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Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:30:32 PM

shokran kathir dear Rashed.. the prince that you made with a guitar is one of the best pictures that you made too..
thank you as always,
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:21:16 PM

I like your photography, you are doing a great job here, just do not stop and keep shooting and posting.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:10:44 PM

thank you Rashed! its a little haxy though but im glad you like it.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:08:27 PM

always glad to have you dearest Bubai... Thanks!
hugs, wena
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:07:27 PM

always a big thank you dear Rashed !
hugs, wena
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:06:25 PM

thank you dearest Jac ! its nice to have you droppingby... hugs, wena
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
4/22/2009 2:04:57 PM

Beautiful and so pleasant to view , all of the best.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Aungsita  Chatterjee  (K:19843)  
4/22/2009 1:50:08 PM

regards bubai.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
4/22/2009 1:41:04 PM

Beautiful and so pleasant to view , all of the best.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Jacqueline  Baker  (K:1257)  
4/22/2009 1:23:33 PM

Lovely silhouette :)
regards, Jac.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Sinem .  (K:9180)  
4/21/2009 4:43:34 PM

Amazing colors, good capture Rowena..Bests, Sinem
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/21/2009 3:08:31 PM

thank you Tom ! im glad you dropped by
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: shafagh kalhor  (K:2567)  
4/21/2009 8:07:12 AM

great lights and colors
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Tom Nguyen  (K:1924)  
4/21/2009 5:56:53 AM

Great composition! Very nice work!
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/20/2009 7:36:37 PM

hello Grzegorz ! thank you for dropping by..shes a good friend of mine...her name is Kisses.. the picture was actually proportionally cropped.. her hand was covered by white curtain ... i wanted her to hide and play with the drping cutiain but instead, it actually made it looked unequally copped on the left side...
thank you anyways dear friend ! hope to hear more from you.. thanks !
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/20/2009 7:29:40 PM

Hello Paul ! i wish you are well safe and healthy as always...take good care of your health! thank you for dropping by..
regarsd, rowena
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/20/2009 7:25:34 PM

A warm and hummid evening from the sandy deserts of Abu Dhabi my dearest is so comforting that u can connect with this emotional photo.this is a very symbolic photo for me. this is my friend, derick.i captured this moment because he was singing a song dedicated to me. he wanted to ease the pain that was shattering me that time. i was heartbroken from a five year relationship with my fiance who happens to be one of the best guitar player i knew... he wanted to help ease the pain from the loss and i took this photo because i was so touched by the thoughtfulness our friend..for he knew how i miss being played by a guitar and he understood how i felt..
So my dear Riny... it is indeed an emotional moment for me.. i wanted it soft and bleak-like vision for my eyes was clouded with tears that time and this is how i see him... how i felt...

thank you dear Riny and for all the hugs that i longed to have lately...
thank you, rowena
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/20/2009 6:02:15 PM

thank you dear Rashed !
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/20/2009 5:54:38 PM

thank you my dear friend Gustavo ! this is a Laser show at the desert island across the Corniche Beach in the National day of Abu Dhabi.. its gud to hear from you .. thank you so much!
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Grzegorz Markowski  (K:6537)  
4/18/2009 7:11:11 PM

nice port and girl - in my opinion is to small space on ythe left - more hand and cut up and right :)
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor  
4/16/2009 3:56:22 PM

Aquí sí la exposición es correcta, muy buen trabajo!
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
4/16/2009 3:46:42 PM

I've had that procedure. ;)
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Riny Koopman  (K:102911) Donor  
4/16/2009 9:46:22 AM

Europe time good morning dear Rowena, I have played guitar since I was about 11. But then stopped when my friend passed away. I picked it up again when I was 14/15. I love music, and playing a guitar. I play a lot when I feel down, and it gives me a lot of relief if I am angry or stressed or upset. And it's a pretty good cure for me...;) Very emotional moment you've captured here my dear, a bit soft, but, not disturbing at all. You did a good job by catching at this specific moment, now it's only a memory..... but...... you've catched it for life...Big Hug from Sunny Amsterdam,riny
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
4/16/2009 9:43:29 AM

Beautiful light and composition, all of the best.
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/16/2009 1:29:20 AM

oh! how did you have such an elegant moon? its so lovely ! its a favorite color of mine.. its definitely a favorite !!!! and the dark areas of the moon are much prominent that it gives more character and definition...

hugs and more hugs dearie !
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/16/2009 12:44:27 AM

u really make me happy my dear Riny ! thank you so much ! i owe you one ! kisses and hugs for a great friend !...
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Riny Koopman  (K:102911) Donor  
4/15/2009 11:10:27 PM

Rowena....Manually set your aperture to f/16. Now set your ISO to 100 and your shutter speed to 1/125 (remember - the closest possible shutter speed...). This is a great base to start moving to different exposure combination...Happy shooting,riny
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/15/2009 10:55:42 PM

hello Dimitra.. thank you ! for me if this would be a way of life... i may say that there are times where things go smoothly like the smooth branches and sometimes, rough things come along the way... but all in all they intertwine ike these branches and make a good and meaningful life. Thank you so much..
my warm regards to you..
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/15/2009 10:49:16 PM

im afraid i have to agree with you dear Riny... yes it is very sunny that day, well.. almost everyday here.. :) can you recomend maybe a techique to minimize overexpose during bright sunny days? hope to hear more from you..
thanks again Riny...
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor  
4/15/2009 10:42:53 PM

hello my dear Saad... its gud to hear again from you... i work in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates(near the way going to the border to Saudi Arabia).. i work as an OR nurse and these are my collegues....

my regards to you dear friend..
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

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