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Critiques From Nick Russill

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Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
2/19/2007 6:30:06 PM

Hi Derek

Thanks for the comment. The shot does have some noise in it because it was shot from a Zodiac doing 25 knots into a headwind with a 400mm lens, so I had to use a high ISO to get anything sharp at all. I agree there looks like some JPEG compression artifacts on this. Take a look at for a better version
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
1/30/2007 3:53:22 PM

Hi Anglea - this is the only seal that is a serious predator and it is only the fact that it is a young female, probably just fed, that she didn't try to bite my head off.

Thanks for the comment! I was very lucky to be there - I was a photographic resource on the excellent ship National Geographic Endeavour
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
7/24/2006 2:07:39 PM

Rhosilli beach, viewed from a kite.

I thought initially that this shot lacked a focal point of interest, but as you look at it, it has a has a huge amount of inherent interest:

- thousands of footprints, from a busy sunday during a mad UK heatwave

- the washed away remains of a sandcastle

- beautiful gradation of changes in the sand colour due to the receding tide

- the sea itself in the top right, with a thin film of surging water in front

- a large rock that I accidentally kicked whilst my eyes were in the sky!

I'm thinking of selling this shot on a huge canvas board.
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
7/18/2006 3:01:22 PM

Thanks for the comments Ed. Kite Aerial Photography is an acquired skill that needs a lot of patience and willing (to risk your kit!).

The answers to your questions about how I do it can be found on this page: 0571/show/
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
7/17/2006 2:49:15 PM

Great shot Matt! I just bought a Russian fisheye for my Canon EOS outfit.

I've started using Flickr more now that Usefilm: where you can see my photos of Kite Aerial Photography!


        Photo By: Matt Palmer  (K:781)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/22/2006 9:35:08 AM


You may use this photo so long as you clearly acknowledge and link back to Nick Russill, and do not reproduce it in print.


        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/21/2006 3:32:27 PM


Please could you tell me where you would like to use this sample?


        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/1/2005 10:05:22 AM

si, capisco! Buono Garbriella..
        Photo By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/1/2005 10:04:05 AM

maybe not more sky but the overoexposed white in the centre detracts from the overall atmosphere of the shot. Maybe a lower viewpoint would work to make the birds more evident, I don't know. Also, in scenes like this I shoot a lot of exposures to allow choice of a dramatic sea.. Good though. 5/7
        Photo By: Paul Evans  (K:0)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/1/2005 10:01:49 AM

Well spotted Paul, a good capture that grabs the attention. The rooftops in the background are good as they add the sense of realisation of scale. What on earth was it?
        Photo By: Paul Evans  (K:0)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/29/2005 3:56:43 PM

Hi Latif

Sorry, no I didn't post camer info but thanks for the comments!

It was shot with a Canon EOS 1DMk2 using an aperture of F4 for 25 seconds on a tripod at ISO800.

        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/27/2005 10:27:44 AM

wonderful - reminds me of my (former) cat:

ciao, Nick
        Photo By: Rosario Esposito  (K:9796)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/26/2005 6:44:49 AM

... I agree - it is what makes us all different! From my perspective, I see the crop I made as a good candidate for a bottle of mineral water!
        Photo By: Helen Bach  (K:2331)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/26/2005 6:32:41 AM

All the elements of a dramatic action shot. I can see this one has potential for the front cover of a kiting magazine! Nick
        Photo By: Justyna Ortyl  (K:-159)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/26/2005 6:30:23 AM

A very dramatic shot Justyna - very atmospheric in black and white. It could have more impact if the bird was not in the dark stripe in the sand i.e. below in the lighter sand, or if your viewpoint were lower, it would have the sky as a backdrop.

I'm being fussy though, a brilliant shot and I give it a 7
        Photo By: Justyna Ortyl  (K:-159)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/25/2005 10:34:38 AM

Hi Matt, Congratulations on getting on the front page of so quickly! I love your Ogmore shot - a wonderful sky and great silhouette. Cheers Nick
        Photo By: Matt Palmer  (K:781)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/23/2005 9:06:59 AM

Nice shot. you got the shutter speed just right - not one of those boring milky water long exposures that photo mags are stuffed with!
        Photo By: Farsheed Parto  (K:357)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/23/2005 7:37:42 AM

I love the tones in the hills in the background, but the foreground detail is a little dull. A good shot - I suspect it looks great LARGE. Best, Nick
        Photo By: Roberta Elena Dragan  (K:345) Donor

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/21/2005 7:09:44 PM

Hi Anna, a lovely shot - I like the composition most, and the lighting is very suble. Who is the beautiful model? All the best, Nick
        Photo By: Anna Lankau  (K:843)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/21/2005 7:06:56 PM

Thanks for the feedback Lukasz. The smaller light is the entrance to Tasiilaq fjord and the other is a fishing boat. I cloned out the boat in a print of this photograph.
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/20/2005 10:23:41 AM

nice light - pity about the footprints in the snow encroaching on the LHS of the image. Get that cloning tool out!
        Photo By: Helen Bach  (K:2331)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/20/2005 10:21:08 AM

Good subtle landscape but I feel the foreground is a bit boring and detracts from the main plus points of the image. how about a panorama crop?
        Photo By: Helen Bach  (K:2331)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/20/2005 6:46:29 AM

Lovely warm colours
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/20/2005 6:45:58 AM

Almost perfect shot - great focus, interest and colours. Your talent is amazing.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/19/2005 4:00:04 PM

Nice one Ingrid - the photo compliments itself so I dont need to say much! I thought you could try dodging the bottom 1/4 of the image to make more of the fantastic sky textures, so I tried - see below.


        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/18/2005 9:53:24 AM

Hi and thanks for your comment. All my photographs use natural light - all I ever so in photoshop is adjust exposure and sharpen. My incentive in photography is to travel and discover exceptional scenes, compositions and colours and present them how they really are.
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/16/2005 5:03:04 PM

you have a real eye for colour Gabriella - your photos on usefilm are very bright and cheerful. I love this one!
        Photo By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/16/2005 4:39:59 PM

Wonderful tones and depth of field and an imaginiative crop. Well done! Nick
        Photo By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/15/2005 11:36:09 PM

Nice shot, but the overexposed window light is distracting. Maybe try burning it out, or cropping to restore the focus onto the sleepy subject - Nick
        Photo By: Kursat Oner  (K:1580)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/15/2005 11:35:00 PM

hi Tim, a remarkable shot for handheld! My recent aurora shots were 30 secs on tripod and I found it hard to keep them sharp! best, Nick
        Photo By: Tim  Schumm  (K:29196)

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