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Critique By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor  
4/12/2006 11:35:41 PM

Beautiful, Steve. Congrats on your FPD. Thank you for all your nice comments on my pics. I really do appreciate you taking the time. Cheers, Ann.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Sharrie Shaw  (K:944)  
3/12/2006 12:22:17 AM

Truly a magnificent sight (& site)!
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Sharrie Shaw  (K:944)  
3/12/2006 12:20:54 AM

The finest! The Japanese cranes are truly beautiful, aren't they?!
I'm hoping to get a picture of such images one day. Thanks for the inspiration!
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor  
3/7/2006 4:54:20 PM

Excellent shot Steve, I see you didnt waste any time Getting a great shot of one my favorites. I am dissapointed that our paths did not cross as I had a horrible past few weeks, I have not taken, posted or even been out shooting in that period and now its raining. I am really glad that Yamil could take time from his busy schedule to spend some with you, he is a heck of a guy! I hope you got a few more wonderful keepers such as this and had a wonderful trip........
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Nichol Rose  (K:1020)  
3/6/2006 3:06:16 PM

Very nice macro shot! I guess they're using the leaves for their bathroom tile design.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Nichol Rose  (K:1020)  
3/6/2006 3:01:26 PM

well captured and good control of the aperture
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor  
3/6/2006 5:14:48 AM

Great shot Steve,
I really like this action image of the Harrier in flight.
They are not easy to get and in such a short period of time you did great.
I wish we could have spent more time in the Bay Area.
It was a real pleassure to meet you and Mary and
I hope our paths will cross again soon.
Best wishes.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Mary Brown  (K:71879) Donor  
3/4/2006 7:54:25 PM

Superb shot, Steve. It is neat when one can look directly at the Sun. It is just unfortunate that you were able to because of forest fires, though. On June 8, 2004, we were fortunate to be able to look directly for a short while during the Venus transit. A friend from our astronomy group, Shane Finnigan got a great picture of the transit. Yours reminded me of his at
I love your very excellent picture. The smokey atmosphere is so well catpured and presented. Into my favourites it goes.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN  (K:16316)  
3/3/2006 9:43:49 PM


super photo ! ...
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Jim Goldstein  (K:21230)  
2/28/2006 7:07:34 AM

Great capture. Out of curiosity how did you know it was a female? Markings? Also it was great meeting you and your wife on your travels through the bay area. I hope you have a great trip home.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor  
2/25/2006 6:14:54 AM

Beautiful capture, Steve!
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
2/25/2006 2:24:04 AM

When I posted this image, I should have thanked Yamil Saenz for showing me where to photograph in the San Francisco Area! Yamil spent a day with us, showing us some of the better spots to photograph birds. Once again, I have to thank Usefilm for helping me meet new friends, and find new areas to photograph!
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Chopo Gomez Zoebisch  (K:67)  
2/25/2006 2:06:44 AM

Hunting, maneuvering, sharp eyed, ruthless, and yet beautiful.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Laura Haw  (K:2696)  
2/25/2006 2:05:22 AM

Awesome shot! Great depth of field. Love the detail.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)  
2/25/2006 1:44:53 AM

Beautiful action, very well done Steve! Wonderful colors and pose! Darlene
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Ferruh Varaner  (K:390)  
2/25/2006 1:43:13 AM

6.4 in fact but uf does not support intervals Very hard work. congrats
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
1/31/2006 9:30:32 PM

        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: vanessa shakesheff  (K:68840) Donor  
1/11/2006 3:22:50 AM

I think it is so beautiful .best wishes nessa
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/26/2005 5:58:32 AM

Hello Jim: I have mixed results when shooting panoramas. This one took lots of work in Photoshop. Apparently, one of the pitfalls of FF sensors, is there is a bit of light drop-off on the edges (vignetting). I had to adjust for that on each individual image before stiching them together. I have had a bit more luck with D2X files. When I shoot panos, I meter for the middle image, or the middle of the light/dark, and then shoot all on Manual (use Auto, and you'll have different exposures that are very difficult to merge). I originally printed this image on my Epson 2200, at 13 X 44, and it's now framed in a friend's home (they asked me for the image when they saw it on my computer; it's a few miles from thier home). Best Wishes for the New Year! We will be coming through your area probably some time in early/mid February. We are currently in the DC area, and will be heading south, then west, heading up the Pacific Coast towards Seattle area to visit with my wife's family. Would like to stop by and say "Hi". Steve (
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: André Bermak  (K:14443)  
12/24/2005 11:00:46 AM

Fantástica panorama!!!!!Excelente tonalidades, cores e composição. Lindo trabalho!!!!(add to fav....)
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Jim Goldstein  (K:21230)  
12/22/2005 1:52:01 PM

Beautiful panoramic. I think I'm still too ambitious with my panoramics. I still stitch too many images together and the result is an unfriendly viewing size when uploaded.

Incredible lighting in this image.
Have a happy holidays
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
12/22/2005 12:37:58 PM

A beautiful panorama Steve. Love the colours. Stunning. I haven't experimented with stitching images together yet. Hope I can do half as well when I'm ready to try it. Seamless. Sunrise at 9:40 huh. At least you're getting a sunrise. All we get is rain and more rain here in Oregon. Haven't seen the sun in many days.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Hidayet   (K:2772)  
12/22/2005 11:59:30 AM

Wow, Very impressive shot Steve..the blue tones are awsome.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Jamey Zunz  (K:1049)  
12/20/2005 8:34:05 AM

WOW is an understatement.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Jamey Zunz  (K:1049)  
12/20/2005 8:32:39 AM

I bought a Kayak last summer...Hopefully by next summer I'll have a dog to go out in it with me!
Looks like a beautiful day for a paddle )
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: boubekeur boukerma  (K:2623)  
12/19/2005 12:27:00 AM

Nice balanced compo.

        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: neda raker  (K:3)  
12/17/2005 9:00:44 AM

this image appears in one of my wildlife books! crazy that i found your site, amazing photo, hope you enjoyed all japan has to offer love all the macaques btw
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: neda raker  (K:3)  
12/17/2005 8:59:48 AM

this image appears in one of my wildlife books! crazy that i found your site, amazing photo, hope you enjoyed all japan has to offer love all the macaques btw
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: neda raker  (K:3)  
12/17/2005 8:58:13 AM

this image appears in one of my wildlife books! crazy that i found your site, amazing photo, hope you enjoyed all japan has to offer love all the macaques btw
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor  
12/9/2005 5:10:05 AM

Awesome shot,poetry in motion.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

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