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Critiques From Eric Simpson

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Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/28/2007 11:48:48 AM

Awesome picture! This should probably be up for a Best In Project or some other award. This is really a great shot! Well composed, well thought out, just overall, a great shot!
        Photo By: Satori 77  (K:713)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/28/2007 11:47:00 AM

Great job, Jimmy! I like the DOF you chose here -- well done! The B&W tonal range is great. Well done!
        Photo By: Jimmy  Perez  (K:1694)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
1/28/2007 11:45:10 AM

Absolutely amazing, Khaled! I've been admiring your glass-work photos for some time! I hope you continue!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
12/31/2006 10:16:02 PM

Wow! Incredible shot, Khaled! Sure beats the cold dreary weather here!

Happy New Year!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
12/15/2006 4:17:02 AM

The composition is good here -- One thing I'd suggest -- go back and shoot this at sunrise or sunset... The sun at that position blows out way too much of the shot; not to mention, at sunrise or sunset, you should get some interesting hues that'll really make this pop (as opposed to B&W...)
        Photo By: Nate Mork  (K:389)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
12/15/2006 4:15:40 AM

Hahaha. That's hilarious! When I first saw the shot, I was like, "aw man... what a missed opportunity." Then I read your comment!
        Photo By: j esford  (K:13518) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
11/4/2006 3:28:38 AM

Wow! That is an amazing picture! Well done!
        Photo By: Nuno Milheiro  (K:453)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
11/1/2006 9:04:50 PM

Very well done! The scene is almost dreamy -- love he colors and sharpness! Excellent work.
        Photo By: fatih cetin  (K:413)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:25:11 AM

Excellent job! This picture almost makes me dizzy. The angle you chose works for this kind of shot. Too many are often shot 'square' which to me seems kind of boring. Well done, Khaled!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:22:02 AM

Hmmm. The thumbnail caught my attention but it looks like the silhouette over the fisherman seems blurred. Did you use a tripod?
        Photo By: Mohammed Iskhakov  (K:1855) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:21:02 AM

Neat idea! Well executed. Definitely good work.
        Photo By: Agnieszka Matuszewska  (K:46)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:20:23 AM

Excellent B&W... I love the selective focus -- well exposed, nicely sharp. great job!
        Photo By: taci yuksel  (K:469)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:18:31 AM

In a word, Outstanding! Those colors are AWESOME and the ways from the sun really make this shot amazing! I'd be willing to bet you could sell a shot like this -- very well done!
        Photo By: khalid al-saigh  (K:5491)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:17:34 AM

Thanks kind of neat. I've never seen caterpillars do that before (ants yes, caterpillars, no). Not bad!
        Photo By: Derek Bair  (K:1530)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:15:57 AM

Hmmm. I think two things need some improvement here -- first, the exposure seems a little low. This can sometimes be adjusted, especially if you shoot RAW. (With a 20D, I'd always shoot RAW). Your focus also seems a bit off -- definitely worth another try at the shot; there's not much you can do about poor focus.
        Photo By: Derek Bair  (K:1530)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:13:50 AM

Great shot! I love the perspective here. I think most people would have stepped back and shot it straight on. Good eye for this kind of shot! Well done!
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:12:57 AM

Those clouds almost have a 3D effect... The seem like they're flying right out. Very well executed, very sharp! Excellent job, Craig!
        Photo By: Craig Nisnewitz  (K:625) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:12:04 AM

Wow! Those colors are awesome. Very well done. I also love the silhouette of the bird on the stump. Excellent job, Mary!
        Photo By: Mary Brown  (K:71879) Donor

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:11:01 AM

I especially like this one, Khaled! Well done. Something so simple but well executed.
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:09:02 AM

Excellent! Those colors really pop. Well done!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/21/2006 1:08:10 AM

Khaled -- I've been way busy lately but I've checked in from time to time. I absolutely love this series. Very creative! When I get some time to catch my breath, maybe taking some shots like these might be a good bet!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 3:42:29 PM

Quite awesome, Khaled! There's a good mix of stuff here and the reflection in the forward glass really makes this stand out. Well done!
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:32:00 AM

Excellent! Well done macro shot. The colors really pop and the detail is downright awesome!
        Photo By: Robert Jones  (K:1692)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:30:51 AM

Absolutely perfect! No blown highlights, great detail in the shadows. Sharpness is great. And this was ISO1600? Wow.
        Photo By: David Sterrenburg  (K:59)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:17:08 AM

WOW! Holy crap! I've been posting here for a long time and this is the first time I've gotten an award!

I have to go dance around my room now! :)

        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:02:13 AM

Thanks, Bhaskar... I don't know about the feature photo thing -- I'm just glad it turned out as well as it did. Ironically, this wasn't posed and actually looks a lot better than most, if not all of my posed shots. This was what I refer to as an "accidental" capture. Totally spur of the moment with just enough time to grab the camera and start shooting with a hot-shoe flash.
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 4:00:17 AM

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
10/13/2006 3:59:59 AM

Thanks, Barbara!
I did thank her. When I showed it to her, she wanted it printed and on the wall! :)
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
8/31/2006 2:11:24 PM

Thanks, Joe. I'm going back to Vegas next week for another meeting and I'll be toting my gear again.

One challenge I find with shooting buildings in Vegas is that it's pretty compact. I would guesstimate that I'd need at LEAST a 14mm lens to be close enough to get to some of the buildings to isolate them.

I have an interesting history, work related, with the Bellagio so maybe I'm biased. When I look at other buildings on the strip, the Bellagio still has a special appeal that the others don't have. It's not garish, it's elegant even though inside, many things are over-the-top!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

Critique By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)  
8/30/2006 6:31:59 PM

Thanks, Dave!
        Photo By: Eric Simpson  (K:2348)

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