Critique By:
Jinggoy Montenejo (K:7736)
9/6/2008 3:45:26 PM
Hope everything's well on your side of the State :-) Yeah, macros are hit or miss, best to shoot f11, but sometimes you want an OOF background. Nice colors - save the bee! save the planet!
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Geoff Ball (K:3375)
6/23/2007 10:14:23 PM
Lighting and macros...
I've just started playing around with them myself. I don't know much.
There is the flash fill but that can be very directional too.
I've seen these wonderful macro lights that attach to the end of your lense. I have just started to look into them myself but there is that option. Also a light diffuser e.g. one of those white umbrella things...
too many options :)
Anyways take care and goodluck -Geoff
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Dale T (K:77)
6/23/2007 6:16:45 PM
Thank you guys.
I better watch my DOF when doing macro. I also tend to forget focosing for the eyes.
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Dale T (K:77)
6/23/2007 6:14:24 PM
Geoff, good catch on the shadows. yeah this was taken at midday and I only noticed the shadows after posting :). Maybe I should try using a fill flash next time so the light & shadows will be more balanced.
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Dale T (K:77)
6/23/2007 6:11:51 PM
Thank you guys.
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Geoff Ball (K:3375)
6/21/2007 3:46:57 PM
Great composition, love the way you framed the image, very powerful with the diagonal lines. I think how the petal then counter acts the strong diagonal and draws your attention to the center is very well done.
The background still carries the strong diagonal but since it's out of the DOF it allows for more attention to be focused on the flower.
The harsh sunnylight wouldn't have been my choice because it doesn't allow for the colours to really pop out. A diffuser or a more cloudy day might allow for better colours.
Still it's a very striking image, nicely done.
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Iman Fouad (K:12295)
6/20/2007 12:23:33 AM
Great colour..details..dof..wonderful shot Dale.. Regards Iman
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Iman Fouad (K:12295)
6/20/2007 12:22:23 AM
This is fantastic with its great details .. texture ..colours and composition..well seen and presented.. Regards Iman
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Iman Fouad (K:12295)
6/20/2007 12:20:07 AM
Fantastic macro and great catch taken Dale.. enjoy with great photos and friends at usefilm..welcome:-)
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Geoff Ball (K:3375)
6/14/2007 3:09:58 AM
Great colours and composition. Very cool subject, bad pun (just kiddening :). There is a kind of soft focus around the bee, I would have loved to have seen it's head.
Lovely detail on the wings and legs, Well done.
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Dale T (K:77)
6/14/2007 1:44:28 AM
Thank You Guys! What motivated me more is that I was approached by another photographer and told me directly that my 100mm Macro lens won't work for that kind of shot. I just told him "ok, I am just experimenting anyways". So now I know the capabilities of that particular lens. :)
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Scott Carr (K:707)
6/12/2007 5:39:49 AM
Great capture Dale. You've done well with the dof here, the hummingbird is nice and sharp
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Matt Pals (K:1722)
6/12/2007 4:04:36 AM
This was an impressive shot even while I figured you had a zoom lens... Quite the capture with your macro. Well done!
Photo By: Dale T
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
6/12/2007 2:28:12 AM
Gran captura, la luz es muy buena y bienvenido a UseFilm. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Dale T