thank you so much Paul for the advice and taking the time to look at my pictures. I always appreciate what you have to say. :)
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/14/2007 2:31:34 AM

Your tomato vine picture caught my eye, but then after looking at your portfolio, this shot really captured my interest. I think this has wonderful composition, but I also agree with Doyle, that if you could get more clarity and detail, WOW, this would be award winning.
        Photo By: Kara BigCanoe  (K:1328)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/13/2007 11:17:51 PM

Gary, thank you so much for your comments. Im still learning so much that I really need someone to give it to me plainly. No sugar-coating. I agree with your suggestions and appreciate your honesty. With my little point and shoot type camera, the manual options only give me an F2.8 or an F5.6 to choose from. Thanks again for taking the time to make a comment!
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/13/2007 7:46:42 PM

Oh yea, I can relate to this picture. I am mother to two boys! I love the emotion you caught in this picture.
        Photo By: Jhon Koopman  (K:2157) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/12/2007 2:20:49 PM

Oh, oh, oh how I love shots like this. You have capture such a tender moment that will be cherished for years to come. Instantly makes me recall the wonderful moments between my Grandad and me, and also makes me sad that my own children will miss out on such a special time since their Grandad (my father) is no longer here. Love this shot!
        Photo By: Tara May  (K:98)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/12/2007 2:18:17 PM

The detail is outstanding. You can even see the irredescence on the fly's wings. Nicely done!
        Photo By: Sidney Esteves Pimenta  (K:111)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/12/2007 2:16:33 PM

Beautiful colors. The thumbnail captured my eye, and now seeing it in full size, it's even better.
        Photo By: Mehul Chimthankar  (K:18655)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/12/2007 2:14:19 PM

This is a typical scene at my house (being a mother of two boys). They are always leaving their shoes laying around, and even more typical is a ball there too. The detail and lighting is wonderful.
        Photo By: Ludek Kvicala  (K:408)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/12/2007 2:12:30 PM

Wonderful shot! I love how the raindrops look like tiny magnifying glasses on the plant.
        Photo By: Zdravka Culig  (K:70)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
2/9/2007 7:06:46 PM

I seriously dont know which picture to comment on. I love them all. I love your style of photography. This picture in particular really stands out to me. I love the tenderness of it.
        Photo By: Tina  baker  (K:870)

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