Critique By:
Ryan Henry (K:16)
9/9/2004 4:27:41 AM
What a great perspective! Excellent shapness and a good use of space - the open sky really draws the eye to the subject.
Photo By: Özlem Mehmet
Critique By:
Ryan Henry (K:16)
9/9/2004 4:24:14 AM
That looks good. I like the deeper shadows and the edge treatment really adds to the overall effect. Thanks for the help!
Photo By: Ryan Henry
Critique By:
Ryan Henry (K:16)
7/25/2004 11:55:51 PM
That's amazing. Could you provide some more details on how you did it? What did you use as a solvent?
Photo By: Ray Heath
Critique By:
Ryan Henry (K:16)
7/24/2004 4:41:25 AM
This is the result of being bored. I didn't really have any goal, I just wanted to give it a try. It is pretty dirt, though. :-)
Photo By: Ryan Henry