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Critiques from Paolo
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Critiques From Paolo Motta


Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/18/2006 10:43:57 PM

Hi Matt, thanks.
the image is the orginal one, also the colours. i've only incrased the saturation (around 3%), and added the frame.
nothing more.
Maldives are on the Equator, and there isn't pollution on the air for many thousands of miles all around, so, the light and the light reflectoin in the water are fantastic.

thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:59:28 AM

Hi Dave, a beautiful and romantic image. well composed with an amazing b/w and beautiful reflection on the lamps.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:57:25 AM

Hi Parvin, that one is really amazing. a great urban view, with a fantastic b/w, perfect light and composition.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: parvin dabas  (K:2652)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:56:34 AM

Hi Parvin, beautiful shot, with a strong light and amazing sunset colours.
the shadows of the man and the boat are really well captured.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: parvin dabas  (K:2652)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:55:21 AM

Hi Mariusz, impressive shot! i've never saw so many bycicles!
good point of view and a beautiful b/w.
        Photo By: Mariusz Sprawnik  (K:114)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:53:50 AM

Hi Tabitha, good shot, with a mysterious mood in that forest took in the night.
good colours and light.
a littl ebit out of focus.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Tabitha Woods  (K:8650)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:51:41 AM

Ciao Giulio, bella foto, con un soggetto semplice ma molto ben pensata e realizzata.
ottimo contrasto e splendida lunga prospettiva sul cofano.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Giulio Rotelli  (K:28441)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:39:37 AM

Ciao Massimo, bella foto. un misto di sepia e bianco e nero e l'immagine sembra vecchia di decenni.
ottimo punto di scatto e vista sullo stretto e sul pilone sulla sponda Calabrese.
bella foto.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Massimo Laganą  (K:157)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:37:35 AM

Hi Josč, excellent shot.
the pink sky have a wodnerful contrast with the palm trees.
excellent image.
i tok a similar one in Malaysia some years ago.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:35:59 AM

Ciao Orazio, molte di queste tue foto le ho gią viste su TE, ma qui ce ne sono una infinitą!
complimenti perchč sono mediamente molto belle.
questa ha dei colori fantastici.
grazie e ciao.
        Photo By: Orazio Minnella  (K:49417)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:35:13 AM

Hi Amna, good shot, with a wonderful sunset and strong beautiful colours.
good point of viw too.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Amna Al Shamsi  (K:21795)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:28:30 AM

Ciao Marco, bella Macro, con la goccia a fuoco e un retro pieno di colore e luce.
l'effetto del fisheye nella goccia č molto ben riuscito.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Marco Arzilli  (K:931)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:18:51 AM

Hi Again, Cessy, also that one is fantastic!
a wonderful windy portrait, with an amazing b/w!
great shot.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: cessy karina  (K:14205)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 7:16:44 AM

Hi Cessy...i've just signed here...and i'm finding some TE member!
excellent shot, the long perspectiv is really amazing, as the beautiful b/w.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: cessy karina  (K:14205)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:55:40 AM

Excellent shot Richard.
the strong vertical perspective composed a fantastic image, with a great contrast of colours.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Richard Marks  (K:3809)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:53:54 AM

Bella foto Piero.
quell'albero misterioso, quasi da film dell'orrore č molto ben ripreso. ottima luce e colore.
forse avrei tagliato la parte inferiore,
lasciando solo l'albero e il cielo.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Piero Somma  (K:13399)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:52:13 AM

Ciao Cesare, bella foto, con colori molto belli e una luce molto delicata.
ottima prospettiva e punto di scatto.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Cesare Baggiani  (K:1509)

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:36:40 AM

Bella foto Paolo, un bel bianco e nero, con uno splendido ed efficacio uso delle lunghe ombre.
ottimo cotnrasto.
grazie, ciao
        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:33:46 AM

Excellent point of view Kike. a good use of the black and white and a perfect cotnrast and light control.
good shot.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Paolo Motta  (K:150)  
1/12/2006 6:29:53 AM

Hi Nancy, good shot, took from a good point of view. it's a little bit out of focus, but the composition is very amazing.
good colours and light.
thanks, ciao
        Photo By: Nancy B Brannaman  (K:445)


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