Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
10/22/2007 2:49:24 AM
thank you
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
10/22/2007 2:45:32 AM
Muy buena, natural y oportuna. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Stan Ciszek (K:56854)
10/10/2007 5:34:14 AM
Lovely capture Elizabeth,I like such atmosphere, Thanks for sharing, Stan
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Stan Ciszek (K:56854)
10/9/2007 5:59:08 AM
Very nice capture Elizabeth. Stan
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Vandy Neculae (K:7990)
10/8/2007 9:38:09 AM
Magnificent image, great colors!
Best regards, Vandi
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
10/8/2007 2:27:02 AM
thank you
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
10/8/2007 2:24:38 AM
Interesante captura, muy buen enfoque y DOF. Bravo!
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
10/2/2007 10:46:52 PM
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
10/2/2007 10:46:47 PM
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
10/2/2007 10:46:42 PM
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
A. W. Osnafotos (K:6373)
9/29/2007 8:25:24 PM
. . . . . ...
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Jon O'Brien (K:11321)
8/31/2007 5:57:59 AM
I'm not sure what to say. I wondered if moving the camera up a bit would change the composition of it. Anyway - it's a great idea... and my critique may not be the be-all and end-all either. :-]
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
8/31/2007 5:50:59 AM
maybe if i took out the red apple
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
8/31/2007 5:49:20 AM
hmm im not sure. your right
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Jon O'Brien (K:11321)
8/31/2007 5:46:00 AM
Ain't that the truth? But I think that it loses something in the composition. It isn't really apparent at first what is going on, so that one loses the contrast between the ripe, juicy perfect fruit and the poor deformed one. I'm not sure what to suggest, but I think that a different arrangement would have made the point more strongly.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Ozjan Yeshar (K:15239)
8/25/2007 5:59:42 AM
It is a great shot indeed. Try iy again at night near a candle light. It shall provide you with another great tone as well. Cheers, Ozjan
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Jane Zeltser (K:1266)
8/25/2007 3:57:20 AM
I absolutely love the concept. The light and dark ratio is excellent.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
8/25/2007 1:36:59 AM
Muy hermosa y poética. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
8/12/2007 7:49:47 PM
Thank you for the comments.I love the Beatles. I got the xt i love it but ive been working so much lately that I havent used it in awhile
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Steve Rosenbach (K:8338)
8/6/2007 10:26:28 PM
I forgot to mention that I also like your title. It's one of my favorite songs (Three Dog Night version,) although, unlike you, I was around when the song was first release ;-)
Are you a Beatles fan too? I noticed you titled another of your photos "Rain"
You will love the Rebel XT when you get it - I've had an original Canon Digital Rebel since late 2003. I love it, and the XT is an even better camera.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Steve Rosenbach (K:8338)
8/6/2007 10:23:03 PM
Hi Elizabeth!
I really like the way you composed your image here... the overlapping, repeating pattern of the lilly pads and the flow of the image from upper left to lower right is very satisfying.
Also, I like the aspect you bring out here of the little bit of contrasting color in a larger body of all green. You also repeated this idea of "a little bit of one thing in a lot of something else" by the sharp, sawtooth shape of the lilly flower compared to the smooth, rounded shapes of the lilly pads.
I think you've made a very sophisticated image - great job!
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Olga Vareli (K:22477)
7/22/2007 7:46:11 AM
very nice contrast!
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Nicole Marcisz (K:10268)
6/10/2007 9:08:25 PM
Hi elizabeth,
I like your creativity with titles. I'm so bad at that. Good luck in your travels, Do you know where you might go yet? There are many great photojournalists on Usefilm to inspire you.
cheers, nicole
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Rob Graziano (K:6678)
5/29/2007 3:58:15 AM
Now that's something you don't see everyday. :)
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Jan Hoffman (K:39467)
5/28/2007 10:36:15 PM
I like it. Interesting and colorful piece of glass. I like this; well done. --Jan
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Doyle D. Chastain (K:101119)
5/28/2007 9:14:11 PM
Nicely done Elizabeth!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
metoni . (K:24727)
5/25/2007 9:35:08 AM
nice composition.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
5/25/2007 3:56:16 AM
Thank you. It was hard to get the shot when the wind was blowing, sure wasnt easy.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
J.J. Guy Longtin (K:6546)
5/25/2007 3:55:08 AM
Oh this is sooo tempting just to knock the first one over! Well done my friend. Guy
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen
Critique By:
Elizabeth Allen (K:403)
5/23/2007 5:47:05 PM
Thank you. Their was a bunch of buildings like this in that area it was pretty creppy at first.
Photo By: Elizabeth Allen