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Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
3/7/2006 12:50:23 PM

That is a beautiful night scene. The details are sharp on the buildings. I love the reflections in the water.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor  
2/28/2006 4:49:34 AM

Beautiful night skyline, Eric!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Nathan Gillies  (K:1011)  
2/28/2006 2:58:53 AM

Hi Eric,

Really nice photo, great exposure an dcolour and so forth...there is one thing that is bothering me about the composition and i'm not to certain as to what it is, maybe a bit more of the water in the shot would have possibly worked better (of course i am by no means and expert), but also the darker tall building in the middle/right seems to not fit too well.

I am aware that the building cant be changed iand i may just be picky but a bit more water would reflect the city lights a bit more too and add something to it i think.

Still a very good photo none the less.

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
2/28/2006 12:30:36 AM

I didn't do anyhing "fancy" to get the sky that color. Basically, it was overcast to some extent, and the hues from the lights make it kind of an orange/red glow.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Mark Longo  (K:12760)  
2/27/2006 6:37:50 PM

Nice sharp detail and an excellent nighttime exposure. I would be quite interested to know the ISO, shutter speed, and f/ setting you used to get this. It would also be nice to see a large version uploaded using the UF panoramic feature. I think this is a shot that would look great in pano mode.

Otherwise no other critique. The shot is well balanced and composed with plenty of energy. Love it.

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Partha Pal  (K:11619)  
2/27/2006 6:05:27 PM

The composition and Sharpness is very good.How can u able to capture the sky with a bit unusual colour?
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Alberto Gonzalez C.  (K:445)  
2/27/2006 5:36:18 PM

Me gusta esta imagen, la exposición es perfecta. Sin embargo, yo creo que esta foto hubiera quedado mejor si hubiera mostrado un poco menos cielo y un poco más reflejos de luces en la bahía. Con todo, se trata de una muy buena foto. Felicidades.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)  
2/21/2006 9:02:03 AM

Wowwwww....... wonderful cityscape Eric..... excellent light adjustment and wonderful reflection of colored lights on the water.
Good work Eric,
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: John Pitman  (K:8473)  
2/13/2006 7:17:59 AM

Great lighting. John
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)  
2/13/2006 7:08:45 AM

Fantastic night lights, well presented reflection.
Great cityscape with wonderful colours and details.
Nice postcard from Baltimore.
Great work dear Eric!

Best wishes!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor  
2/13/2006 5:18:56 AM

Beautiful skyline shot, Eric!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Jim Budrakey  (K:24393) Donor  
2/13/2006 3:50:34 AM

Wow, this is a real postcard shot. Very nicely done.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor  
2/13/2006 3:15:41 AM

very creative and beautiful capture with great composition and colors

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor  
2/13/2006 3:01:17 AM


A really nice shot of the inner harbor - This would make really nice post card or poster. Great job!

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor  
2/11/2006 4:29:25 AM

wonderful lighting effect with very nice capture
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
2/4/2006 5:23:29 PM

very beautiful portrait , wonderful lighting , great details and perfect expouser here , all of the best my friend .
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Dina Marie  (K:-1410)  
1/25/2006 1:14:33 PM

Nice to meet you! I think this one in particualr is the strongest of all three you have posted. The light is wonderful.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Dina Marie  (K:-1410)  
1/25/2006 1:11:56 PM

Nice lighting used here. Seems it could be a little sharper though...
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/22/2006 3:06:00 PM

Thanks, Rashed!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
1/22/2006 2:44:28 PM

great portrait of this young lad , very great lighting and wonderful contrast , details and colors, all of the best my friend .
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
1/22/2006 1:46:10 PM

very great portrait and wonderful expouser , colors and details . all of the best my friend .
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/22/2006 1:04:32 PM

Thanks, Laura... I'm working on using my seamless backgrounds and editing in post-production, in this case, vignetting around my subject(my son). I haven't really mastered it yet, and what I'd really like to do is some of this effect "in-camera" with my lighting setups. If I have to enhance slightly in post, that's okay, but this vignette effect was done completely in post.

I agree the background is dark -- I'll keep practicing.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
1/22/2006 1:18:20 AM

Adorable! I like this portrait very much. The dark background is the only nit I have. Is it possible to lighten it in post processing?
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/21/2006 5:35:52 PM

I actually use some pretty cheap studio lights. They're by Studio Systems -- SP3200's, 2 monolights, umbrellas, stands, etc. I think I got the whole set up for less than $450 -- A little more than a single hot-shoe flash. I'm actually thinking about getting another set to do some more elaborate lighting. For as inexpensive as they are, I'm pretty impressed with them.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/21/2006 5:33:58 PM

Thanks, Rashad! Much appreciated.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
1/21/2006 2:35:32 PM

wonderful Pro capture of this portrait , great lighting and beautiful contrast and details ,I wish you all of the best my friend .
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
1/21/2006 2:28:01 PM

I shoot lots of photos of great grandchildren. I have found the included all of the body produces the best images. Since I am retired, I can NOT afford special lighting are backdrops, so.... I resort to shallow DOF. lol
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/21/2006 2:23:12 PM

Thanks, Laura... I was trying to keep within the rule-of-thirdshere. Below his shins, there didn't seem to be anything "interesting" to me so, I left it off. I liked the pose, but just a plain blue background seems kind of boring -- I'm experimenting with some vignetting techniques both in photoshoot, and using the lighting I have.

Thanks for taking the time! Much appreciated!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
1/21/2006 2:17:37 PM

That is a handsome young man. I like the pose, however the crop seems awkward to me. I would suggest cropping further, or.... including the entire figure.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:163889) Donor  
1/20/2006 3:31:49 PM

another very beautiful portrait and with wonderful details and colors, all of the best my friend ..
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

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