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Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/17/2005 2:46:43 AM

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/16/2005 2:19:08 PM

Nice shot, Gabriella! The crop is a little right and seems somewhat confining. If you can, re-crop with a little more "surroundings" to give the picture a feeling of "space."
        Photo By: Gabriela  Veteanu ( Ada )  (K:292)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/16/2005 1:09:42 PM

Excellent shot, Khaled! it looks slightly tilted and can easily be fixed in PS.
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 9:03:04 PM

Excellent work! I'm a sucker for good B&W photos.
        Photo By: Orazio Minnella  (K:49417)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 9:02:41 PM

I think I prefer this one, Peter. Not to discount your previous submission with the post-work done; I just prefer "real" pictures as opposed to painted/artwork type pictures.
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 9:01:46 PM

Looks like something went wrong during the initial picture.. It seems kind of grainy -- almost like a scan of an old(er) picture.
        Photo By: Albert Clair  (K:445)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 9:00:10 PM

Interesting post-production -- kind of looks like a water color painting!
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 8:59:37 PM

Grat job! Excellent sharpness and detail. I like how you decided to crop it, too!
        Photo By: Umran Dusunsel  (K:1329)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/7/2005 8:59:04 PM

Stunning! The colors and sharpness are excellent! Wonderful macro shot here, Philip!
        Photo By: Philip Doyle  (K:313)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/3/2005 2:26:05 PM

Great shot, Joe!
        Photo By: Joe Stewart  (K:1908)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
4/3/2005 4:49:57 AM

Kind of in the middle of Yerba Buena and Treasure Island... I'm not sure where the "line" is, but where I parked, there were government signs everywhere saying "No trespassing", "No parking", etc... I figured I wouldn't be there long enough for it to matter...
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 5:34:44 PM

Very much so... And FREEZING. I only took about 9 pictures. By the time I was done, all I wanted to do was get warm!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 5:25:35 AM


For the money, I think the 100-400mm is an awesome lens. The 400mm (non zoom) is like $7000 bucks. In contrast, the 100-400 is only $1400 or so. The 2x extender is another $300... So I get the flexibility of a zoom, IS, USM, the 2x Extender, etc. All well worth the money.

If I had taken this with a telescope, it would have had tons more detail. I've seen telescopes that were much less expensive than the Canon EF 400mm lens, as well. I'm not quite there yet and Astrophotography really isn't what I'm looking to do so it's a little hard to justify a couple grand on something like that.

That said -- if any of my kids ever get into astronomy -- There's my excuse!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 5:05:26 AM

Excellent shot, Andrew! The lighting is spot-on!
        Photo By: Andrew Caldwell  (K:18307)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 5:04:42 AM

Wow! Excellent shot.. I'm not sure about the tilted landscape...
        Photo By: Phillip Swanson  (K:7013)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:47:23 AM


One thing I'd suggest here is using the flash for fill-light... The weather there looks amazing! Nice job.
        Photo By: Gabrielle Willson  (K:7978)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:45:23 AM

Hehehe. Actually, I shot this with my new 100-400mm lens with a 2x extender -- Yeah, I cropped it (obviously) but there was a ton of detail left in what was left of it. I did lose some detail in resizing it, but the printed version is amazing (not to mention a ton-of-ink!)
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:43:14 AM

Wow! Talk about some amazing detail here! Great job, Khaled!

Have you considered doing the "Dragan" effect with a shot like this? If you do a search on google, there are some techniques -- I think this would work well with that, too.
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:42:14 AM

Nice Abstract, Khaled -- What's the white spot on the chair? Glare from the sun or a flash?
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:40:12 AM

Excellent sepia shot, Judi! What? no Macro of the spider?
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:33:53 AM

Some story! Wow. Definitely like the rainbow -- Did you think of cropping the top part of the picture? I know it shows the darkness of the clouds but your subject is the rainbow -- perhaps the top is more distracting in that case?
        Photo By: Mike Frakes  (K:3349)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:31:49 AM

Interesting composition... I'd almost suggest, if you could go back, looking for different perspectives to shoot this and submit it as this months project... I see a few possibilities with this sort of scenery.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:30:59 AM

Nice snapshot, Erick...
        Photo By: elfo zx  (K:366)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:29:53 AM

Wow... There's an incredible amount of detail in this shot! I think a good title for this would have been "Texture" or something along those lines. Great job!
        Photo By: nick george  (K:116)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:28:57 AM

Interesting shot. is there a story behind it?
        Photo By: Cristian Chitaru  (K:286)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:26:51 AM

Joe, I think something went wrong when you resized this... There's quite a bit of pixelization going on here... Was that intended?
        Photo By: joe nicoud  (K:14)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:25:42 AM

Larry -- Good shot... I wish there was a tad (no pun intended) more detail in the lower portion of the picture... I really like the reflections on the water.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:24:56 AM

Those are some amazing colors! Awesome capture...
        Photo By: Shawn Carter  (K:1301)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/30/2005 4:24:21 AM

a what? LOL
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/21/2005 4:38:22 AM

Heh.. Nice job. I'm always afraid to take peoples picture like this... No idea what their response will be. Of course, I'm not using a camera phone.
        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

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