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Critiques from Brandon
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Critiques To 

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Critique By: Brandon Rowe  (K:194)  
3/11/2004 4:58:00 PM

great lighting and colors. well done.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Brandon Rowe  (K:194)  
3/11/2004 4:57:00 PM

great abstract, brandon. very nice.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Dan Arthur  (K:4280)  
1/29/2004 7:23:14 PM

Nice work.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: rich jones  (K:426)  
7/24/2003 9:20:46 AM

i like everything about this image, the action the props, but it is missing one key ingredient, you need a visible ball to complete the story. I realizing timing is everything. I my just uploaded shot, i had the same problem, so i took a multi burst, the photo before and after the one i used are in the wrong position, i got lucky. If you digitally import a ball, I don't think anyone will complain, my opinion.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Shai Ritblatt  (K:3755)  
7/23/2003 5:55:41 PM

great catch !!
nice shot.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: larry terry  (K:1965)  
7/20/2003 11:52:13 AM

i really really likke this, i like the pole right at the thirds and the bright sky and everything this is very very good. well done specially with a disposable yeah
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: matt gray  (K:2)  
7/18/2003 4:58:14 PM

its at the oklahomacity bombing memorial.and everyone now refer to Brandon as B Squared. PEACE
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: michelle k.  (K:16270)  
7/18/2003 2:29:05 PM

lol.... great street shot. i wonder if god also demanded he vandalize HAHAHAHHAHAHA. ahhh. great great great shot sir. in my favorites.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: elizabeth thompson  (K:258)  
7/18/2003 2:24:52 PM

this is an interesting shot.....i would kind of like to know what the writing is about. makes you wonder.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Juan Casero  (K:359)  
7/7/2003 7:22:15 PM

Baseball is my favorite team sport. While I am not an accomplished athlete I am capable on the field. I have been meaning to get some pictures like this one but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I like the action in the picture but I don't like the way the light and shadows conspire against the image. It would be better to get a picture of him during midday and from a different angle where you can get some of the facial expression in the image.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)  
7/7/2003 4:10:12 PM

Very well composed, with good colors and details. I like the way the action was frozen. Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Richard Moore  (K:486)  
6/17/2003 5:17:07 AM

Howdy Brandon,

Not a bad shot, just wish there wasn?t so much empty space above the subject and that the feet did not get cut off. Also more of a composition question then critique, would it have been more or less effective to leave more room leading the subject (to the left)
I enjoyed your portfolio.
Thanks for sharing

Rich M
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Chris Lauritzen  (K:14949)  
6/13/2003 8:08:29 AM


This shot captures the feeling of the game perfectly! Perfect comp and exposure.

Nice Job!
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Chris Lauritzen  (K:14949)  
6/13/2003 8:06:25 AM


Nice capture here, I think there is a bit to much head room but the rest is great.

Nice job!
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Érico Salutti  (K:884)  
5/28/2003 4:41:53 PM

Bom, se a bnola estivesse presente esta foto seria mais especial!
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Henrik Gerdemann  (K:448)  
5/25/2003 1:08:26 PM

I don't know much about baseball, but thats an nice shot
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Frank Goroszko  (K:809)  
5/23/2003 9:43:30 PM

Good timing but I would go with a vertical shot for a pitcher.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Luis Costa - Lucaz  (K:9205)  
5/23/2003 7:45:28 PM

Very nice work, regards!
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Daniel L Quigley-Skillin  (K:1383)  
5/21/2003 10:11:17 AM

You portray the message well. Keep your horizon flat. The image is pulling blue, a little warming might be nice.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
5/21/2003 9:45:54 AM

Brandon, the photo has good lighting and you have also captured the determined expression on Josh's face. However, I see several weak points in this photo.

First, there's the very noticable yellow rail running through his head and neck. Even if the background is properly blurred, as it is here, the yellow stands out too much. You would need to find a different angle to take this shot from.

Second, you have chopped off a part of his glove and also a part of his foot. I understand that it's difficult to get everything in an image perfect when you are doing an action shot. Still, it is quite important to get all parts fully into the picture, as it is exactly these kinds of details that can completely ruin a shot.

Third, the image could be sharper, especially his face looks a bit blurred.

Fourth, you've got a very centralised composition here. More room on the right would help.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Elin M  (K:842)  
5/20/2003 8:28:41 AM

It feels like the fence is to bright here, a frame around maybe would have given the photo a better look? also som harder contrast would have been awesome.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Fabio Cerati  (K:2068)  
5/19/2003 4:18:30 PM

Good composition.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Erhan Astam  (K:333)  
5/19/2003 3:19:02 PM

very well. X always means something missing for me. But here, it seems like everything is in place. congrats.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Rena Tsiflidou  (K:2606)  
5/18/2003 7:08:47 PM

Although this is a nice action shot expressing energy and effort it's a bit tilted (you can easily correct that in PS)and the yellow bar behind the player is too visible(!) thus distracting...I would also prefer his foot not cropped. Rgds, Rena
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)  
5/17/2003 9:41:40 PM

Yes I am in Dallas, Richardson actually. The one of the lake is Lake Grady Spruce (out west). Thank you very much for the comments. Its nice to meet someone else from the Dallas area. I will be looking forward to your posts and comments!

        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor  
5/17/2003 9:29:20 PM

Brandon, are you another Dallasite? I like this view. It has been ages since I was up on Reunion tower. Looks like you were there on an uncharacteristically clear day.

I noticed you had some shots from Addison and one of the lakes (White Rock?) too. I look forward to your posts.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor  
5/15/2003 3:42:32 PM

This is a sports moment that almost anyone can recognize. Good capture! It seems that you anticipated the moment and planned ahead to capture it. Although it wouldn't be as realistic, you might clone out the yellow bar on the back fence, or at least desaturate it a bit to reduce the visual distraction it provides. Too bad the ball wasn't captured in the image, but if it had been visible you might have had to change the title to 'Out!'

You did a nice job with this one!
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Studio East  (K:3349) Donor  
5/14/2003 7:54:56 PM is a bit borring photo..if the boy is tired and you trying to show it, you should take a picture closer... but it is my private and subjective opinion..regards, Sin Vida Padre, the humble photographer
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Onur Aydin  (K:9815)  
4/27/2003 11:31:19 PM

The cam has moved down a little (probably when you were pushing the button). On such situations to erase those small changes, try exposures longer than 15sec. You still have your composition which doesn't move.

Hopefully, it will help

Regards; Onur Aydin.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

Critique By: Arturo Nahum  (K:959)  
4/16/2003 9:07:15 PM

lacks details. too much saturation and incomplete flowers are not a nice from the composition side.
        Photo By: Brandon Brown  (K:25)

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