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Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
4/5/2008 2:57:24 PM

Thank you very much George. Your comments are very kind and much appreciated. The Leica is fabulous to use wuth colour film and some of the results that I have been getting are very interesting to say the least. The saturation of the colours is fantastic and the detail in the shots is superb. The lenses that I mainly use are the Voigtlanders, which give seriously good return for the money. I can't recommend this type of photography to you enough. Get the camera and enjoy!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by,


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
4/4/2008 10:44:17 PM

lovely shot and great angle!!! i like the perspective very much. Great shot Olga-- good work.


        Photo By: Olga Giraldo  (K:2926)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/10/2008 9:01:54 PM

Thank you very much for taking time to stop by and for the kind comments Olga.

        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/10/2008 9:00:13 PM

thank you very much gustavo.

Much appreciated,

        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/10/2008 8:58:34 PM

Superb photograph, with fantastic detail in the shadow.
Excellent work sir!
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/8/2008 9:18:33 PM

For your first b&w, its excellent. Good composure anf framing. Nice work.
        Photo By: Olga Giraldo  (K:2926)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/8/2008 9:16:26 PM

Thank yuo Ahmad. Your comments are very much appreciated.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/8/2008 9:14:55 PM

Yhank you very much Olga. Thank you for taking the time to drop by!


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
2/3/2008 8:57:31 PM

Thank you very much indeed Shirley, Praise indeed from such an accomplished photographer.

Kind regards,

        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/18/2008 11:01:51 PM

Thanks Nick. Yeah you are right more contrast would have been nice. Maybe an FP4 would serve the purpose. Constructive comments as usual Nick. Thanks sir.

        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/18/2008 10:59:50 PM

Thank you very much Jose. Kind words indeed.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/13/2008 9:31:15 AM

Lovely shot Dan with great perspective. No Comments!!! What you got to do to get a mention here. This is as good as i hjave seen for a while.


        Photo By: Dan  TDFoto  (K:8618) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/13/2008 9:24:30 AM

I cannot beleive you have had no comments on this Gavino. It's excellent and has an air of covertness about it, almost film noir. The majority of usefilm is now digital and more time is spent giving praise to people who do not take pictures but make them on the computer. This deserves better press than it's getting.


        Photo By: Gavino Tavera  (K:424)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/13/2008 9:20:47 AM

Excellent simple image. Hard exposure to take but you have pulled it off well.
        Photo By: Gavino Tavera  (K:424)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/13/2008 9:19:20 AM

Nice take opn a well used subject. Your title is clever. Even had a go at it myself. Good shot none the less, bit more bokeh would have been more pleasing though.


        Photo By: Dan  TDFoto  (K:8618) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/13/2008 9:16:12 AM

Not anywhere enough comments for this great shot. The atmosphere created by your exposure is fabulous. Great work.
        Photo By: Ahmad Hasan  (K:4164)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/11/2008 10:15:47 PM

Great shot especially the guy walking to the right if the frame.Nice to see film still getting an outing and producing the goods such as this.


        Photo By: Anindya Maity  (K:7880)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/11/2008 10:12:18 PM

Lovely candid. Great camera and lens combo too! Nice xposure too and well framed.The tv catches the eye a bit and some cropping to remove would benefit the shot. Nonetheless good work.


        Photo By: Andreas Droussiotis  (K:4757) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
1/11/2008 10:07:20 PM

Cracking shot Nick and great colours. Handheld or tripod? Nice slow exposure to capture the motion of the traffic. Good work.

        Photo By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  (K:127263) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:42:10 AM

Lovely image Michael. Hope there is more where this came from!!! It is very picture postcard. A lot of promiuse here sir.


        Photo By: Michael Olsen  (K:258)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:39:35 AM


Great constructive criticism. The rope does drop off the frame and tends to take your eye with it! I never noticed it at the time of framing for the photograph. Also I was pretty busy trying to avoid getting my shadow in the picture and framing my 50mm lens. I don't do post processing so the rope blue or otherwise stays as is. Thank you for your time and effort to make such helpful comments. Much appreciated.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:35:28 AM


Thank for making time to comment so kindly upon my image.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:34:18 AM

Thank you Luis,

Praise indeed, thank you very much.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:31:51 AM

Thank you Kurt,
Your comments are appreciated.


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:30:32 AM

Thanks again Mindaugas, your comments are appreciated. I think if I had taken the shot maybe a little later in the day, it would have lengthened the shadows more and hence given more depth? I can't do sharpening or post processing, so what you see is what you get.

Thanks for stopping.
        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/29/2007 11:26:13 AM

Hi Mindaugas, Thank you for dropping by and spending time to make a comment. Much appreciated :-). Yes the jupiter 3 is a nice lens and performs really well. I think it's pot luck if you get a good one or not but hey ho I was lucky. Thanks again.
        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
12/15/2007 10:12:57 PM

Great grain and well thought title. HP5 gives great results for tis type of composition. Good choice and great execution of the framing.
        Photo By: giovanni guido marchi  (K:27040)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
9/20/2007 9:17:53 PM

A good capture with candid image. A fast lens or a steady hand? Some text with the image would help. Nonetheless stil good.
        Photo By: Andreas Droussiotis  (K:4757) Donor

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
9/20/2007 9:14:37 PM

Great shot sheryl, I have been there too and my wife more than me!!! Catches a moment that you show to your daughter when she is older and complaining about your tantrums. What comes around goes around. Good Job.
        Photo By: Sheryl Phillips  (K:2728)

Critique By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor  
9/9/2007 9:16:40 PM

Once a gain Marcelo, thank you


        Photo By: Campbell Cameron  (K:1682) Donor

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