Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
9/2/2007 6:15:06 PM
This picture is absolutely breathtaking. I particularly like the depth you've given it with the silhouette of whatever that is in the foreground, and then all of the dazzling lights in the background. The darkened shapes at the bottom provide an excellent frame. The smoke/fog (whichever it is) provides great continuity and adds to the magical aspect of the image as a whole. The colors are so beautiful. Good work.
Photo By: Bertrand Zammit
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/28/2007 4:57:37 AM
Okay, I give up. What is it? I've been sitting here staring at it, trying to figure it out. My friends and I are usually really good at identifying things (there's a "zooma" category in Cranium) Anyways, none of us can figure it out. Our best guess is a bike rack of some kind, but I'm not sure. It's a really cool picture though, I like the texture and coloring. Oh! Is it taken on the subway? This could be a game, trying to identify this image. It's really cool though, I like it.
Photo By: Craig Nisnewitz
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/28/2007 4:46:39 AM
Wow. This shot is amazing! Complete eye candy. I love the title, it definitely fits the picture. There is so much going on here, the bright light, then lower down the snowboarder and the spray of snow. You caught the shot at just the perfect moment.
Photo By: Sébastien Anex
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/28/2007 4:42:52 AM
Wow. I love the positioning of the sun in the confines of the swing, and the rays coming out from the sun are surreal. I like the focus of the picture, and how the rest is darkened in the shadows. The eye is drawn immediately to the sun, then the swing, then down to the reflection on the water. I also like the sun spots. Overall, an awesome shot.
Photo By: Alfredo Piñeyro
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/28/2007 4:40:07 AM
So from the thumbnail I definitely thought this was a shot of crop circles. I love how it tricks the eye at first. Interesting shot, great work. The sepia tones are perfect.
Photo By: Ramy Hammad
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/14/2007 12:32:27 AM
How absolutely precious! I really like the lighting in this shot, and the expression on her face is very intriguing, it makes me wonder what was going through her mind when you took the shot. I like the softening, it seems to make it glow a little. My own humble opinion would be to watch the amount of softening around the face though, as it can make it seem a little blurry. But for this image, I think it works. Great work!
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/14/2007 12:26:20 AM
The coloring here is great, the sky is simply glowing. I love the shadows over the land parts, with the trees forming jagged edges. This place looks so peaceful and serene. Excellent shot!
Photo By: Magnus Löfström
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/14/2007 12:24:32 AM
I'm drawn to the windows in this picture. You can see the reflection of the sky intermingled with the interior lights. It's really interesting. It would be interesting to know more about why it is titled as it is. I think it would make a good story.
Photo By: Magnus Löfström
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/14/2007 12:16:37 AM
Wow, I can't get over how crystal clear this image it! The definition and contrast is great. There are so many things to look at, I'm trying to take it all in. The clarity of each individual drop, the veins running through the petals, the tiny flecks of pollen--such a breathtaking capture. Great work!
Photo By: Martin .
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/13/2007 4:43:02 AM
This is amazing! At first from the thumbnail I thought that it was some kind of shower head just as it started falling. I love the reflection of the flower in each of the droplets. If that was with a cruddy tripod, I can't wait to see shots with the new one, because this is fantastic. Great idea, great execution.
Photo By: AJ Miller
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/12/2007 7:19:55 AM
Thanks Magnus. You are welcome to the idea anytime you like. It was completely accidental on my part, it just kinda of happened. I was really pleased with the results.
Photo By: Jaina Solo
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
4/12/2007 7:18:45 AM
Thank you Martin, I really appreciate the comments and the welcome. :)
Photo By: Jaina Solo
Critique By:
Jaina Solo (K:237)
3/29/2007 9:44:23 PM
This image has great contrast. I love the brilliance of the sun, the exposure length really makes it glow, just like you are there. Great reflection capture on the water, and you could not have asked for a better cloud line. The way the lighting in the picture sort of lightens into the sun is great. Awesome capture!
Photo By: Francois Nel