Critique By:
Nedim Muhic (K:14362)
10/28/2004 11:18:27 AM
One word ? excellent !!!! Nedim.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Larry Hammond (K:16631)
10/26/2004 2:24:23 AM
beautiful capture of a beautiful dog here!!
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Alison DuFlon (K:36566)
10/25/2004 10:59:04 PM
Beautiful dog, great pose, dof and wonderful lighting. I love the wind swept hair and the intelligent look in the eyes. Alison
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Igor Kraguljac (K:410)
10/25/2004 7:13:53 PM
Lep ti ovaj akvarel. Imas oko za boje, a i za detalje bogme.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Enas Moussa (K:7470)
10/23/2004 11:26:03 PM
nice shot.. happy ramdan to u Sulejman
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Michele Berti (K:14921)
10/23/2004 10:59:41 PM
nice shot.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Marco Federici (K:1686)
10/22/2004 9:59:39 PM
Very good photo.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Patrick Ziegler (K:21797)
10/22/2004 9:29:07 PM
A magic place indeed
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Sulejman Omerbasic (K:270)
10/21/2004 11:53:33 AM
E pozdrav i hvala na komentarima
Zasad skeniram filmove na nekom plastikaneru, daje malo mutne slike al sta se moze, kad se izrade budu ok. Ovdje sam namjerno ostavio prasinu i dlacice da ima neki starinski efekat, ponekad volim to na fotki mada u ovoj digitalnoj eri to ko da je postalo zakonm zabranjeno. Pozdrav
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Nedim Muhic (K:14362)
10/21/2004 6:15:31 AM
Veoma lijepe boje i dobro izabran motiv. Pozdrav, Nedim.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Nedim Muhic (K:14362)
10/21/2004 6:01:35 AM
Odlicno kompozicijski postavljena fotografija. Ne znam da li se radi o skeniranom negativu ili fotografiji, ali potrebno je obratiti paznju na prasinu. Pozdrav, Nedim.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Nedim Muhic (K:14362)
10/21/2004 5:53:35 AM
Dobar odnos boja i kompozicija. Vrlo uspjesan rad.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Peter Daniel (K:33866)
10/21/2004 2:50:39 AM
Beautiful Photograph Sulejman, Great colors and clarity. Very well presented.
Thanks for sharing? Peter Daniel
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Kim kyungsang (K:14135)
10/19/2004 11:50:50 AM
fine image!
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
aydin turker (K:3988)
10/19/2004 11:50:47 AM
Sulejman, you had a very touching capture as the man's shadow is at the right place and it looks as his soul is touching to niche of the mosque indicating direction of Mecca. Further, light is a little bit weak and grainy effect could be acceptable due to old looking circumstances. Overall, you made a good work and caught a message giving image. congratulations. Aydin.
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
drilan P drilan (K:12030)
10/14/2004 9:26:24 PM
Superbe portrait qui me touche. Belle lumière, beau contraste et fumée qui dégage une bonne odeur. drilan
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Etem Etem (K:3551)
10/14/2004 8:38:28 AM
Very nice shot!Good effect of blured water.Congrats!
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
10/13/2004 10:48:41 PM
so good so lovely.. congrats roby
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic
Critique By:
Joann Winborn (K:12550)
10/13/2004 9:22:23 PM
So Dreamy! Love the colors and composition. Beautiful!
Photo By: Sulejman Omerbasic