Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/15/2011 11:06:05 PM
Ah, thank you very much. He had beautiful golden eyes, should do a color version. Thanks for the feedback.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/15/2011 11:04:04 PM
Thank you.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/15/2011 11:02:44 PM
Thank you.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/12/2011 12:31:24 AM
Exquisite, love the colours, the contrasts, and those gorgeous clouds. Too splendid!
Photo By: amirfarbod rakhshani Moghadam
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/2/2011 11:22:29 PM
Absolutely beautiful! Love the metro. Wish they had them here (I live in Central FL on the coast). I have heard about proposed fast speed rail running from San Francisco to LA. How fun to ride one of those bullets...Most interesting. Marvelous shot, always enjoy these abstracts of motion at night, too superb!
Photo By: Marten Jager
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/1/2011 4:25:01 AM
Thank you, Femke.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/1/2011 4:24:11 AM
Thank you Almax.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/1/2011 4:23:04 AM
Ania, thank you.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
12/1/2011 4:21:40 AM
Oh, one could just swim in this photo! Absolutely exquisite, love the depth of perception, the gentle light radiating through the membranes of the lemony chartreus leaves of twain. Marvelous photo.
Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
11/29/2011 7:27:56 AM
Very lovely, what a gloriously brooding sky, and doleful touch with the vacant faded yellow chairs, excellent mood. Love Miami Beach.
Photo By: Sandip Aine
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/23/2011 4:48:14 AM
Thank you :)
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/23/2011 4:47:19 AM
Yes, there was something about the way the red light looked through the drops, and the blue-haze of pluvial twilight that prompted me to whip out camera...was something about it I wanted to capture...I liked it. Thank you for lovely comment :)
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/20/2011 11:26:42 PM
Loving your abstract letter series, absolutely fascinating! What a way to really think and look through the viewfinder, to alter one's perception. Marvelous project, well done. Sincerely, autty-jade
Photo By: vehbi dileksiz
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/18/2011 3:26:07 AM
What a doleful, melancholy shot...such emotions of vulnerability and frailty- what a metaphoric photograph, I see, myself, the light force dying away, that beautiful illumination gone reveals the delecate glass shell that had posessed it...the loss of the glow of the spirit, as it lies gently on its side, very pensive and sad, but truly beautiful shot...excellent vision with this, superb and wonderful capture.
Photo By: Ricardo Villafuerte
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/18/2011 3:20:41 AM
Exquisite, such energy and power in this brooding, yet peaceful scene of the rugged rocks jutting bluntly from the staggering swash of the sea. So barren yet alive. I love the softness of the sea and sky, and then the brunt brute detail of the forboding rock formations. Lovely shot!!
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/9/2011 3:54:04 AM
What a stunning capture! Brilliant metallic sea so surreal and vivid, powerful, then the dark and brooding vincible man with bicycle, the signs perfectly positioned. Wonderful feeling of man vs. sea...and how infinite and astounding is that brilliant sea. Glorious shot!
Photo By: Luciano Caturegli
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
10/9/2011 3:52:11 AM
Exquisite with the horizontal lines and the melancholy drops of rain. A calm, quiet tone, a time of thought and reflection, pondering through the lines into the uncertain grey and bleary world of pluvial imperfection. Marvelous.
Photo By: Richard Marks
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
9/8/2011 9:43:10 PM
Thank you very much. Those are actually fire-clouds in the backdrop, would have been a clear night.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
9/1/2011 1:51:16 AM
Too cute!! Love this! Muy bien, me gusto mucho.
Photo By: Carlos Gutierrez
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
9/1/2011 12:41:59 AM
Fantastic and fascinating image! Well-done!
Photo By: Barbara Corvino
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/31/2011 5:28:18 PM
Aye! Most intriguing! That would be a brilliant title. Thank you for the feedback. Most stupendous.
Photo By: Autumn Jade
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/30/2011 11:36:45 PM
One of my favorite places...marvelous shot! Very arid-looking perspective, gorgeous in black and white. Marvelous.
Photo By: Barbara Socor
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/30/2011 10:28:59 PM
Very marvelous capture!
Photo By: Robin Dunham
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:37:18 PM
Dashed lovely! Wonderful image. Love the city, sluiced with the dank drear of a refreshing rain. Colours are superb here, and lovely sharpness of the rain droplets. Well-done!
Photo By: Anindya Maity
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:33:29 PM
Gorgeous image. Very quiet, contemplative scene. Well-done! -autumn jade
Photo By: Mohamed Soliman
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:30:03 PM
Awesome image! Love the grainy effect. Well-done!
Photo By: Ile Gega
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:28:01 PM
Very interesting shot! Love the dreary mood, so stark and miserable. Has a strong melancholic, classic feeling, as though this image could be born of the thirties. Just love it!!
Photo By: Gabriella M.
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:25:42 PM
Absolutely superb! I adore this! Very well-done!
Photo By: Barbara Corvino
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:23:41 PM
Just love this! Excellent colours and lighting. Very serene scene. Marvelous, so redolent of herbal tea in the backyard on an ebbing summer day, the quiet, listening to the feint sounds of early crickets, the movements of small insects, smelling the breath of the grass...this image is so natural and earthy and lovely. Very well-done!! -autumn jade
Photo By: Dodol Garut
Critique By:
Autumn Jade (K:629)
8/24/2011 6:20:13 PM
Excellent! Love the texture. Colour is perfect. Wonderful shot! -autumn jade
Photo By: M jalili