Photographer: Leigh Woolford (Karma=45)
Pontypridd, Wales
About: My name is Leigh Woolford and I am from Pontypridd in South Wales, UK. For a living I incorporate companies for people setting up in business. Photography is my only real hobby! I have always been interested in photography and when I was a kid there were always cameras around the house. My father was a member of a Camera Club in the 1960?s and when I was 11 he gave me my first instamatic camera to take on a school trip to Bristol Zoo. However, I didn't properly begin to explore my interest in photography until I was about 20 when Dad let me have one of his beautiful Retina Reflex III 35mm bodies and some lenses.
In 1991 I joined Gwynfa Camera Club and my interest in photography gathered momentum. The challenge of producing images for others to comment upon certainly made me think more about my photography. I had no darkroom so I could only submit slides or trade-processed prints to club competitions but I felt that my photography was gradually beginning to improve. However, at this time I was just starting my own business and this commitment meant that I was forced to leave the club for a short while in order to concentrate on making a living. Inexplicably that "short while" became six years and I only returned in 1999 after much cajoling from my partner Diane. During my first month back I was particularly impressed by a monochrome print and when I was told it had been digitally produced I was amazed and early in 2000 I plugged a negative scanner and a photo printer into my computer and I was off and running or "off and crawling" if truth be told as I struggled to get to grips with gaussian blurs, unsharp masks and gamma curves!
Nonetheless, producing prints digitally captured my imagination and despite the steep learning curve my interest in photography was revitalised. Never having been able to accommodate a darkroom and suddenly having the means to produce prints entirely to my own taste (and not that of trade processors) was liberating indeed. A year on I am enjoying my photography mor
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