Critique By:
5/8/2008 11:34:19 PM
great watch great idea great photo
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
5/8/2008 2:36:36 PM
Buenos detalles. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Stan Hill (K:35352)
5/8/2008 1:36:44 PM
Nice capture, very good focus and color. Be well, Stan
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Oscar E. Flores H. (K:7850)
4/23/2008 5:22:27 AM
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Anna Frosio (K:2434)
4/20/2008 7:20:41 PM
Ciao Michalis, great image! Superb perspective and scene captured. Excellent light and colors Anna
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
4/20/2008 10:26:21 AM
Dear Michalis! Thanks for the infos about CPL. I understand very well. And I will buy one very quickly. Thanks friend. And best weekend wishes
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Tobiasz Siotor (K:1383)
4/19/2008 10:43:04 PM
Great mood, impressive shot Michalis!!! Very well done 7/7!!! Just excellent Best Regards Tob
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Tobiasz Siotor (K:1383)
4/19/2008 10:40:46 PM
That is a really beautiful landscape, especially red field. Nice composition and view. Best Regards. Tob
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
4/18/2008 6:42:10 PM
There is no question that the mood in this photo is beautiful, Michalis, but I like that you didn't mind my suggestion and even found it "impressive". Thanks for being so gracious.
Cheers, Leora
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Michalis P.S. (K:10136)
4/17/2008 1:41:00 PM
Dear Ali,
The main use of a polarizing filter (PF) is that it removes reflection from surfaces. For example, if you take a shot behind a window much probably some reflections will appear on the glass of the window and as a consequence on your shot. If you use a polarizing filter, this reflection will be removed and you will have the same result as in the case without a glass between your camera and the object of your photo. I have found this type of filter very usefull in taking shots including water surfaces (lakes, sea). When you take a shot at the sea (without filter) usually the sky is reflected (mirrored) on the water and as a consequence sea and sky have the same colour. Using PF this reflection is removed so sea has a better distinct colour and if the waters are clean and not very deep the bottom is visible. I have uploaded many shots using PF: http://www.usefilm.com/image/1186225.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1185200.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1184077.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1177839.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1176959.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1158823.html In all these shots, colours have not been edited at all in photoshop. The result can attributed solely on PF. Of course you can read about PF and experiment with it, so you will find many different ideas about how to use it in order to get better results. I am just giving you some ideas.
You can see all these differences in real time when you have a circular PF on your camera, by rotating. In this way you will be able to take the shot you want. A PF can be attached on any lens. They come in different sizes depending on the diameter of the lens. You can go to a photography shop and they will give you the PF for your lens.
I hope that the above will be of some usefulness to you and not very borring.
Regards, Michalis
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Michalis P.S. (K:10136)
4/17/2008 1:21:20 PM
Dear Leora, Thanks for spending time to improve one of my photos. Result appears to be impressive, especially on the rock.
Best, Michalis
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Nick Karagiaouroglou (K:127263)
4/17/2008 10:01:33 AM
You are very welcome, Michali!
All my sincere greetings to the land of mathematics! (Missing it more than a lot!)
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
4/17/2008 8:47:11 AM
Dear Michalis ! Many thanks for tour kind information. In one of your photos you are talking about an circular polarisation filter for enhancing blue tones. Can you explain me what is this. And is it possible to use it with NikonD70. Best Regards. Salutations.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
4/15/2008 8:23:09 PM
Dear Michalis!many thanks for your explanation about this paradise. Best Regards
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
4/15/2008 8:08:21 PM
Dear Michaelis, I know we don't agree on some effects, but I hope you do not mind a bit of the "surreal" touch on this fantastic mountain top photo.
It is amazing the way it is, but I wanted to see more of the color of the rocks and tile and the sky a bit more dramatic.
It was interesting for me and maybe you will like it....
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Michalis P.S. (K:10136)
4/15/2008 7:59:50 PM
Dear Nick, Thank you for your extensive comments. Best, Michalis
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Michalis P.S. (K:10136)
4/15/2008 7:59:20 PM
Thanks for your comments. This coast is at the north-west corner of Peloponnese a few km's from Patras. Regards, Michalis
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
4/15/2008 7:29:23 PM
(`'•.¸(` '•. ¸ * ¸.•'´)¸.•'´) «´¨`.¸.*Great work *. ¸.´¨`» (¸. •'´(¸.•'´ * `'•.¸)`'•.¸ )
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
4/15/2008 7:23:12 PM
i must have missed this before. Absolutely beautiful.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
4/15/2008 7:22:17 PM
This is a stunning portrait of artifacts with available light. In my favorites, Michalis
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
4/15/2008 7:20:39 PM
I was actually here with a friend on my visit to Greece. Thanks for a beautiful reminder. I only had a box camera with me at that time quite a while ago.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
4/14/2008 11:34:54 PM
Dear Michalis! Wonderful sunset at beach that I never seen before. May be I will never at the end of my life. Very well work. Place, Angle, Tones and alliances of the colors so great. Good work. My question is; this the aegean or ionian sea ??. Many thanks for your share.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
4/14/2008 7:35:04 PM
A M A Z I N G !~
.. @@ ..
N!!!Ce .. "
Keep it Up .,
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Nick Karagiaouroglou (K:127263)
4/14/2008 4:27:05 PM
I find the correspondence of the sky and its reflection quite well balanced, Michalis! Neither the sky looks washed out, nor the reflection on the surface of the water got the signs of underexposure. An extremely well balanced lighting on an extremely well balanced composition, that breaks the symmetry by not depicting the reflection of the tree in the water (the usual way)! It goes further and creates another kind of symmetry - an "almost symmetry"! Which I think reproduces very well the general feel of some natural scene.
Your coloring is another plus here! The blues are dominating but not in that "totalitarian" way. The finest details of the tree branches, as greyish silhouettes against the sky are both striking and mathing that "almost symmetry".
A very good, very alive depiction of a natural scene, without any kind of those hollywoodian exaggerations that lead to nothing! Here the spectator is led into the very silent and real attitude of things.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Michele Carlsen (K:146013)
4/14/2008 8:15:36 AM
Beautiful landscape and floral... I like this vertical image- with much depth and detail - a spring day :)) Cheers, Michele~
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Alida Yolanda (K:11523)
4/13/2008 6:12:38 PM
Ottimo landscape.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Davide Perini (K:662)
4/13/2008 4:13:22 PM
Great light and colors Michalis! A peaceful, well done shot, Davide
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
4/13/2008 4:02:49 PM
Your Photos totally are winner shots ...
Have a nice day.
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
4/12/2008 8:27:50 PM
•°•°...» very well composed »...•°•°
Photo By: Michalis P.S.
Critique By:
Omar Amroussy (K:4502)
4/5/2008 12:41:33 PM
i always love these shots...one vanishing point,well done
Photo By: Michalis P.S.