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Critique By: Sebastiaan Neerhout  (K:299)  
10/18/2002 8:06:46 AM

Nicely done, the DOF is indeed really good here. I like the way she looks, kinda challenging eyes. I have one suggestion though, could you crop the left side of the image till it reaches the girls hair, or her left shoulder. would love to see it.

        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Mark Taylor  (K:344)  
10/17/2002 2:17:54 PM

I like this. It would seem natural to have a head on the jumper, but in this case (as in so many excellent jounalistic images) The obviously missing elements places attention on the, traditionally, unobserved, in this case the watchers. A+ shot, thanks!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Aiman Nassar  (K:11961)  
10/17/2002 8:57:10 AM


It is so dramatic... I almost hear the music... Good shot... great mood

        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
10/15/2002 7:00:00 PM

        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By:  (K:3974)  
10/15/2002 7:59:18 AM

        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By:  (K:3974)  
10/15/2002 7:57:18 AM

I'm interested in their lyrics..
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Jennifer Sablan  (K:79)  
10/14/2002 12:27:04 PM

I'm hesitant to add constructive criticism comments to most of the photos on this site, simply because there are so many good photographers that know a lot more than I do. And in this case, I can't find anything wrong with it.

Just wanted to say: I love this shot. I like the semi-symmetrical jagged lines above the table, the particular color red of the shot, and the way the table reflects on the cue ball and ends just above the top of the cue stick, so that there is a pattern of horizontal stripes.

Just looking at all these great pictures is inspiring!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Reynaldo Guimaraes  (K:2422)  
10/14/2002 11:43:12 AM

Interesting this photo.
Has anybody got hurt there?
By the thumbnail I thought someone was being burned...
Nice photo.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Reynaldo Guimaraes  (K:2422)  
10/14/2002 11:32:43 AM

Glad to see you, Mark.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)  
10/14/2002 10:53:43 AM

A definite party shot here. I think this would be much better with the color. I won't ask questions about this shot nor about the name they chose for their band. Neat capture here!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)  
10/11/2002 3:50:10 PM

I have to pull these off my website and there was a time when I had to make a choise about size and this is the size of all my photos. As far as the isolated light sorce, when shooting at night in the city that is what you are looking for. First the light sorce then the subject. This is a friend of mine that just stopped for a moment when I was taking a picture. I was finished and she was lost in thought. It's a stolen image of sorts but we where taking pictures together so anything goes really. I saw her then "click" and the moment was gone, off to the next one.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Becky V  (K:9699)  
10/11/2002 10:48:19 AM

Personally, I like the composition of the photo. It's the hot glare off the blade of the knife that detracts, in my humble opinion.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Becky V  (K:9699)  
10/11/2002 10:44:14 AM

I wish this photo were a bit bigger so I could drink it all in. Your subject is beautifully lit - how did you manage to find such an isolated and focused light? Your project choice is interesting and puts a different spin on this scene, makes it sadder. Great work!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: jeff lynch  (K:4770)  
10/11/2002 10:15:53 AM

A great capture of expression here. I might have gone for a soft vs. grainy look here and cropped some of the bottom some to enhance the wonderful expression here.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Kim Culbert  (K:37070)  
10/10/2002 9:18:12 PM

Unless you are planning to add some text to this image, I find the negative space overwhelming and unbalancing to the image. And I'm not sure if it's the scan or not, but the knife doesn't seem to have sharp focus throughout. Would be interested in seeing more of the images from this series, but this one doesn't do it for me.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: John Doe  (K:170)  
10/7/2002 2:37:24 PM

I really like this image, but for some reason the lips seem too much. Did you alter the lipstick in photoshop? Perhaps select the lips in photoshop and reduce the saturation. Great use of color.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Vincent K. Tylor  (K:7863)  
10/6/2002 11:22:00 PM

This is a neat shot. I like everything about this except the colors in her eyes. I personally think that any other color would add contrast to this already very red image and also add to it's believability. Still a great job.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: ali fish  (K:316)  
10/6/2002 9:33:31 PM

I like this the model looks really good

It's the background that i find creepy
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Chris Whaley  (K:3847)  
10/6/2002 5:55:44 PM

yeah..this is pretty creepy...although i am sure she is a goodlooking lady will definately give nightmares to the rest of us.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
10/6/2002 5:22:09 PM

incredible~ we should all be so lucky (as to be able to depict x as x from x) you get the idea. wow.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Asha Rajan  (K:292)  
10/6/2002 4:02:49 PM

Remarkable image. It just keeps drawing me back. What a fabulous way to capture your nightmare -- very vivid! The only part of the image that doesn't gel (and it's only a minute thing) is the material on the left side of the model's face. It looks like it's blending into her skin & hair. You may have been going for this look (if so, sorry!!). It's weird to say but it looks.... "unnatural" (given this is a depiction of your nightmare, I'm not sure it's *meant* to look natural, but you know what I mean). Otherwise a really striking image! Nice work!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Autumn Ruhe  (K:993)  
10/6/2002 3:45:53 PM

i usually do not like pictures that have been created in photoshop, but... this one works. very creepy.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: John Myers  (K:4308)  
10/6/2002 2:46:40 PM

geeez...freaky. awesome photo, though i can't look at it for very long, heh.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
10/5/2002 3:32:11 PM

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hahhahaha. great work
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
9/28/2002 2:11:15 PM

Beautiful. Only wish you had posted it a little bigger.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: heather martino  (K:3648)  
9/27/2002 8:14:40 PM

you have 3 great photos in your 'folio. This one you can print & sell!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Leo Madrid  (K:2)  
9/27/2002 10:14:36 AM

Impressionistic drinking. I like.
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Sylvain Pearson  (K:259)  
9/27/2002 8:12:54 AM

Very good idea. Love it!
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: John Myers  (K:4308)  
9/26/2002 1:25:16 PM

ken, i'm not mark, heh, but i think it came from the 1/20 speed shutter he used
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

Critique By: Ken Alexander  (K:3905)  
9/26/2002 1:08:17 PM

Very nice! Does the paint-stroke effect come from Photoshop?
        Photo By: Mark Warmus  (K:17)

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