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Critique By: Satya Narayan  (K:4342) Donor  
12/29/2008 6:10:27 AM

HI Eliza
Super shot!
Where were you while clicking this?
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Aungsita  Chatterjee  (K:19843)  
11/7/2008 3:09:08 PM

        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Jacqueline  Baker  (K:1257)  
11/7/2008 6:55:23 AM

A beautiful subject and a beautiful photo. I feel as though he is looking right at me. Great capture. regards, Jacqueline
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Abdul Halim Ab Rahman  (K:75)  
10/14/2008 11:48:02 AM

Nice Photo.To improve, try to get full reflection and make little bit blue sky on top right.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Len Webster  (K:25714)  
9/1/2008 11:18:03 AM

Nice sunset, Elizabeth. Well done.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Brent Mills  (K:758) Donor  
7/13/2008 6:16:02 PM

This photo really projects a desire to jump into the lake. The water splashed on the dock really pulls it together. It makes me sad that I'm not back in the States where the water is cleaner. Nice job Elizabeth!
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
7/11/2008 6:08:55 AM

I live 15 minutes from North Pole its a cute little town
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Jim Loy  (K:31373) Donor  
7/7/2008 8:59:59 AM

Hmmm.... I know a fella from North Pole, Alaska.... and I have 2 children who are military vets... well done.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor  
6/30/2008 8:48:39 PM

very beautiful.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
6/25/2008 1:42:48 PM

        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
6/25/2008 1:42:16 PM

Edit the photo (at the bottom) and it is a choice under Projects.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
6/25/2008 6:20:56 AM

I figured it out
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
6/25/2008 5:38:22 AM

Thank you
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
6/25/2008 5:35:56 AM

How do i enter that?
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
6/25/2008 3:41:41 AM

Nice shot, Elizabeth; you should enter this in the Work category.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor  
6/25/2008 1:06:54 AM


This is a really nice shot, but if you crop off a little of the right side (which will make it a vertical shot) could make this image a lot more powerful.

Best Wishes,
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor  
6/24/2008 2:27:40 AM


Nice shot...I like the fact that you did this one in B& have a very diverse are in a great place to shoot a lot of awesome scenic shot...take advantage of it and good luck in school.

Best Wishes,
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: ramyar rezai  (K:1609)  
6/20/2008 4:14:47 PM

a bello momento bravissimo amico.grrazzia.excellent shot.dear elizabeth
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Nilüfer Çınar  (K:68)  
6/20/2008 7:48:15 AM

        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
6/16/2008 6:17:56 AM

Thank you
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Mirek Towski  (K:14880)  
6/16/2008 6:08:28 AM

Hello Elizabeth! This is a great journalism, the difference between innocence of a child in the foreground and a military helicopter in the background is amazing. You caught a great moment. This is the best photo I've seen today. Congratulations!
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
6/16/2008 4:16:25 AM

Thank you so much. It helped alot. I was getting frustrated.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
6/14/2008 6:43:02 PM

Hey, Elizabeth.
The #1 reason for grain (which is actually sensor noise)is that your ISO rating was very high. Now, in dark situations, that may be your only way to get the shot. In daylight, never.

With this much light, you can easily shoot at ISO 100 or 200, which has no noise. ISO 800 and higher introduces a noticeable amount of noise into your shot, but the good news is that there is an easy fix. While Photoshop and any pro image editing software does a pretty good job of reducing noise, there are programs that are written ONLY for noise reduction and they do a fantastic job of it. I would say the top two are Noise Ninja and Neat Image. I use Neat Image, and they have a free version. I was so impressed that I upgraded to the paid version, Neat Image +.

Here is a quick pass of your shot through Neat Image. Note the fuzzy bricks at top and bottom, which is one of the dangers of any of these programs: going too far can make your image noise-free, but muddy.

In summary: When shooting in the day, make sure you have dialed down to ISO 200, and this won't even be an issue. ;)

I hope this helped, Elizabeth!
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: marcelo alberto  (K:86)  
6/11/2008 10:29:46 PM

Excellent shot... congratulations.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Ali Alkhudhair  (K:285)  
6/10/2008 7:20:25 PM

Just need some focus
but actully , nice view
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor  
6/5/2008 10:58:21 PM

        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
6/3/2008 2:21:28 PM

Nice action shot, Elizabeth.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)  
5/30/2008 8:38:52 AM

thank you very much
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
5/30/2008 1:37:57 AM

Dear Elizabeth!
Wonderful POV choosen. B/W tones are very well adjusted. Bravo. She looks so beautiful. I can hear he is purring. She is like a velvet pillow
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

Critique By: Malules Fernandez  (K:54810) Donor  
5/30/2008 12:21:49 AM

Nice work anda nice cat.

        Photo By: Elizabeth Allen  (K:403)

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