Critique By:
Richard Ivan (K:512)
1/3/2003 6:27:43 PM
look at the look on that guys face.cool shot.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Richard Ivan (K:512)
1/3/2003 6:27:30 PM
look at the look on that guys face.cool shot.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Buck Parsley (K:40)
12/28/2002 3:48:26 AM
I like the setting myself...the "game" is the focus...outside or in a restaraunt my detract from the main idea. The girl on the right could have used a little touch -up, though....she's a tad bit on the pale side, and the shirt is a bit loud as opposed to the other two pepole wearing black....unless that's what you were going for.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Katty Houston (K:42)
12/26/2002 10:09:56 AM
I like the photo but I think it would look even better in a different setting, like a restraunt or a park.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
12/26/2002 5:03:01 AM
great pic very remenicent of an arnold newman image from a few years back, some shadow detail or movement from the player would add even more interest.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Jay Dixon (K:563)
12/20/2002 4:36:03 PM
Excellent subject location and lighting. Nice work. J.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Daniel Saaiman (K:1222)
11/30/2002 10:30:12 AM
Where have I seen this shot?
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Daniel Saaiman (K:1222)
11/30/2002 10:28:14 AM
Nice pic!!!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Daniel Saaiman (K:1222)
11/29/2002 5:11:33 PM
Great shot!! It's one of my favourite shots on usefilm!!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Theunis Stofberg (K:203)
11/25/2002 11:42:17 AM
good, sharp and nice timing. would have really liked the photo to be the top half of the body including the racket and the boys facial expression. From your comment i can gather that you didnt have huge lenses as you just started the job just like most of the other unfortunate souls who put their photos on this site. Excellent photo then. wish i could get anice one like this! Wish i could get to sell my photos!!! wish wish wish!!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Russell Love (K:7006)
11/24/2002 4:27:59 PM
I too like this shot however I wonder why It is in the projcet of Dramatic B&W Shadows? On the shot itself I like the framing with the ball in mid air, I would have worked also with the girl at the top of her serve as she is striking the ball. Good job! Later my friend,
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Russell Love (K:7006)
11/24/2002 7:20:24 AM
For a non-action shot this is great! Shows the adrenaline let-down after the intial attack on the fire. Good job! Later my friend,
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
J (K:2647)
11/24/2002 5:34:15 AM
The lighting and sharpness are good. There are even little catchlights in her eyes. It's an "ok" portrait. Not really special, since she is so closely framed, it might have been a nice thing to have her smile... that would suggest more interaction between the model and the photographer and of course the viewer. Not sure... just an idea.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Daniel Saaiman (K:1222)
11/23/2002 3:44:46 AM
simple but stylist! suggestion: tilting the camera a bit down to reveal the street & pavement
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Susan Vasquez (K:341)
11/17/2002 5:55:40 PM
A great shot, lots of fun! I love her expression. Nice work!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Elangovan S (K:10675)
11/12/2002 10:03:27 PM
Nice action shot... I m just wondering, is Nikon F4 a toy camera? I dont know much about this camera!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net (K:3974)
11/11/2002 6:04:56 AM
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Donald Holman (K:884)
11/10/2002 12:32:57 PM
This is a really great shot ... very fun and well done. I really like this. Everytime I look at her face, she just makes me smile. Some guys produce amazing stuff time after time (rotten so-and-so's). Me, I'm completely happy if I get one really good shot out of all the frames I shoot on a given night. I guess for me, the experience of taking the photo (at this point) outweighs the bad shots. I just love shooting things.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Filipe (K:18)
11/9/2002 5:57:20 AM
Very nice, in this photo your hand reminds me the hand of a embryo!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Barry Tipping (K:959)
11/9/2002 5:13:03 AM
Pretty girl...pose is nice and casual, but the background is a little distracting. Did you do any closeups of her?
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Barbara A. Novak (K:306)
11/4/2002 10:03:05 AM
I like the contrasts in the photo but I am bothered by so much blank space on the right. I suppose it is to balance the heavy darks on the left? I like the diagonal of his back leading to his face. I would appreciate help in understanding the composition.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Kame Kame (K:92)
10/30/2002 12:22:17 PM
I like the composition and colors in this photo a lot.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Jane Nuse (K:70)
10/22/2002 1:31:09 AM
You captured the moment. Nice pic! I'm glad the firefighter on the ground is ok. Jane
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
E A (K:727)
10/20/2002 12:09:05 AM
Nice... I agree a bit with Sebastian's comment; drawing the crop in a little to her hair/shoulder would give the shot a sligtly edgier, more "modern" feel for lack of a better term. Cool picture.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Mark Taylor (K:344)
10/19/2002 10:52:35 PM
And I thaught London road signs were bad. Well seen and captured.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Jeff Cable (K:3599)
10/19/2002 10:49:25 PM
Agreed! Huh? is a great title and relfects my reaction on seeing this picture. Well seen Mark. I am glad that I don't have to park my car there. That little notice at the top of the second sign from the left... it looks like it is warning against radiation thus adding to the confusion of potential car park users. 8> Good DOF. Nice work!
Cheers! Jeff
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Ken Alexander (K:3905)
10/18/2002 10:51:25 PM
Great! It's a whole story (1,000 words?) in one picture.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Sebastiaan Neerhout (K:299)
10/18/2002 8:06:46 AM
Nicely done, the DOF is indeed really good here. I like the way she looks, kinda challenging eyes. I have one suggestion though, could you crop the left side of the image till it reaches the girls hair, or her left shoulder. would love to see it.
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Mark Taylor (K:344)
10/17/2002 2:17:54 PM
I like this. It would seem natural to have a head on the jumper, but in this case (as in so many excellent jounalistic images) The obviously missing elements places attention on the, traditionally, unobserved, in this case the watchers. A+ shot, thanks!
Photo By: Mark Warmus
Critique By:
Aiman Nassar (K:11961)
10/17/2002 8:57:10 AM
It is so dramatic... I almost hear the music... Good shot... great mood
Photo By: Mark Warmus