Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
12/12/2006 11:19:12 PM
This is exquisite!!!! Beautiful light and composition. Very like the Masters paintings. The skin tones and monochromatic color is very powerful. I wonder if you took many shots of this setup? What it would be like if one of the women was awake and watching the other. I like the diagonal line which draws the eye from left bottom to right top. BEAUTIFUL.
Photo By: Claude Tenot
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
12/12/2006 9:37:35 PM
This is the kind of photo I wish I could take. Very simple but powerful. You used the rule of thirds and the texture of the leaves on the stairs just enhances the people with the umbrellas. Bravo.
Photo By: taci yuksel
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
12/11/2006 2:53:01 PM
It is easy to comment...harder to shoot. The photo would have had more drama with the flag unfurled...sometimes photographers have to mess with the setting, I think.
Photo By: Paolo Bergamelli
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
12/11/2006 2:50:34 PM
Venice...a beautiful location to shoot. I love the colors and textures of the city and this is why...the lavender and windows. Interesting project, and have to admit not to my taste, but I would have preferred the view with a stationary person. The blur of the running child just distracts my eye from the crisp and emotionally charged wall behind him/her.
Photo By: Paolo Bergamelli
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
12/11/2006 2:43:39 PM
Great idea...good photographer always has camera first lunch later. I think the light blows out some of the detail and is so strong that it distracts from the excellent texture of the onion. Maybe soften the light (with new onion of course...lol) and this would be an excellent study. (I like it..just could be better)
Photo By: Leonie Fitzpatrick
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
7/31/2005 12:35:13 PM
Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments! I appreciate bp so much for the inspiration and the feedback.
Photo By: Katherine Hagen
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/6/2005 3:56:11 PM
I was drawn immediately to the colors. It may be my computer but the photo looks out of focus and there seems to be alot of noise which detracts. Is a great view tho and if it could be done again in focus would be a great grabber.
Photo By: Yigal Shalhevet
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 6:00:48 PM
I like it much better. Now if I was going to make another suggestion it would be to remember the "rule of thirds" and crop the photo so that the boats are in the top third; the water in the middle third and the vegetation in the last third. Now there is too much sky and it looks as if you have cloned it from the bottom and too many dotted clouds in top...distracting. (I am a hard taskmaster...huh?) Katherine
Photo By: Saqib Zulfiqar
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 11:46:28 AM
Nothing wrong with digital...many of us only use that medium. Beautiful image and I especially love the way a diamond shaped branch frames the "rising" or "setting" sun. Nice crisp focus and dof. Sunrise/set photos sometimes can be ho-hum, but this image is a grabber because of the driftwood and the textures on the beach. Great job.
Photo By: Thomas Gorman
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 11:27:18 AM
This is an amazingly beautiful shot. Bravo. The light on her face and the sepia tone somehow mirror the age lines. Lovely. Nicely off center to give her a space to "look" into.
Photo By: ol an
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 11:16:36 AM
Great idea. I love the "coming and going" aspect. If indeed you are trying to show people moving from place to place, the environment is important, but not as important as the people. There is too much mountain (which you already thought) and I would go back if it is near and wait for a day when you can find the people closer and clearer and eliminate some of the hill. It is an appealing image so worth working on.
Photo By: Fitim Shala
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 11:09:16 AM
Beautiful image and words. When I went back to it the second time I realized that I would prefer the photo w/o the building in the background. That the simple poetry of your words should mirror the simple image of the water and the boats. The rest seems (to me) a distraction. Nice job.
Photo By: Saqib Zulfiqar
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 1:12:56 AM
Stunning.....for color, focus and the use of flowers which are just a titch past their prime. The mood created by the light and the fading flowers is enormous. Excellent vision.
Photo By: Yuri Bonder
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
6/1/2005 1:05:56 AM
I am struck by this face. It seems a "tortured" face...broken and scarred by life maybe? Thus the title, trustworthy, seems incongruent. I would love to have had you explain your vision here. Maybe you could do that now. Thanks
Photo By: lavendu ...
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/29/2005 12:56:49 PM
So decided to see what else you take photos of. This one is wonderful! Love the mirror of the bridge in the water. Nicely balanced and good color and crispness.
Photo By: Neil Niamh White
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/29/2005 12:53:57 PM
Duh....see, you say tomaato and I say tomAto! I never thought of that, thank. I belong to a group which has competitions and I have to adhere to many "protocols" so I guess I wasn't thinking outside the box. For the western world, I guess it works....maybe that is why it is the photographic society of america and not "the world". lol
Photo By: Neil Niamh White
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/29/2005 12:48:36 PM
Lovely scene. Great use of the curved line from left to right as well as soft textured things (bamboo) juxtaposed against the hard surfact (rock). I might (notice might) have pulled back from the scene just a tad so that the eye had someplace to end. The trees fall out of the photo and I would like to see them all w/o destroying the curve of the stream wall.
Photo By: MCHK 2000
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/29/2005 12:45:19 PM
Nice shot, however, the camera focused short and so what it becomes is a shot of the stamens and less about the lily. You composed it so nicely but it would have been better if the lily was in focus too and not so soft.
Photo By: Peter Daniel
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/29/2005 12:40:32 PM
Love the shot. One thing I have learned from PSA is that photos should move the way we read...left to right. When I have a photo like this (best catch) I mirror it in photoshop so it looks from left to right so our eye follows the dog's out into the future. This way we see the "future" before we see the dog.
Photo By: Neil Niamh White
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
5/18/2005 11:27:40 AM
Love the emotional appeal of this photo. Technically well done as well. Appreciate the contrast between hard and soft surfaces. Balance on the page and crisp clarity of the photo. Nicely done.
Photo By: Edin Dzeko
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
2/16/2005 2:36:26 PM
This is beautiful. I love the use of black and white to highlight the light on the mountain. Great job. I always think it is nice if the artist puts the location on the information so we know where this was taken (smaller than Italy) which may be your location and not the mountains.
Photo By: Ubaldo Squarcia
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/24/2004 10:22:48 AM
Grim, but well captured. Not everything in life is beautiful and this is great photojournalism. Contained in a wall and contained again in a photo. Nicely projects a feeling.
Photo By: Zakari Gilbert
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/24/2004 10:19:16 AM
I am always in awe of people who do beautiful macros. My camera will just not reach that deeply. The color here is what grabs and holds one's attention while they admire how the stamen and pestle's are highlighted to the approaching bees. Beautifully captured.
Photo By: Richard Bebnowski
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/24/2004 10:15:53 AM
John, you are right he has great character. I am wondering what the strange noise is on the photo? I don't think it is my screen....could you have added some photoshop to clean up other things? If so it is too distracting...if not, perhaps an imperfection on the slide? I think the image could be cleaned up a bit.
Photo By: John Beavin
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/24/2004 10:11:00 AM
Birthe, these are exquisite. Beautifully put together as they could appear too busy together but you have done a fine job editing them and making them work as a whole. Lovely.
Photo By: Birthe Gawinski
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/24/2004 10:02:35 AM
Stephano....this is a beautiful image. Of course you had a beautiful model....lol. I like the movement suggested by the tilt of the head, the whispy hair and the fact that you have made this a sepia image. Bravo.
Photo By: Stefano Monari
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/14/2004 10:25:20 AM
You have an amazing vision! To see asphalt as interesting and then to make it interesting to others is a gift. This is so well done..who woulda thought? I have been enjoying your very creative portfolio....gives us all something to think about. GREAT CREATIVITY.
Photo By: kita mcintosh
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/14/2004 10:14:49 AM
Ahmed...beautiful. Remember that even tho someone else has seen it or done it before...we learn from doing it ourselves...and in the meantime, maybe bring a new slant to it (as you have done with the red) or we come up with a new idea from the attempt. Great job...I wish I could do this and maybe someday I will try it.
Photo By: Ahmed J
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/13/2004 4:10:16 AM
Love it. Very painterly...when we get to have such a rigid view of what makes a photo we lose the creativity. PS AWAY...we learn and see new things that way. Great job.
Critique By:
Katherine Hagen (K:2359)
4/13/2004 4:01:48 AM
Kevin...very dramatic and interesting. Nicely shot. It seems that cars, especially classic cars, are of great interest now. There have been many car photos. The colors here are great I would have liked a bit more of the car on the bottom of the frame to ground it.
Photo By: Kevin Dean