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Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
3/24/2006 6:11:37 PM

Great idea Eric . . . very creative. Also done nicely as far as the DOF, colors and composition. Congratulations.

Doyle I <------
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Giuliano Colliva  (K:1580)  
3/24/2006 5:45:32 PM

sorry for my english.... bye from italy Giuliano.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor  
3/24/2006 5:41:46 PM

very interesting blobs
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: missy mullins  (K:677)  
3/23/2006 3:00:55 PM

adorable!!..timeless look to this capture..and i'm digging the hat and tie ..great expression
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)  
3/23/2006 12:47:44 PM

Lovely portrait and excellent lighting.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Ray Vann  (K:3093)  
3/23/2006 3:35:24 AM

Nice sharp portrait with good lighting!

God bless,
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/23/2006 2:53:06 AM

From a Mazda commercial in the US: "What he say?"
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)  
3/23/2006 2:21:36 AM

simpático. brillante y precioso retrato de este expresivo y bonito Alex. Felicitaciones!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Terry Surugy  (K:704)  
3/23/2006 1:56:21 AM

セットのびんの 2467;ースの素晴らӕ 5;い。Aspartams のリン酸を含む 7096;品のように、ߟ 4;工的で、自然な& #21619;のperservative phenylketonurics のkoffein のbenozate ナトリウムは会 1038;の上でnorthlake イリノイを満た 2375;ているAmerican が維持する焦が 2373;れた水カラメӤ 3;色を含んでいる& #12290;承認のコショ 454;の会社の計画の ;古いterrance の下。私は完全 2394;訓練の色そしӗ 0;対照のreporduction を放棄された権 1033;および中央記৅ 4;の部分楽しむ。& #38651;子工学の企業 398;ためのTradmarks そしてKorporation および貿易およ 2403;古典著者のたә 7;の広告。どの位& #37325;量の容易さお 424;びポイントのfeather s/springs を暗くするか。 6554;輪の操業。そӚ 8;は2 夫人の長い生命 2398;秘密のメッセӦ 0;ジのようEnergie である。詐欺の 5686;報及び幸運のො 6;り手の詐欺師。& #22810;くは答えの医 398;の薬剤そして王 ;国を頼む。大き&# 12356;写真撮影はあ{ 94;たが考えるゲー トのcrashers を私に思い出さ 2379;ないか。またӠ 9;イツでに走行す& #12427;その刺激ので 371;のテキストの網 ;からの言語そし&# 12390;学校の電話海ä 06;にそして。私は 右に理解するこ 2392;を望むか。まӖ 3;はそれにより可& #33021;のそれは理解 377;るある。自然に ;、法律に対して&# 12354;る。しかし少ă 68;を言うその非常 に素晴らしい非 4120;に鈍い。再度ӗ 2;てもよく取られ& #12383;囚人の写真撮 433;およびapeture 及び明るさとと 2418;に構造と対照ӗ 1;とてもよく、握& #12425;れて。完全な 495;ーモニーおよび ;美しい比較のす&# 12409;て。その同じÕ 13;分に蝶 およびケーキ!

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/22/2006 8:50:45 PM

Hi Eric, I couldn't have been more off then... That is funny! Yet it also stresses my point that assessing such an image requires the background info, use or intention. Very cool. Thanks for your reply.


        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/22/2006 8:45:33 PM


He was actually thinking about what he was going to say next. When I saw the picture, I kind of laughed because of every person I've ever met on this planet, he is the most worry free and happy-go-lucky person I've ever met. In other words, this in my mind is a hilarious shot given his personality.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Ron Wilson  (K:18362)  
3/22/2006 8:28:17 PM

She has a very happy look about her, yes. That is what made me open the image. Now her eyes? Why are the pupils so large? Lovely green though. Again great light and well composed.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/22/2006 8:24:13 PM

Hi Eric, I kinda agree with Mohammad, technically, it's a top notch piece of work. .

To fully assess the merit of this photo, I would like a bit more info, specifically about the intentions / purpose of this shot.

judging by the expression of this boy, he's not too happy; as a portrait for parents, grand parents or any product advertisement, I think the expression, even though a very strong one, is not what you're looking for. (or make them want to show off how well behaved and cute their little boy is, if you see what I mean)

On the other hand, it shows a very natural display of human behavior, and would be perfect to illustrate such an article. I can also see uses for such an expression in advertisements and such. The image expresses an attitude, and a very well captured one...


        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Ron Wilson  (K:18362)  
3/22/2006 8:24:03 PM

Lovely light. Your subject is fantastic.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
3/22/2006 8:02:11 PM

Dear Eric,
Every thing is good, even the Head's clip!
But the main point is the light, no shadow! it's good.
The look is amazing too.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
3/13/2006 3:01:35 PM

You have a great capture here. Ideal colors and DOF. Nicely done!

Regards -
Doyle I
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: toru kona  (K:984)  
3/12/2006 1:00:07 PM

My favorite photograph
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Branimir Fagarazzi  (K:38367)  
3/12/2006 8:37:32 AM

Great shot
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Sergio  Cárdenas  (K:25028)  
3/12/2006 3:29:52 AM

Great composition and good b&w shot.
Well done Eric.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
3/12/2006 3:09:53 AM

Pretty powerful shot, Eric.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
3/7/2006 12:50:23 PM

That is a beautiful night scene. The details are sharp on the buildings. I love the reflections in the water.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor  
2/28/2006 4:49:34 AM

Beautiful night skyline, Eric!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Nathan Gillies  (K:1011)  
2/28/2006 2:58:53 AM

Hi Eric,

Really nice photo, great exposure an dcolour and so forth...there is one thing that is bothering me about the composition and i'm not to certain as to what it is, maybe a bit more of the water in the shot would have possibly worked better (of course i am by no means and expert), but also the darker tall building in the middle/right seems to not fit too well.

I am aware that the building cant be changed iand i may just be picky but a bit more water would reflect the city lights a bit more too and add something to it i think.

Still a very good photo none the less.

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
2/28/2006 12:30:36 AM

I didn't do anyhing "fancy" to get the sky that color. Basically, it was overcast to some extent, and the hues from the lights make it kind of an orange/red glow.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Mark Longo  (K:12760)  
2/27/2006 6:37:50 PM

Nice sharp detail and an excellent nighttime exposure. I would be quite interested to know the ISO, shutter speed, and f/ setting you used to get this. It would also be nice to see a large version uploaded using the UF panoramic feature. I think this is a shot that would look great in pano mode.

Otherwise no other critique. The shot is well balanced and composed with plenty of energy. Love it.

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Partha Pal  (K:11619)  
2/27/2006 6:05:27 PM

The composition and Sharpness is very good.How can u able to capture the sky with a bit unusual colour?
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Alberto Gonzalez C.  (K:445)  
2/27/2006 5:36:18 PM

Me gusta esta imagen, la exposición es perfecta. Sin embargo, yo creo que esta foto hubiera quedado mejor si hubiera mostrado un poco menos cielo y un poco más reflejos de luces en la bahía. Con todo, se trata de una muy buena foto. Felicidades.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)  
2/21/2006 9:02:03 AM

Wowwwww....... wonderful cityscape Eric..... excellent light adjustment and wonderful reflection of colored lights on the water.
Good work Eric,
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: John Pitman  (K:8473)  
2/13/2006 7:17:59 AM

Great lighting. John
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)  
2/13/2006 7:08:45 AM

Fantastic night lights, well presented reflection.
Great cityscape with wonderful colours and details.
Nice postcard from Baltimore.
Great work dear Eric!

Best wishes!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

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