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Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:30:51 AM

Absolutely perfect! No blown highlights, great detail in the shadows. Sharpness is great. And this was ISO1600? Wow.
        Photo By: David Sterrenburg  (K:59)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:17:08 AM

WOW! Holy crap! I've been posting here for a long time and this is the first time I've gotten an award!

I have to go dance around my room now! :)

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:02:13 AM

Thanks, Bhaskar... I don't know about the feature photo thing -- I'm just glad it turned out as well as it did. Ironically, this wasn't posed and actually looks a lot better than most, if not all of my posed shots. This was what I refer to as an "accidental" capture. Totally spur of the moment with just enough time to grab the camera and start shooting with a hot-shoe flash.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:00:17 AM

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 3:59:59 AM

Thanks, Barbara!
I did thank her. When I showed it to her, she wanted it printed and on the wall! :)
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
8/31/2006 2:11:24 PM

Thanks, Joe. I'm going back to Vegas next week for another meeting and I'll be toting my gear again.

One challenge I find with shooting buildings in Vegas is that it's pretty compact. I would guesstimate that I'd need at LEAST a 14mm lens to be close enough to get to some of the buildings to isolate them.

I have an interesting history, work related, with the Bellagio so maybe I'm biased. When I look at other buildings on the strip, the Bellagio still has a special appeal that the others don't have. It's not garish, it's elegant even though inside, many things are over-the-top!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
8/30/2006 6:31:59 PM

Thanks, Dave!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
8/30/2006 6:31:48 PM

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
5/30/2006 6:07:40 PM

My monitor is fully calibrated. I'm not seeing any blue in this photo and when I pull it into PS, I'm not seeing it on the histogram to any great proportion, either.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
5/5/2006 12:32:41 AM

Jason -- Unfortunately, when I post here some of my shots are sized down -- it makes it look over-sharpened. Sorry 'bout that.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/27/2006 12:01:33 PM

Thanks, Khaled! Good to see you're able to find some time for photography these days!

How goes the lecturing?
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/27/2006 4:51:00 AM

That's hilarious! hahahaha
        Photo By: Dr. Hellno  (K:362)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/27/2006 4:25:29 AM

Great shot, Brian. I really like the white-on-white ...
        Photo By: brian underdown  (K:-960)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:50:28 PM

Hmmm. The sharpness/focus seems a bit off here. The conversion to B&W may have helped a little, but it almost seems like you over-sharpened it or something. The flower seems like it was pasted there, almost. Not sure what happened on this one.
        Photo By: Gilberto Santa Rosa  (K:11147)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:49:39 PM

I think you nailed this one. Just the right amount of DOF to make sure the butterfly was perfectly in focus and sharp. Most of the flower is as well and the background blur is very pleasing. Excellent job!
        Photo By: Paolo Albertelli  (K:89)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:48:50 PM

Interesting shot... The colors in the sky really pop out! This might have been a fairly ordinary shot if there hadn't been the man standing in it. It adds a bit of interest by having something other than an orange sky and some tree-covered hills. Well done.
        Photo By: arian mumxhiu  (K:960)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:47:32 PM

great shot! The motion in the shot adds to the overall feeling of the shot. The B&W gives it an "old" feel for a factory worker. Well done.
        Photo By: selami Torun  (K:9397)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:46:56 PM

I think this is one of the best shots I've seen today. I really like the golden hue and the silhouette of the rower. Well done!
        Photo By: Paolo Albertelli  (K:89)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:46:20 PM

I like the lighting here... The side-light aspect works great!
        Photo By: mike gill  (K:21)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:43:36 PM

Great shot, Paolo! The sun setting adds excellent light and great color to this shot.
        Photo By: Paolo Albertelli  (K:89)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:42:52 PM

Ooooo! I like this one better than your previous submission! The sharpness here is excellent and the lighting seems even better to me! Well done!
        Photo By: cessy karina  (K:14205)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:39:33 PM

Underwater shots are pretty tough -- Was this shot through glass?
        Photo By: Joelle Aeschlimann  (K:46)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:38:40 PM

This is a little grainy for my taste -- I think there are other things you could have done to enhance this shot.
        Photo By: sonny saenz  (K:2423)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:36:52 PM

I would definitely classify this as a "gallery" type shot. Something I would expect to see on a wall somewhere. Great job!
        Photo By: cessy karina  (K:14205)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:36:19 PM

Gene, you may want to check out the photo assignment in Shutterbug -- I think it's the April edition and it's for high-ISO shots. This is a nice image, but lacks something interesting. one thing you might want to try is laying on the ground and shooting the path from that perspective. Or, have someone walk down the path while you take the picture.
        Photo By: Gene Zonis  (K:6949) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:34:08 PM

Excellent color, Larry! Those flowers really pop out and the background is pleasing, too. A slight bit more blur from DOF would probably make this a better shot. The sharpness is good as is the exposure. Technically a great shot.
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:32:36 PM

nice shot... I think what is lacking here is some additional detail such as trees or something in the background. Having something else in the shot can help add context to the overall shot without cluttering it up too much.
        Photo By: Sule Baycan  (K:241)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:31:31 PM

That's a pretty powerful B&W image -- It's a little dark for my taste but I do like it -- The background is nicely blurred and there is heavy contrast here. Good job.
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:27:56 PM

Ali, as pictures go -- the technicals are definitely there. nice sharp image. But the "interesting" appeal is somewhat lacking. If there was a story behind it, or something else in the shot to make it more interesting, that would be great.
        Photo By: Ali Miri  (K:285)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
3/25/2006 2:26:47 PM

What a neat idea! Excellent! I love the colors and sharpness here. The "candle" was a brilliant idea!
        Photo By: Amer Aranki  (K:-3)

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